The Blind Side

  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan shifted slightly, her body slowly sagging. Exhaustion slowly creeping up on her and over coming her. The feel of his arms around her, and the fresh smell that radiated off him kept her feeling safe and secure.
    Jace sagged down onto the cot, his eyes fluttering shut. He knew he'd have trouble sleeping now. His body having reacted to her touch. He'd missed feeling a female touch, and his body really liked it.
    August 28th, 2014 at 04:07am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian could feel that her body was relaxing against his into a slumber. At least she would be able to sleep tonight. He ran his fingers through her hair repeatedly while attempting to fall asleep. Her hair felt silky smooth between his fingertips. After twenty minutes, exhaustion automatically took over and he fell asleep.


    Between the mattress and the blanket, Trinity found herself falling asleep slowly, finally relaxing. It was hard to imagine that she could fall asleep on this hard piece of metal with the sound of the light flickering above her. She shifted and slightly tucked herself into a ball.
    August 28th, 2014 at 04:29am
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan shifted, her head lulling to the side, slipping from Christian shoulder. The falling of her head had her eyes springing open, her head jerked up. "Fuck." She hissed out, as her head came into contact with Christian's chin. Whimpering she tucked her head, cradling it in her hands.
    Jace groaned, shifting around on the cot. He'd had a rough night, sleep fleeted from him. Sitting up he grabbed his shirt, pulling it over his head. He let out a yawn, before shuffling his feet into his shoes. He needed to check in on the prisoner before he traded shift off with someone else.
    August 28th, 2014 at 05:04am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian groaned when he felt something hard hit against his chin, opening his eyes to see Jordan cradling her head. That would make sense. Reaching out, he lightly rubbed the spot where they had collided. There would probably be a bump there tomorrow. "Do you want me to get some ice?" He mumbled still half-asleep but aware.


    Trinity continued in her slumber before shifting to face away from the wall. As she fell into a deeper sleep, her nightmares started to take over. Even though it was only in small increments, it was still enough to terrify her to the core. The images of her parents being brutally murdered before her eyes as a young child continued to haunt her sleep. Then, it was that same gang almost beating her to death in the same night. Trinity still had the scars to prove it. She started to shake, curling herself tighter into a ball.
    August 28th, 2014 at 06:23pm
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Shaking her head she didn't want to get up just yet. "Don't worry about it." She murmured, before resting her head back on his shoulder. Her eyes fluttered close as she shifted on his lap. Tucking her legs up, making her cuddle closer.
    Jace moved through the cells, before he stopped out side the one Trinity was in. Frowning he noticed her shaking, usually that wasn't a good sign. Quickly he opened the door, before rushing to her side. Gently he started to shake her, he hoped to wake her up in a less rash way.
    August 29th, 2014 at 12:31am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian gave a sigh when she told him not to worry about it and leaned his head back against the couch once more. At lesst she was alright. Reaching over, he gently rubbed the spot to soothe it further. "Feel better?" He questioned with his eyes cracked open slightly. Of course, he was tired but didn't want to place his fatigue above her pain.


    Feeling the shaking, Trinity broke away from her nightmare and shot her eyes open. "Oh god." She mumbled to herself before sitting up to place a hand against her forehead. It had been so real like she was going to be a part of the experience again. Curling herself into a ball, she could feel her body still continuing to shake.
    August 29th, 2014 at 09:57pm
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan shook her head. "No, tired." She mumble, before standing from his lap. Her robe slipped open, shifting quickly she pulled it shut. "I'm going back to bed." She told him, before she crawling into her bed.
    Jace frowned, "hey you okay?" He asked watching her shake. Gently he pulled her into his arms, holding her as he sunk to the floor. "It's going to be okay." He cooed to her.
    August 30th, 2014 at 02:58am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    He nodded before slowly getting up from the couch. Even though he was half asleep, he couldn't help but notice the slip of the robe. That had definitely woken him up a little more. "Good night, Jordan. I should, uh, get back home. Unless you need me for something else?" Christian questioned while running a hand through his hair.


    She felt a pair of arms slip around her and clung onto the person. It was just nice to feel the presence of another person around her. "N-No, I.. It was just a stupid dream, but.." Trinity shook her head while nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck. She inhaled the smell of his cologne and knew that it had to be the cop. Why did he care about whether or not she was alright?
    August 30th, 2014 at 03:18am
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan frowned, "don't leave." She whispered out. "You don't need to be driving." She told him, she noticed his eyes barely being able to keep his eyes open. "Come here." She told him, patting the bed beside her.
    "I know." He told her, rubbing her back. Holding her closer, he softly rocked back and forth. He was glad he decided to come and check on her, he didn't want he plagued by her demons.
    August 30th, 2014 at 03:46am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian's eyes shot over to the spot on the bed and sighed, because he was thoroughly conflicted. "I-I don't know. This wouldn't be considered appropriate." He attempted to explain even though he wanted to lay down beside her. It was a little past two in the morning and Christian just wanted to sleep, but it wouldn't be proper for him to be lying in bed with her.


