Rammstein!! - Comments

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    September 29th, 2023 at 07:24am
    i think all the songs are amazing but the funniest one in my opinion is Buch Dich which (as far as im aware) means Bend over!!!!! haha. but the vid for sonne is the best me thinks. but i think amerika is a lively one XD
    June 1st, 2008 at 09:41pm
  • Holly: All my friends have heard of them, but that's because me, Addison and Jess have an obssession with them as you can see from the fact we created a fan cub for them :) My favourite songs are Du Hast, Amerika, Ohne Dich and Moskau. Yeah, I have quite a few =D heizield.com (spelt something like that - google rammstein lyrics) has the translations of all of the songs and I think they're right.

    If you want to know something specific, ask me or Addison on the fan site and we'll try and find out the answer :)
    May 27th, 2008 at 08:14pm
  • agh! they censored me!
    April 16th, 2008 at 11:25pm
  • holy shit!
    i thought i was the only one who knew about them!!!!
    i feel like i'm not alone anymore!
    hmm, my favorite song is..... shit!
    i can't think of the title, but i think it's america or something like that, it's about america.....i don't know.... but my opinion is that they are a good band, even though they are german, some americans really really enjoy them. oh! another one of my favorites is Du Hast. i know like all of the lyrics to it! if this doesn't help you, i can ask what my brother thinks of them. he's pretty helpful in the music industry.
    April 16th, 2008 at 11:24pm
  • I love the song Du Hast,
    I think they have a video out with it. Youtube it, or I can find the link, it's an awesome song. Some people get stuck with the translation too. So ugggggggggggh, I don't know what is translated too, so we'll see. But look up that song, I can't remember any of the other songs they have.
    April 16th, 2008 at 11:19pm
  • My thoughts on them if this helps:

    I really like their songs, but I haven't really heard that many. I like du hast, and mein teil-my favorite video by them. They're music is kind of dancy although it's still hard rock. In america they pronounce it "ramsteen" but I use to do German and I'm sure its pronounced "rammstine." My friend said her friends thought they were a demonic band and their lyrics were all bad, but they aren't really, as most people know. We had to make music videos for film production class in school this year and some guys in one of the classes made a music video for rammstein, and thats in a small town in Florida, so they are kind of worldwide even though they sing in German.

    hope any of that helps.
    April 16th, 2008 at 09:30pm