Use Your Words (Kindly)? - Comments

  • PoeticMess.

    PoeticMess. (150)

    United States
    Have you tried telling all this to someone you're close to? A best friend or close family member? I don't know much about your situation, but I'd say the best place to start is to make a change. That's how I get through all my issues - If I don't like something or if it's making me feel like shit, I figure out what I need to do to change it.

    It's a series of steps, really. For your health issues, if you aren't already, make a doctor's appointment and go to it. When you're there, tell them about your depression and anxiety and get a referral to a mental health clinic.

    As for feeling like a failure: if you want to be a meteorologist, find a college that offers the program and apply. It's a big major so most community colleges and universities should offer it. Pick one and apply. Then fill out your FAFSA.

    A big thing is, you need to get your license. It's hard to survive as an adult when you don't have access to transportation. If college isn't it for you, then get a job. I know it's hard to find work, but actively searching for jobs will even make you feel better.

    I know this is going to sound harsh and shitty, but your life is on you. That's something I realized pretty young. I'm the only one of out of four kids that had to do anything on my own. Nobody in my family knew how to go to college, so even when I really needed help, they couldn't help me.

    Ask someone to drive you to the doctor's, but you have to make the appointment, you have to go to the appointment, etc. They can help, but they can't do anything for you. I have a brother who doesn't do anything for himself and he's 29 years old living in my mom's basement with no car, no job, and no money. You have to take the initiative to start something. Whether it's counseling, college, or getting a job.
    July 14th, 2016 at 10:07pm