How Do You Do It | NaNo

Every single one of you on here that is in college. How do you do it? How do you learn everything you need to, continue to have friends, work, and write for enjoyment? Please inform me? Is there a magical pill to take to make this happen? Because I want it.


On that note, I'm considering doing NaNo this time. I haven't attempted it in like three years or so. I haven't set up a page yet because I'm still not sure. I have so much going on and it's getting pretty hard to deal with it all.

But maybe you guys can inspire me? Tell me what your story is about? How many times you've done this and how many times you have won.


Also I might try to start the candy bowl thing tonight. When I got back from my first day of my new job last night I got like violently ill. I threw up and was dizzy every time I stood up. I guess I really freaked everyone out because they've been calling me and texting me all day to make sure I'm alright. I actually haven't eaten anything other than crackers and haven't drank anything other than 7up because I still feel horrible. Of course, I can not cancel on my second night of training so I still will be going into work.

And while we are talking about work. I HATE IT. I won't bore you with the details of everything that is wrong with it, but I am miserable.


So that's me. At a job I hate, behind in school, and getting dizzy when I stand up.
Another fun note, I have to go back to the doctor and get on medication because I'm driving everyone in my life insane. No, really, my boyfriend even offered to pay for it for me. It's that bad.
October 25th, 2015 at 09:33pm