What Do You Think, When Romance/Teen Books Go Horribly Wrong? - Comments

  • not here anymore

    not here anymore (150)

    United States
    I'm so lame, but I'm a happy ending type of girl. Give me the cliche and the cheesy, because at least I know it'll be happy! I don't mind non-main characters dying, but less central characters I can live past - like HP would not maintain its status as my favorite series if Ron, Hermione, or Harry had died, but i was able to move on from the characters who DID die.
    September 21st, 2014 at 06:43am
  • wish on a firefly

    wish on a firefly (885)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    Considering that a good majority of my favorite HP characters died in Books 5,6, and 7, I kinda respect J.K. Rowling for having the courage to kill off some of her key characters. I mean a lot of people loved Sirius, Snape, Lupin, and DUmbledore and she killed them off. Depending on whether the hero's or characters' deaths are pulled off correctly, a character death can be really good (in the sense that it was pulled off pretty well) but at the same time, I do find myself being angry at the death of my favorite characters because sometimes it seems like people are killed in stories for the sake of trying to pull in more readers or to just end the story right then and there.
    September 21st, 2014 at 06:11am