Dear Diary: Day 13 | Self Promos

Shameless Self-Promotion: What are some projects you’re working on right now?

Coming to you late because I put off doing the blog all day.

I couldn't decide what prompt I wanted to do today so I figured I'd just self-promotion it up because why not. Also I'm avoiding the blogs where I might end up ranting because I just go on tangents and it's ridiculous.

Anyways, here we go with the promos of the billion I'm working on.

Chaptered Stories

I currently have a couple co-writes (OMG GUYS WRITING WITH FRIENDS IS COOL), but they're still in the planning stages so I don't have much to promo for them.

The Fallen, which is a Michael and Lucifer fic (that isn't religious I promise) that I'm still very much excited for, but I have horrible writer's block and can't write a proper 2nd chapter for it. I'm hoping to get it out eventually.

Fingertips is a story about an abusive relationship, but it's written backwards. So it basically starts at the end of the relationship and goes backwards. I really love this story and I've been working on it for a while now so I really want to finish it.

That Summer is a story that I have a love/hate relationship with. I've been trying to write it for years and it's been so hard because it's just a straight up summer romance and I want it to just be all out and cliche and I'm having a hard time. I have a chapter mostly written for it so hopefully it'll be updated soon.


All This Time is a one-shot that I'm working on for A Gif From Me to You and I'm so excited for it. I signed up for the contest because I'm a contest whore and didn't have much of an idea for it, and then randomly at work one day I got a great idea so I made a layout and I'm slowly but surely working on it.

I have an adorable Ravenbell story for Kandi's OTP Contest that I have completely outlined and I just need to finish writing. I'm so excited for it, I just adore writing Ravenbell fluff because my babies deserve to be happy and cute together. The prompt that I picked to base the story off of is: Imagine your OTP slow dancing in their empty apartment to Person B's gentle humming if that gives you more of an idea about the adorableness.

I was going to rewrite the first story I ever posted for the In Honor of Quizilla contest, but then I realized that a) technically it wasn't even that cliche and b) I got like 2 chapters in and had no idea for the rest of it. So now my plan involves either an a girl at an all boys boarding school or an arranged marriage between some super hot teenagers. We'll see what ends up happening.

Victoria's contest is just my favourite thing ever because I get to write an MCR songfic and I've actually never done that before, surprisingly enough. I picked Sleep by MCR as my song and I'm still in the planning stage for this, but I've half-written stories based off of this song before so I kind of have an idea of where I want it to go.

And I have 20 drabbles that need to be written for Music Is My Muse, which are all based off of songs by The Maine and I'm working on it. All of them are songfics, obviously, and I have like 4 half-written, I just have to actually finish them and post them. I adore The Maine's lyrics so these are really fun to write.


Like I said, I'm a contest whore, and not only do I join them but I host them too. I currently have two that are one the go:

Greek Vs. Roman is a contest where you pick a Greek or Roman god or goddess and write a story based around them. You can incorporate the god or goddess however you want and it can pretty much be about everything, original or fanfiction. There's a ton of amazing people signed up already, but I'd love to have more amazing stories to read from it!

The Big Fat Drabble Contest is what the title suggests: a drabble contest. I adore drabbles, half the time that's all I write, and the contest lets you either write a new one or submit one you've already written. There's a bunch of different categories that you can submit the drabbles to and yeah. That's about it. It's super easy and it'd be great to get more entries so that I'm able to judge all of the categories!

And that's it for my shameless self promoting. I'm working on way too much at the same time, oh man.
September 14th, 2015 at 09:50am