Illogic from theists often looks like this

Apparently, there is a ridiculous Page going around that people are Liking on Facebook where they confuse what faith is. Even without using the word. It goes something like this:

Teacher: Can you see God?

Class: No.

Teacher: Can you touch God?

Class: No.

Teacher: Then there isn't a God!

Student: Sir, can you see your brain?

Teacher: No.

Student: Can you touch your brain?

Teacher: No.

Student: So are you saying you have no brain?

This is cute and funny when not taken seriously, but people are apparently taking it seriously and honestly think this is good logic. Allow me to explain why this straw man argument is illogical.

There is NO EVIDENCE whatsoever that there is a god. The fact that we are here and the planet is here, that there is vegetation and animal life, the fact that we can breathe, that the universe is here, etc. is not proof that there is a good. This is not even circumstantial proof. The fact that the Bible says so is even less proof. If you go by that, then obviously Harry Potter is completely real, because its in the book series titled after the character. See how ridiculous that sounds? Yet, theists love to use it as a reason.

But, the reason the whole brain nonsense isn't logical is because...We can see our brains and touch our brains! When we die, if we had an autopsy we could crack open the skull and see the brain, take it out and hold it or just reach in and touch it without removing it. This can also be done without having to die first; brain surgery. We can also see the brain without having to use invasive surgeries or waiting until we're dead; x-rays, MRIs, and other types of brain scans. So, yes, we can see our brains and we do know that they're there because of evidence both circumstantial and first-hand hard evidence.

That's why that whole silliness is non-logic and shouldn't be used as a way to actually debate whether god exists or not. In fact, the majority of things that they use this logic on (you can't see or touch this, either! logic) is ridiculous because...yes we can. Even air, which is something a lot of people like to use as a foolproof way of shooting down the "we can't see or touch god, so he's not real" thing. We know air exists not just because we have to breathe it, but because we can touch it (wind, anybody?), and we can see it (on a molecular level). We can see germs, too, on a molecular level. We don't just think their there, we know they are because we can see them. Where do you think we get those slides from that show us what germs look at under a microscope? Duh, people. Use your heads!

With that said, I understand why they desperately want to use these types of arguments. There is no other way to continue the debate if you're a theist without using this type of argument. But, its illogical and that's why.
July 16th, 2011 at 12:05am