A World Without Film - Comments

  • jerek sandcaster.

    jerek sandcaster. (100)

    United States
    @ Quiescent. Actually, that's incredibly misleading information. It's been scientifically proven things like television and films kill brain cells while books make you more intelligent. Believe it or not-which apparently you do not-people lived for years without film and will again. Ever heard of the theater? Or radios? Radios were keeping us informed of what was going on in the world long before television existed. Or newspapers, but why make people read? Films and television are heavily responsible for portraying women negatively, for desensitizing people to violence, including sexual violence. Not to mention most parents would rather sit their child in front of a cartoon than send the child outside to play, which can contribute to younger kids becoming obese because they're not being active. Neanderthals? Are you aware we had kings, queens, dynasties, empires, wars, weapons, guns all before TV and film? People were literally living full, rich, and interesting lives without wasting two to eight hours a day
    April 23rd, 2014 at 02:36am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    Glad to help ^.^
    April 23rd, 2014 at 02:23am
  • Quiescent.

    Quiescent. (125)

    Honestly, without movies we'd probably have no idea as a society how we should evolve... The idea that we were supposed to be in flying cars came around in Back to the Future. Sure it sounds absolutely ludicrous right now seeing as there are no flying cars about but we sure did believe it. Imagination would be limited to what's around us, seeing as the more technology and film we overindulged ourselves in the more creative we were able to become, and therefore flying cars could have been a possibility back in the 80's for the future. Our imagination allowed us to think beyond what we're used to because we could create something even just remotely simplistic to be seen on film.

    We'd also have no way of knowing what was going on around us, is there poverty in America? Who knows? There's nothing to tell us what's happening around the world. Any natural disaster heading to mainland would have to be seen to be believed because there's no way you're going to get news beforehand of a giant tsunami/hurricane/cyclone...

    We'd more than likely be reduced to neanderthals, our long lost brothers and sister... If anything, I'd say we would be heading backwards simply because nothing would be absorbed into our brains and we wouldn't be growing. For one person to think about films and bringing them to life would not have challenged another to think about computers, radios, cds, dvds...

    Books are great and all, but humans have developed into creatures who believe what they can see--and that's films for you.
    April 23rd, 2014 at 01:39am
  • fault_in_our_stars

    fault_in_our_stars (100)

    United States
    @ ladyschrei
    yess thank you so much you helped a lot!!
    April 23rd, 2014 at 01:16am
  • ladyschrei

    ladyschrei (550)

    United States
    A world without film... uh... alright lemme try to think.

    1.) There wouldn't be fanfictions based on things like music videos/movies/TV
    2.) Some bands/artists may not be as popular since they were discovered on Youtube, like Cody Simpson and Justin Bieber.
    3.) I assume it'd be like the older days when all acting was done simply on stages, like Broadway and all that jazz.
    4.) There probably wouldn't be as many Broadway plays as there are, or they'd all be different. Since they turn Disney movies like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, etc., into plays, I assume those wouldn't exist if the film didn't happen first.
    5.) There would be no video/computer games based off movies like there are now.
    6.) Maybe this might not count but The Wizarding World in Orlando may look different/not exist. All that is modeled off of the movies, so that would all look different than what it is now.
    7.) A lack of movie soundtracks like there are now.
    8.) Clothing would be different, there wouldn't be graphic tees modeled off movies.
    9.) Toys. Some toys are modeled after movie characters, some of those might not exist either.
    10.) There would probably be a lack of cosplay since people can't dress up like movie characters and such.
    11.) There would be no need for DVD/VHS players/Blu-Ray players, and video game consoles wouldn't need to be able to play movies.
    12.) No Netflix/Blockbuster/Red Box.
    13.) I assume video cameras/the ability to record things wouldn't exist.
    14.) I assume gifs wouldn't exist either Think
    15.) Teaching in schools would be different, since teachers use films to teach or just play a movie when they're bored lol.
    16.) Actors would be ordinary people. Think of the Kardashians without all their success lol.
    17.) Magazines would be different, since a lot of them seem to feature actors/actresses.
    18.) No need for award shows that didn't involve music. Also award shows would probably be hard to do, since they do the big screens to help them out lol.

    I hope that all helps Mr. Green
    April 23rd, 2014 at 12:12am