Love Stems From Hate?

  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    "I will. If I start to do a shit job just tell me and I'll do better." Makenna told him with a nod as she looked back down at her work, eyes running as she finally was able to concentrate.

    Words went from her mind to the paper easily. She soon had almost a page written. As their food came she set her things to the side. "I'm not very hungry but thanks."
    With the exact destination in mind, Hayden continued walking and thinking. He really hated to think. He always overthought everything.

    Should he listen to Violet? Was saying no ever once in a while really a bad thing? Sighing he just shook his head, deciding not to think for a little while.

    Coming up to the old run down park he relaxed. This place had been abandoned for a long time and seemed to only get worse as time went on. It was a beautiful ugly though. Vines running across rusted metal. Flowers blooming where woodchucks used to be. It was peaceful.
    June 10th, 2014 at 05:01am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    Alex knew that he would have been honest with her even if she didn't want to hear that she was doing a shitty job. "Don't worry. I was going to tell you anyway." Going back to his blank sheet of paper, he started to jot down some ideas that could change the structure of the company for the better. Sometimes of his ideas seemed insane and may people believed that he was crazy but they worked, surprisingly. When the food came, Alex started to set his things off to the side so that he could eat while working. He tipped the guy a generous twenty dollars before sliding the food over to Makenna. Alex frowned automatically when she passed on the food. "Makenna, I'm not going to have one of my workers pass out on me because I didn't feed her." Alex wanted her to eat because it helped with focusing and overall just doing a better job.


    Going around town, she hit most of the parks and the main roads that Hayden might had ventured off to. Violet spent the next half an hour looking for him around town and even thought about ditching him to go back home, but knew that she couldn't just leave him. With a sigh, she thought of only one more place that he could have been drawn to - the old run down park. No one ever went over there because people were convinced that it was haunted. It was actually one of her usual hang out spots but Violet didn't think of it because she was convinced that Hayden wouldn't have the guts to go there. She sighed before making her way through the streets of the city and came upon the dirty, rusted playground. The trees were growing violently taking back what they had originally claimed. Violet worked her way towards the back as she ducked under some branches and stepped over others. "Jesus, there you are." She said with a sigh as she saw him in the distance.
    June 11th, 2014 at 12:43am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Makenna rolled her eyes, taking the food without argument. She was getting her life on track but it wouldn't happen all at once. Inner demons still lurked under the surface, ready to destroy her at any time.

    Taking small bites of the food, her stomach lurched. Her body didn't want food. It wanted drugs and alcohol. Simple as that.

    She ended up eating almost half of it, setting the rest to the side and then standing. "Where's the bathroom?" She asked, needing to wash her hands, not wanting to get her papers dirty.
    Hayden was sitting under a large tree, eyes scanning his surroundings. He had resorted in naming the bird calls in his head.

    Hearing the crack of a branch or two, his head turned to the side and his eyes landed on Violet.

    "Yeah. Here I am." He shrugged, turning his eyes back forward, naming bird calls once more.
    June 11th, 2014 at 01:12am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    As he continued to eat on silence, Alex was surprised to hear her voice pull him out of his thoughts. "Oh, it's just down the hall and to the right." He was a little distracted as his eyes didn't leave the paper, trying to get back to his original thoughts. Alex didn't notice that she was acting strange or looked a little queasy.


    Violet gave an eye roll since he seemed to be so depressed with everything and it really annoyed her. For once, she actually preferred Hayden in with his natural positive attitude. "Why did you just take off like that?" She asked as she stepped closer to him and took a seat beside him under the tree.
    June 11th, 2014 at 01:36am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    With a nod, Makenna quickly headed off down the hallway and to the bathroom. When she shut the door, she immediately began to feel like she needed to throw up. Shaking her head she looked in the mirror.

    She was beginning to sweat, the effects of withdrawal not being too great. Turning on the faucet, she quickly washed her hands and dried them.

