Obsession Rivals? [A Rant about my greediness and my best friend.]

I honestly have NO idea what is wrong with me, like seriously.
One of my best friends is starting to become obsessed with all of the bands that I've been like, in love with, since the sixth grade. [We're in high school.]
It's pissing me off, and I'm not sure as to exactly why. I think it might be my greediness, though? I get waaaaaaaaaaay too attached to bands, and I always get mad when other people love them. That's sad, it honestly and truly is. I'm posting this in hopes of maybe getting some advice? I dunno, it's just gotten to the point where I literally wanna stop being some people's friends because they share my love for a band.
I hate being told by someone that they love a band as much as/more than I do. I honestly don't think that's possible. Eh.
I also can't help but hate it when someone becomes obsessed with a band after I mention them. I know it's good that they're getting publicity and more fans, and making money because people are buying their CD's and all, but I still don't like it. :\
I guess it's wrong of me to be so rude and greedy when it comes to bands, but I just am.
Is that wrong?
And now, my best. Fucking. Friend. is liking the same bands as I do, and obsessing over them too. It's just really, really, REALLY annoying. I know it's fucked up, but it's my outlook.

What's wrong with me? Any ideas?
May 1st, 2010 at 03:29am