The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (Spoilers)

Usually I wouldn't put a spoilers warning for such a thing seeing as how long the book has been out, but I figured I'd be nice seeing as how there are quite a few differences between the book and the movie.

Okay, so, where do I even begin. I don't feel like I have much to say now that I can actually put my thoughts down into words. It was just as great, if not better, than I'd expected it to be, that's for damn sure. I don't recall The Master ever dying in the book (I haven't read it in about a year now, but I'm pretty sure that both he and Alfrid were banished by the people after the killing of Smaug), but what they did with Alfrid's part makes me think that it was excusable enough (if my recollection is correct, at least).

The scene with the Ring Wraiths was probably one of my favorites. Like, there was so much detail in their outfits, and the fighting, and it was all just so cool (not to say that the rest wasn't because holy shit). I did think it was a little funny when Galadriel went all The Grudge on Sauron (was I the only one who thought of that?), but I digress.

I guess what I really want to talk about is from when Fili dies to the end.

I knew that it was going to happen. I knew damn well that it was going to happen. I still cried. It wasn't much, just a little teary-eyed. Nothing too major. When Kili died, honestly, I didn't even get the tiniest bit choked up. Maybe it was the initial shock of Fili dying that sort of softened the blow. The real kicker, what had me full on sobbing in the very back, center of the full theater, was Thorin's death.

I don't know, it was just... I think it was the way it was all executed. Like, there was physically no fucking way Azog would've survived drowning, especially in that water. He was under for at least a good minute, on top of the fact that the temperature difference would've been a shock to his system, like... I don't know, it just pissed me off. I get that it's not real and orcs are different than elves, dwarves, humans, etc, but it was just... I don't wanna say unrealistic for quite a few reasons, but I can't think of any other way to put it. For an honest second I thought that maybe they decided to keep Thorin alive just for the hell of it. Fuck, I expected them to keep Kili alive because of Tauriel.

That foot-stabbing was super fuckin' cringe-worthy, though, we're just gonna skip over that.

I mean, I thought it was bad ass when he basically allowed Azog to stab him just so that he could take him down with him (was that too confusing?), but it still just... ugh.

And then Thorin's speech made things worse... and then Bilbo started to cry, and that was where I lost it the hardest. That part, that twenty second part where Bilbo kinda just let everything out, had me bawling for a good five minutes after the movie ended. It was like as soon as I'd start to calm down, I'd think of it again and the process would just repeat itself all over. I couldn't even get out of the theater quick enough before The Last Goodbye started playing, and that made things so much worse.

One thing I did like that definitely hurt (shocker, I know) was the handkerchief that Bilbo picked up at the very end when he got back to Bag End. I don't know if anyone else immediately remembered it, but one of the first things Bilbo says when the journey begins is, "I forgot my handkerchief." It was just something that made me smile more than it probably should've.

Overall (even though I ate too much popcorn and started feeling sick within twenty minutes as well as had to pee super fuckin' bad by the time Fili died but was unwilling to move, was beyond tired due to the fact that I'm used to being in bed by literally six, and cried myself into oblivian), it was just an awesome experience, and I'd be more than happy to do it all over again. Hopefully, I will soon. Within the next few days. And then maybe I'll have more thoughts to put down.

I'm totally writing a Jalex (maybe a Merrigreuter, I'm unsure right now) based off of this experience, don't doubt that. I might even do that before I update any of my other things, woops.
December 17th, 2014 at 05:24am