    "Don't you dare fuck this shit up." She said to sealed quietly in the mirror before returning to Alex's office. She wasn't feeling well at all but didn't want to cause any trouble so she just tried to ignore it and went back to work.
    Hayden stayed silent for while. He went through at least ten more bird calls before he finally answered her.

    "I was getting upset with myself. I didn't want to say something I would regret later." He stated simply. He then fell silent once more.

    "Why are you so afraid to be hurt?" He asked after a while, looking at her.
    June 11th, 2014 at 02:02am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    After about ten minutes or so, Alex glanced up from his work to see that she still wasn't back from the bathroom and wasn't sure what was taking her so long. He stood up from his chair before making his way over to the door and opening the door just at the same time as she walked in, almost colliding. "Oh, sorry. I was just about to go and check up on you. Are you alright?" He asked her seeing that she seemed a little pale. Was it the food that she ate? Was she allergic to something that he didn't know? Alex was concerned as he leaned down at little to examine her face closer. "Hey.."


    Violet chuckled a little as she picked up a stick and started to draw into the dirt making random shapes. "You afraid to say something that you would regret? If it gets that weight off of your chest, you might as well just say it instead of bottling it in." She couldn't count how many times she had said something she regretted. Practically every word that left her meant was a lie and she didn't mean any of her insults. Taking a moment, she bit her lip slightly and dropped the stick from her hand. "Seems like I can't fool you, huh." She gave a laugh before feeling the tears starting to build up in her eyes. "It's just..hard. I am so afraid that I'm going to be tossed aside like I don't matter. Betrayed. That's the worst part."
    June 11th, 2014 at 02:14am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    When Alex was standing outside the door as he walked out, she sighed.

    "I'm perfectly fine." She mumbled, running a shaking hand through her hair.

    As he leaned closer to her she took a step back. "I am fine Alex. Let's just get back to work." She stated as she walked past him towards his office. With every step she felt woozy like she would pass out soon but she thankfully made it and sat down.

    "Thanks for checking tough."
    Hayden shrugged. "I rather myself e hurt than others." He stated simply.

    Him and Violet were total opposites. In every sense of the phrase. Hayden rather hurt himself and other and Violet rather hurt others than herself. Both had their understandable reasons.

    "Now you see. Your statement went wrong when you said 'tossed aside like I don't matter'," he began and turned to face her," you shouldn't let others actions decide if you matter or not. You do matter by the way. More than you think."

    "And being betrayed will happen. It will hurt that's for sure, but don't let your own fear control your life," he paused, looking in her eyes," you matter." He finished simply, wiping a tear from her cheek that had fallen.
    June 11th, 2014 at 02:45am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    Just from the way that she was walking, he wasn't thoroughly convinced that she was okay but didn't want to push her further. Maybe she just needed to sit down for a moment to take a rest before continuing on. Alex sat back down in the seat before closing the door behind her to get back to work. He finished up his lunch and went to throw it out but checked up on her on the way back to his seat. Something was off but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.


    She cringed slightly as he reached out to touch her cheek before realizing that a tear had fallen, allowing him to catch it. Violet sniffled a little trying to put herself together,"It's just always been easier for me to push people away. That's how it's always been." Bringing her knees up to her chest, she glanced over at him before returning her eyes back to the ground. "We're complete opposites, huh." She found amusement in it since they were even unalike down to the way that they walked to their parents.
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:05am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Going back to writing the report, she somehow regained focus easily and had a rough draft of two pages done in no time. She would have to revise a few things later but she was happy with herself.

    Placing the papers to the side she sighed. The effects were returning and she was soon faced with a really bad migraine. Closing her eyes a moment, she clenched her fists.
    "Maybe it's time you change that. Give a few people a chance." He stated with a small smile, helping her was lifting his own spirits somehow. He always found a joy in helping others.

    "That we are." He agreed as he leaned his back against the tree and looked out at the old play set. "Being opposite isn't always a bad thing though. Even in science, opposites attract." He shrugged, letting a silence fall over them.
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    As he passed by her chair, he saw that her fists were clenched and her face only seemed to be even more pale than before. This was really starting to worry Alex. "Hey.. What's wrong? Talk to me. I know I'm your boss not but I'm also your friend." Alex wrapped an arm around her shoulder for support as he glanced down at her. He really needed to know if she was okay.


