We're all straight edge when we're thirteen.

I can't stand people who use the term 'Straight Edge'. It seriously pisses me off, because people I know who say they're "soooo totally straight edge hardcore" use that "lifestyle" to make themselves feel like they're better then other who drink, smoke, do drugs, or use a combination of the three.

And I'm seeing alot of younger kids start saying they're Straight Edge because they listen to bands like Bring Me The Horizon... or... erm. I'm not sure. What other Emo/Scene bands say they're straight edge? Or have a front-man who claims to be?

I'm all for promoting anti-drug abuse, but when being 'clean' makes you a higher-quality person then someone else, and you're boasting about it, that's just plain arrogant. Especially when you're twelve or thirteen, and haven't been in situations where you could say "no" to marijuana, alcohol or anything of that sort.

If you're older, of legal age, and you choose not to drink or smoke, good for you. You're making healthy decisions.

If you're saying you don't use substances like Alcohol or Marijuana just to make yourself look cool, seriously, fuck off.

I will admit, I use Marijuana occasionally. Calms me down, makes some situations a bit more bareable. But I'm not one to boast about it. You don't see on my Mibba Profile "4:20 4 LIF3 BITCHES" or any other stoner sayings.

I guess this is just another one of my "Kids buying into a scene" rants. Just because a band member you have a crush on doesn't use substances, doesn't mean you should mindlessly follow them, because you think it's 'cool'.

I probably sound like a bitch, but I used to be that way, and I decided that I should make decisions based upon what I know, and what I've done. If you choose not to drink, smoke, whatever, hopefully it's because you don't want to, not because an Idol says 'Dont'.

Let it be known... Those who put down the train, may just become it's most frequent passenger.
August 13th, 2009 at 01:26am