Tough Times and Overdose...


I'm sorry this one is kind of sad. So, I found out last night that one of my really good friends Mariah, was sent to a rehab place. For both drug, and depression. We didn't know why. But earlier this summer, right before school, she had gotten taken away from her mom, for god knows what reason, but she did. Then she was reunited with her. But she had been sent to the same rehab place, for cutting. They were soo horrible. I wanted to cry so bad, they were that bad.

As I said, yesterday I was informed that she was sent to rehab, but I didn't know why. Well, I found out that she was sent for over-dosing on something. I knew in my gut that she was moving on to some really hardcore stuff, but I didn't know to what extent she was doing it. So, I am absolutely just scared, and sad. I mean I've lost a really close friend I fear. I really hope that she is going to be okay. Her #1 best friend and her mom [Not Mariah's mom] were going to have an intervention with her this Friday. Everything is coming in to late for her. I really hope that she wakes up, and realizes that she needs help, and to stop doing this stuff. But, she is very stubborn, and needs to learn on her own, and from the past.

When you have someone going through depression, and mix that with drugs or alcohol, and you watch it all play out its absolutely horrible. You want to do something, but don't know how. I went through a similar thing with my mom just day's before my 15th birthday this summer. She got alcohol poisoning, and she had been self medicating for about a year and a half. They did not mix well. She had, had 2 xanax[sorry if I spely it wrong], 2 muscle relaxers in here system. Along with whatever pain killer she was on at the time.The result was not good. She screamed that she was sorry, that I deserve so much more. You see earlier that day and the day before we had gotten into a really horrible argument. She said that she had Huntington's Disease. That made me realize that she was in major trouble, and really wanted help. Even if she didn't admit it. I got her to admit to needing help. I was scared that she was going to hurt me or her. So, I convinced my dad to call the cops. He did and they took her to the hospital. I have a messed up appiete still, and this was back in July. It severally affect my life. I made her quit cold turkey, and darn proud of it. I do feel guilty, but also happy. I have my mom back. She gave me the best birthday gift EVER.

My mom and I are seeing a therapist for our problem in communicating, and other reasons. My life is gettig back on track as far as my family life is...with my mom. My dad and I are loosing it a bit again. I'm having panic attack. So, life is scary. It will continue to get scary, but the best thing to do, I know is to get a grip, and face the world with a 'I can do this' attitude. I know easier said than done. But I am trying. I wish the best for anyone who is going through the same thing, as my dear friend, or my family, and I . Life is a complicated thing. It's a rollercoaster with High's and Low's. But it too, is worth the adventure in the end.

God Bless Her. I love you Mariah. Get Well. And the same to anyone else who need it.


Ps. Anyone that has read this. Can I ask. Has anyone had to go through this sort of situation?
October 22nd, 2009 at 12:31am