    She wasn't sure how to change that since it seemed like her wall of defense automatically came out of her mouth. "How about this? I-I'm going to try but.. I need to try being friends with you first because you know what I'm going through a-and I know that if I snap at you you won't take it to heart." Violet started to ramble since she was a little embarrassed to ask him to basically be her guinea pig for the experiment. Looking back out onto the playground, she wondered if they would ever be able to get along well.
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:30am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Makenna shook her head when he asked what was wrong. She opened her eyes. "I'm fine Alex. Really." She said with a small sigh, another migraine coming on.

    "Just.. Withdrawals. They fucking suck." She spoke quietly, looking down, her head pounding but she tried to ignore it. She felt his arm around her shoulders so she tried to ignore that as well.
    "I'd be honored to be your first friend." He said, grinning a boyish grin as he continued looking out. The sun was beginning to set and he knew that their parents probably expected them home soon.

    "Stop feeling embarrassed." He said after a moment glancing at her. "Who knows we may become best friends." He teased with a sly grin.
    June 11th, 2014 at 03:54am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    He looked at her completely unconvinced that she was okay just from her looks. Even the world's most stupid person, would have thought that something was going on. "Shit. I forgot about your withdrawal from all of that. Look, I don't know how to help with that but.. I'm here for you if you need me for anything." Alex gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze since she only seemed to grow paler by the minute. He sighed since this definitely wasn't going to work with her like this. "Why don't you go take a nap or something? You can sit in my chair and lean back a little. It might help."


    Violet couldn't help but laugh at them becoming the best of friends since it seemed so hard for her to picture. "Right, let's not push it now." She told him while shaking her head but saw that the sun was starting to set. Giving a nod, she rose to her feet before dusting off the pieces of branches that stuck to her skinny jeans. "So, do you know the way home?" Violet asked him with a slight smirk to her face since he practically wandered to the park.
    June 12th, 2014 at 12:52am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Makenna shook her, declining him immediately. However, it seemed to only her worse as the clock ticked on.

    "Maybe just a few minutes." She mumbled softy. "I'm sorry about this. I'll understand if you rather hire someone else for the job." She said with a small sigh, standing and soon replacing herself in his chair which was pretty comfortable.

    "The report is done by the way. I just have to re read and revise some." She admitted before allowing her eyes to close, relaxing a bit.
    "Oh you should be honored I want to give you my best friend title." He grinned as he stood. Dusting some dirt off himself he raised an eyebrow.

    "You underestimate me my dear blonde friend. My sense of direction is impeccable." He said confidently as he began his way away from the park.
    June 12th, 2014 at 01:11am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    Going back to sit in his chair, he glanced over at her every now and then as he did his work since he was still concerned about her. She could tell him that she was fine but he knew that she needed some time to rest. Getting over an addiction is not something that just goes away all together. Hearing her voice, he glanced up at her before nodding his head to move,"Go ahead and get some rest." Alex wasn't sure he was going to automatically let her go but took her seat to look over the work. For a girl who was trying to get over withdrawal, she was doing pretty well. There were some grammatical errors every now and then, but for the most part it was on point. "This is actually pretty solid." He muttered to himself knowing that she was fast asleep.


    Rolling her eyes, she gave a small laugh since he was definitely getting way too self absorbed. "Then lead the way, sire." She told him while she gestured for him to go ahead. It took her a solid three weeks to know where everything was around town and she wasn't about to let him lead her home without any problems. That just wasn't possible.
    June 12th, 2014 at 01:41am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Makenna almost immediately fell into a deep sleep, even if the position wasn't all that comfortable. About an hour later she woke and rubbed her eyes.

