Forbidden Love

  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    I gulped at that tone he used and just brushed it off with a bright smile, "This is David. He is a neighbor down the street and actually helped with walking me to school and keeping me company of course. Thought he could come over for some dinner and just hang out. He has been going through some bad times with the parents at his he would feel more comfortable with me."

    Before Dad could say anything, Mom opened her mouth in the nick of time, "Of course he can stay for dinner," she smiled politely, walking over and shaking David's hand, "Nice to meet you, David. We are always happy to have company over, especially when it involves someone being a total sweetheart to my daughter. Get comfortable if you like," she gestured to the living room, "You want anything to drink?"

    "Um...I'll have a soda, any kind, if you don't mind," David said, giving me a slight wink, "If you don't have any, water is fine."

    "Oh we have plenty," Mom chuckled, "Go on and make yourself a home."

    Going to the fridge to get something to drink for the polite young man, I could hear Matt's footsteps coming this way, "Angel, what are you doing?" he whispered.

    I rolled my eyes, snatching the Coca-Cola from the fridge and shutting it, "I'm being nice, Matt. Remember our talk this morning about letting Ashley have some guy friends for once in her life."

    "Yeah, only that friend will turn into the 'boyfriend' before you know it," Matt grumbled.

    I huffed and turned to face him, my voice in a whisper so it wouldn't cause a scene, "Look, stop it, okay? Just give the guy a chance. If he is having trouble at his own home, let him feel more welcome. He probably just moved in recently and the last thing he needs is an asshole to be all over his every move because he likes a girl. Now, join us to be polite to our guest," I noted before strutting off to the living room, grabbing an extra coke for Ashley.
    December 19th, 2014 at 05:26am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked at Angel and sighed out quietly. Why did she always pull this shit. Especially when she knew how over protective I was of Ashley. I sat down by David and slung my arm around the back of the red leather couch. "So, David" I said to him. "What brings you to California?" I asked him. "My dad's job" he said to me. "What job would that be exactly?" I asked. "Well he's um...he's the leader of a pretty big mob in California" he said to me. I looked at him. "What's his name?" I asked.

    I looked at Mr. Sanders confused. "N-Nick. " I stuttered out "why?" I asked. "I thiught I might know him. I've met a lot of mobsters in my day David" he said tp .e. i watched as he looked at Ashley and his wife before looking ay me. "So i know you're having family issuss and everything, but if you need a place to stay just come over. We have plenty of room for you. Just not in my daughter's room."he said to me
    December 19th, 2014 at 06:03am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    I let out a long sigh of relief when my dad actually permitted David to come over, yet the questioning of David's dad being in the mob was running through my mind. It was probably for the best to not bring it up if shit is already bad enough at David's house as it is.

    "Thanks Dad," I smiled, seeing his polite smile going back at me.

    "Your welcome, Ash," Matt said, thanking mom when she got him a beer to chill his nerves out, "So, do you do anything on your free time, David? Drawing, music, or anything like that?"

    "Well...I am in a band," David said, feeling him relax under my hand that remained on his own, "We don't have a name yet but when I moved in here a couple months back, I met a few guys at a record store. We only did some practices but I hope to continue."

    "He's finally relaxing to a guy Ashley's age, that's a new start," Emilie mentioned as she leaned over the counter to watch me prepare for a delicious dinner of lasagna, "You need help, sweetie?"

    I smiled, "Some wine would be nice. I need to calm my nerves too just in case Matt flips at a random time. I'm really surprised he is taking it nicely...but I think its by the fact that David's dad is a part of the Cali mob. Nick is a familiar name and he could have been close friends back then."

    Emilie furrowed her brows, "Hmmm he does sound very familiar. But it has been so long, I have no idea," she laughed, "Sad that Brian can't be here. Too busy with work and our own college boy is apparently too cool to see the family," she chuckled.
    December 19th, 2014 at 06:12am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I smiled lightly at him. "To be honest, it took us months to come up with our. Name" I said to him, assuming he knew, which is why I was skeptical of him being friends with Ashley, so he could get close to the band. "You're in a band?" He said surprised. I let out a light chuckle, "yeah. My band is "Avenged Sevenfold" seeing his eyes go wide with surprise.

    I had no idea Ashley was M.Shadows' daughter. Thankfully that didnt change anything about her, it just gave her and her family more respect for having to deal with the raving fans. "That's actually pretty cool. It's not gonna change the way i look at you guys though" I said to him
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:37pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "Well I'm glad," Dad smiled, sipping more of his can of beer.

