College | Packing?

I'm moving to my college campus on Sunday, for the first time!

I'm actually so excited and kind of nervous. What if I don't make friends? I really just hope everything goes well and I don't end up making a fool of myself.

I actually bought a mini-fridge for my dorm room too, and this giant stick on calendar for my wall, it's a giant white-board applique thing. I love white boards.

Gaaaaah. I'm not even halfway done packing, though, either. I know I need to but I just really don't want to. I do, but I don't. I really don't know.

Are there ways that help you pack? What's the quickest way to pack for you?

Tips would be appreciated.


I feel like I'm going to go to my first couple of classes and it's going to be largely overwhelming. Are there any rules I need to know, what should I not do?

Freshman fun. Not.

I don't even know why I'm freaking out so much, my first day of classes is the fourth of September, so I have a week at the campus getting to know people and relaxing, but still.

My first class starts at 11:45-2:25, that's kind of freaking me out. That's a very long time to be sitting in a classroom.

And then I have another one at 3:25-6:05, which, again, is a very long time. That's the last class of my day. I mean, I suppose that really isn't that bad, usually I'll have two classes per day, except for Thursday and Friday, which I'm quite happy about.

August 23rd, 2012 at 05:12pm