I'm Not Saying Goodbye. Not Yet. - Comments

  • Chelsea Chelsea

    Chelsea Chelsea (100)

    United States
    Hailey, I'm here for you if anything happens. i don't want to think that way but i cant help but worry about this. I've been hoping and wishing all day for him to be better. i don't want you to go through the same grief I've been through. We're already to similar, lets not greaten that.

    i respect the fact that you don't want to talk about it. i wont force you. i'm here if you need a break from things, something to take your mind off of it.

    i'll keep hoping, i'll even pray for him if i have to. i just want you to know i'm thinking of you and your family. i really hope he gets better. Love you. Hug
    June 6th, 2013 at 07:42pm
  • bona drag.

    bona drag. (935)

    While my dad doesn't have diabetes, he has heart problems and almost died back in January. It was his second time collapsing like that and having to be hospitalised. First time was over a decade ago. He was in a coma with the central line, the breathing tube, the whole deal. That first night, every time someone came out to talk to me in the waiting room, I was panicking they'd tell me he died. I'm not offering sympathy, just saying I get it. I was the one trying to take care of the whole situation and I told only one person on here at the time because I didn't want anyone in real life bombarding me (although everyone in my family eventually drove me so mad with constantly blowing up my phone with calls and text messages that I went to Denmark for three days to get away from them.)

    It's a stressful situation to deal with a parent being hospitalised. Keeping your cool and being optimistic is sadly all you can do really, mainly for the people around you. If you just want to talk about things with someone who understands how terrifying and surreal the whole thing can be, my inbox is always open. If not, I hope it all works out for your dad. Mine recovered and he's been healthy ever since so I wish the same for your father.
    June 6th, 2013 at 11:07am
  • chelseycate

    chelseycate (150)

    United States
    I'm so sorry about your dad. I can't imagine going through that. I have no idea what your religious views are, but I will pray for your dad's recovery. I hope all gets better.
    June 6th, 2013 at 08:33am