    Glancing at the clock she bit her lip. "Sorry." She mumbled, meaning the fact she was asleep for a good hour. She felt better though. A lot better. It would probably hit her again later but for now she was okay. She then stood to move from his chair.
    With a grin on his lips, he began. Stopping a moment he soon started once more and it wasn't long before they were only a street away from their own.

    "You see. As a kid I went there quite often. If my parents couldn't find me, that's where I was." He said with a grin as they came up to their house.
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:15am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    After reading over the proposal, he started to make the corrections to the document since Makenna seemed to be passed out cold at his desk. That was how his next hour went between him doing his own work and her work as well. Finishing up, he sighed and stretched his arms over his head. "Seems like Sleeping Beauty is up." Alex teased her a bit before standing up to check on how she was doing. She definitely look at a lot better than before: the color in her skin had come back. "I see you feel better. That's good."


    Glancing around, she noticed that it was starting to look eerily familiar which meant that they weren't far form their house. Great. He really did know where he was so she sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay. You know your streets." Violet said as they neared the house.
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:28am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Makenna rolled her eyes. "Yes. I have awoken." She said with a small laugh. "And yes I feel a lot better actually." She said honestly.

    She then sat back in her original chair and grabbed her papers, ready to get back to work.

    Scanning her eyes, she looked up at him. "Alex I could have done this. It is my job and I will not have you doing it for me. " she spoke firmly as she looked at him.
    "I did live here my whole life as a kid before the divorce." He stated as they came up to the door. Walking in, he noticed the house was extremely quiet. Thinking back he realized that the cars were gone as well.

    "Apparently it seems our parents are off to a meeting or something." He said, after seeing a note on the kitchen table confirming him.

    "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked.
    June 12th, 2014 at 02:47am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    Alex smiled seeing that she still had her humor to her and switched back seats with her,"Good, good to hear. If you ever need to take a rest again, just let me know and I'll give you an hour or so." Sure, he was being easy on her but she was going through withdrawal. No one else wanted to give her a chance to get back onto her feet so he was going to. Plus, she really was a decent worker. "It wasn't that big of deal anyway. I just made some grammatical corrections as I read along." He explained to her as he glanced up from his paper.


    Violet nodded forgetting that he had originally lived in the town since she had never remembered him. As they entered inside of the house, she expected to hear laughter coming from the dining room but even the cars were gone. "Oh, that's nice of them to leave a note." She sarcastically remarked with a slight sigh. Giving a slight shrug of the shoulders, Violet nodded her head since it wasn't like she had anything else to do.
    June 12th, 2014 at 03:23am
  • Beautiful Misery

    Beautiful Misery (100)

    United States
    @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Makenna nodded. It had been a while since anyone had even thought of giving her a chance. But here, the guy she used to give hell, was doing something not even her oldest fiends did for her.

    "Is there anything that I should add or take away?" She asked him, her eyes scanning over the paper. "Thanks by the way." She said, her eyes still reading over her work.
    Hayden grinned. "I'll be right back." He stated before heading up the stairs, his steps hoppy, all sadness from earlier gone.

    He then returned, three movies in hand.

    "Have you ever seen The Lord of the Rings?" He asked, a smile of excitement lighting up his features. The Lord of The Rings was hands down some of his favorite movies.
    June 13th, 2014 at 04:55am
  • Dandy Darling;

    Dandy Darling; (100)

    United States
    @ Beautiful Misery

    Scanning over her work once more, he decided that he had done everything that needed revision. "No, this is pretty solid work for a girl who just started and is trying to get over withdrawal." The last part was more of a joke but he really did mean well by saying that she was a decent writer. Some of his assistants wrote Iike they still belonged in middle school. "You're welcome. Just get better, okay?" Alex told her with a small smile.


    With a nod, she sat down on the couch with her legs crossed and silently waited for him. She turned hearing the sound of him rushing down the stars; he was obviously excited for something. "Lord of the what?" She asked never even hearing the title before. Well, she heard of it around school but it never really attracted her attention until now. "I guess I will give of a shot." She said with a slight shrug before grabbing one of the pillows to hug it to her chest.
    June 13th, 2014 at 05:38am