    I cleared my throat and stood up, holding David's hand in mind as more means of comfort, "We are going to chill out outside for a while until dinner comes along. Let me know if you need anything," I said in a full polite tone to my father as David followed me to the back patio that had a pool and a nice view of the ocean that rested a few miles away, "Sorry if he seemed all over you... That's just how he is with guys my age."

    David chuckled, "Hey, it's no big deal. He seemed really cool and it's even cooler when you are the daughter of a frontman of a famous band. Of course I'm not taking that for advantage, no way. But...its just cool," he said before taking a seat right next to me, "You are very lucky to have this family."

    I shrugged, "Yeah I guess... I just wish I was able to do what I wanted to do, which is sell my artwork that I made, but he wouldn't even let me go in public for that. He's so overprotective it's driving me up a wall," I groaned, resting my head on David's shoulder.

    Continuing to prepare the lasagna for dinner in a few hours, I looked over to see Matt making his way towards me, "You didn't scare him off, did you?"

    Matt laughed, "No, absolutely not. He seems like a really cool kid and a very nice one, too. I mean yes, I'm still skeptical, but I can see a good friendship going on there between him and Ashley."

    I furrowed my brows in suspicion, "Not a relationship?"

    "We'll see about that," Matt cleared his throat, "As of now, I'll just see how things go. And that dinner is already smelling good."

    I smirked, "Well don't eat it all when it's finished, you pig. I'm sure David will love it too because I apparently make the best lasagna in the world."
    December 19th, 2014 at 05:34pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    "So what's stoping you from letting them start a possible relationship? " she asked me. I let out a sigh. "Well, the fact that his dad is the leader of a mob is the main thing" I said to her. She looked at me, her eyes narrowed. "That is somwthing our daughter should never have to experience. You know first hand how cruel I was, and if his father is the Nick i'm thinking of, then that makes it better becausei can trust him, but i dont want her in harms way." I explained. "You always spend your damn time in that fucking studio Brian. It's been four years since Jimmy died! You need to stop hiding from everyone. You have a son and another kid on the way. I want my husband back!" I heard Emilie shouting in the background. "She's pregnant?" I said, seeing the confused look on Angel's face, signaling that not even she knew about this.

    I chuckled lightly. "He just wants to keep you safe Ashley. Be thankful for that. It may drive you up the wall, but in the end you'll be thankful that you had him for a father instead of the one I have." I said to her. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm, hearing someone screaming on the phone as they cried.
    December 19th, 2014 at 09:41pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    Hearing some obnoxious commotion going on in the living room, I sighed and looked at David, "Don't mind them... I rather not get involved with anything that goes on."

    "Too much to handle?" David asked.

    I nodded, "I'm not that big of a family person anymore...because I just want my space. Everyone is always over me so I just kind of be a bit more distant. Although for your sake, I like it when you keep me company because you are my age and we tend to have a lot in common."

    "Well that's a plus for me," David grinned with a chuckle.

    "Of course, you dork," I giggled, messing up his hair a bit that was soft under my touch.

    "Emilie?" I called out to her, watching her rage hang up the phone and throw it harshly to the couch, "Emilie, sweetie, come here. Let us talk."

    As she tried to calm down her emotions, I gently wrapped my arms around her shoulders and escorted her to one of the private lounging rooms to let her vent without the pressure of everyone else around her, "Sit down, sweetie," I insisted, watching her slowly sit down on the couch and wipe the tears from her eyes, "Is this true?"

    Emilie looked up at me and nodded slowly, "I am...2 months pregnant," she sniffed, my hands rubbing the top of her legs as I gave her a tissue to wipe away the tears, "Brian has been so distant...and of course, out of the worst timing, I end up with another kid..."

    "But that's a good thing, right? You always wanted kids," I smiled, it soon faltering when she kept the look of despair over her expression.
    December 20th, 2014 at 08:40am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I let out a soft sigh at the sight of Emilie upset. "She want Brian to help raise his kid and he pretty much just lives in the studio." I said to Angel, seeing Emilie nod in agreement. "I'll talk some sense into him, okay?" I said to her.

