Everybody, Everybody, Wants to love - Comments

    August 15th, 2013 at 04:15am
  • @ SupaSupera
    Im the same way, Its a problem I have. You could always add a bit of lemon, or some other cut up then frozen fruit??
    August 14th, 2013 at 09:39pm
  • @ shay;;;
    Thanks so much! I definitely have switched to just drinking water. But you know it doesn't taste the best so I tend to not drink it until I'm dying of thirst.

    @ writingismypassion23
    Thank you I've never blogged before, but I think I've found I really enjoy it.
    And ugh, running is so not me! I'm heavy so running makes me feel uncomfortable so i'm sticking to walking for now. And yes chocolate is absolutely amazing! It's just that overdoing it is where I think I've gone wrong! Seven minute work out sounds like something I might give a try!

    ^-^ Good day heroes.
    August 14th, 2013 at 09:21pm
  • Lots and lots of water! Staying hydrated is a top priority, Good luck dear!
    August 14th, 2013 at 07:44pm
  • Lol I love your blogs!!

    I'm a runner so randomly I'm like "let's start acting like one now!" I love running, but sometimes I don't live that lifestyle if you know what I mean.... I do love my chocolate. Sometimes I'll set like two chocolate chips on the counter. If I eat healthy the entire day, at the end of the night I get those two chocolate chips. It's close to nothing, but since you're not eating any crap your brain is like "omg look at all this chocolate".

    Also, I have the app called the 7 minute workout, and it's honestly the best thing I've ever gotten! It's kind of hard, but it's only 7 minutes which is amazing!!

    Hope this helped a little bit ^_^

    God Bless!


    August 14th, 2013 at 05:46pm