    Trinity continued to tremble in his arms, feeling embarrassed that he had seen her life this. After a few moments, she slowly stopped and took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry." She mumbled against his skin since being a babysitter wasn't a part of his job description.
    August 30th, 2014 at 04:19am
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You've already held me through half the night." She informed him, before getting up. Moving over to him she grabbed his hand, pulling him towards her bed. "Besides if I let you leave now and something happens I'd never forgive myself." She told him.
    Jace smiled down at her, before brushing some stray strands of hair from her face. "It's fine." He told her, before shifting so he could see her better. "I'd rather like seeing you feel vulnerable." He smirked, he loved seeing her as a woman and not a gangster.
    August 30th, 2014 at 04:31am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    "Yes, but..." He wanted to point out that it was different. Before, it was just a couch that they were relaxing on, but this was a bed. People would assume the worst if they found them together, especially with her merely in a robe. As she pulled him towards the bed, Christian didn't want to upset her any further though. His life and his family's lives rested in the palm of her uncle's hands. "Okay, okay." He eventually relinquished in defeat while laying down beside her on the bed.


    Giving a small glare up at him, Trinity took pride her strong, stubborn self. She didn't want to be this fragile girl that could only watch her parents die right before her eyes. That was basically the reason why she joined the gang - to develop a better self. "I don't want to be vulnerable." She simply stated back. Vulnerability meant weakness.
    August 30th, 2014 at 05:03am
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan smiled, before cuddling back into his chest. She didn't mind his clothing, though she would have liked him in a more relaxed setting. "Don't over think it." She told him, it didn't matter to her what leverage her uncle now had over him. If she wanted him, her uncle would ensure she had him. That was one thing her family never did, come between love.
    Jace chuckled before kissing her nose, teasing her further. "Beside it's good to show some vulnerability, it doesn't make you weak." He told her. "It lets other people know you need to be taken care of, and some times we all need to be taken care of."
    August 30th, 2014 at 05:13am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    It was hard for the cop not to over think something like this. Any man would be driven crazy in the same exact position that he was in. Here was an attractive female with only a robe on, but he had to behave himself. Christian could feel himself starting to slip into a deep sleep from the exhaustion, wrapping an arm around her to draw her closer. Inhaling, he took in the scent of her shampoo and pressed his lips lightly against the top of her head.


    Trinity moved her hands to cover his lips while keeping the same frown on her face. "But I don't want to be taken care of. I want to be independent. I don't think it's much to ask for." She countered back because she was no longer the innocent little girl who needed her parents. Or anyone for that matter.
    August 30th, 2014 at 05:27am
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan shifted her legs tangling them in his, her eyes slowly closing. Relaxing into his embrace she smiled feeling his lips on her head. "Night, Christian." She whispered, tucking her head into the nook of his neck.
    Jace rolled his eyes. "That's not that point, even if you don't want to be taken care of, it's nice for the people that care about to know you need them." He told her.
    August 30th, 2014 at 05:52am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Christian continued to fall asleep with her in his embrace. It was a bit uncomfortable to be in his uniform, but he was too tired to actually care. "Good night, Jordan." He quickly fell into a deep sleep not long afterward.


    Trinity settled her hands against his chest with a sigh. "No one cares about me like that." She muttered to herself while casting her eyes downward. Her gang members were even willing to throw her like bait to seduce a cop, but they were all she had left.
    August 30th, 2014 at 03:09pm
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jace frowned before lifting her chin, "that's because you don't let people in." He informed her, his lips hovered over her's. "You have to give them something to go off of." He whispered out, letting his lips capture her's.
    August 30th, 2014 at 03:40pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    The next morning, Christian awoke beside Jordan and slowly sat up in hopes of not awaking her up. He still had to run home to change his uniform then report back to work. Leaning down, he placed another kiss against the top of her head before leaving.


    Trinity furrowed her eyebrows when forced to look up him. It annoyed her that he was pretending like he actually cared. As if he knew what she was going through. When his lips met hers, Trinity balled her hands against his chest in confusion.
    August 30th, 2014 at 04:41pm
  • @ XxLithiumWingsxX
    Jordan frowned shuffling, her eyes opening. Blinking she looked around, before noticing Christian collecting his things. "You're leaving?" She questioned, slightly disappointed. Though she could understand he did have a job.
    Jace sighed pulling back slightly, his eyes furrowing as his eyes raked across her face. He didn't understand, one moment she's leading him on and now she's reneging on him.
    August 30th, 2014 at 05:57pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles

    When his hand reached out to open the door, Christian heard her shifting in the bed. He paused to glance over his shoulder with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." He whispered back loudly and nodded. "I have to get back to work. I will stop by after my shift, alright?" Christian offered since he knew that she was still uneasy after last night.


    She could see the confusion in his eyes when he pulled away. Trinity bit her lip while looking away. Was it so hard for her to just take the opportunity presented in front of her? It felt wrong to take advantage of him like this. She leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for checking up on me. You must be tired though." Trinity commented because she knew she couldn't do this anymore.
    August 30th, 2014 at 06:15pm