    I gave her a sweet smile and wrapped my arm around her. "You should come watch us play one day" I said to her, giving her a sweet smile, which not very many people saw now adays.
    December 20th, 2014 at 05:56pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "Thanks Matt..." Emilie whispered, leaning her head against my shoulder as means of comfort while my arm wrapped around her kept her secured against me, "I just...hate having to deal with this every week and not be able to win this situation. I hope you can talk with him about it because it is driving me nuts."

    "I bet," Matt nodded, "I thought he may have ended this situation but it looks like he didn't. We are all moving on and so should he. It is not fair that you have to suffer through it. So I will talk to him."

    Emilie smiled a bit, "Thanks..."

    "You want some chocolate milk? I know that always calmed you," I smiled down at her.

    "Hell yeah I would love to watch you guys play," I giggle, "I never been to a concert yet, besides watching my Dad play on the sidelines at big shows nearby. Pretty much, I never been to a concert that I really wanted to go to on my own yet. And this could be an awesome chance to get out more."

    "Absolutely," David smiled, "I need some fans anyways. Mainly a pretty fangirl that has an awesome understanding of music and is certainly gorgeous."

    I blushed a deep red, "Stop doing that to me," I giggle.
    December 22nd, 2014 at 08:09pm
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I gave her a gentle smile. "I cant help it" I said with a chuckle. "You're so beautiful it's hard not to compliment you" I said. I looked up at the sku to see the clouds come in. They were so grey that they lookef black. "We better get back inside before it starts to storm. " I said to her. " I dont want you to get sck"

    I smiled lightly at Emilie. And kissed their heads. "I'm going to go get some stuff for dinner real quick. Im gonna take Ashley with me. " I said seeing that Angel was looking at me. "Relax. Im only going to take her to talk. Not to keep her away from David."I said to her.
    December 23rd, 2014 at 01:06am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "I hope that is what you are saying as the truth to me," I smiled lightly, still giving him the warning stare while I continued to rub Emilie's back for comfort, "We will remain in here to chill out a bit. I just hope that Brian will get back in shape so this doesn't happen again and cause stress."

    "I will put some good sense into him, babe," Matt smiled in confidence, "Now I will be in the kitchen with Ashley okay? Let me know if you need anything. Dinner should be almost done."

    "Okay, babe," I nodded, hugging Emilie tightly for a moment, "How you feeling now? You want me to get you that chocolate milk you love so much? I always keep your favorite brand in my fridge in case you are over."

    "Thank you, David," I smiled, holding his hand as we walked inside the house and closed the patio door behind us.

    "Ashley? Can you help me in the kitchen?" I heard Dad call out my name, causing me to sigh a bit.

    "Alright," I called back, looking at David, "Go chill out in the living room while I deal with my Dad for a bit, okay? Or did you want to leave?"

    David chuckled, "Trust me, I love it a lot here more than ever," he said in true honesty before heading to the living room.
    December 29th, 2014 at 08:31am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I stood there waiting for my daughter to come into the kitchen. "What do you need Dad?" I heard her ask me. "I want to apologize for how over protective I've been" I said to her, seeing her eyes go wide in surprise. "I realize that I'm sheltering you, and that I need to stop. So. If you want to sell yoyr art, then you can. I just want to be there. I really am sorry, you're my daughter, I can't help it. I want to protect you." I said to her. I heard someone knock on the door and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Stay here." I said to her. I walked over to the door and opened it to see Nick standing there. The Nick that helped us kill Shane. "What are you doing here?" I growled. He was a friend, but I could tell he needed something. "I need your help Matt." He said to me.

    I started to walk towards the living room and I froze, seeing my dad stand at the door. He was talking to Ashley's dad. what is he doing here I thought. I quickly walked back towards the kitchen where Ashley was. I hoped to god that he didnt try to recruit her dad into his mob.

    I was about to answer Angel when I heard a familiar voice. "It can't be him" I murmured quietly. I walked toward the front door and saw Nick standing there. "Hello Emilie" he said with a light smile. I instantly ran over to him and hugged him tightly. "Hi Nick" I murmured
    December 29th, 2014 at 06:52pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    Furrowing my brows at Matt talking rather tensely to the man at the door, I walked over by David and sat down beside him, who was also very stiff at the sight of the man, "Who is this?"

    "It's my dad," David breathed, clenching his fists a bit on his lap, "Hard to believe that he is actually showing his damn face...and weird enough to come here when it is obvious he never knew I was here."

    "I hope it's nothing bad," I whispered.

    David sighed and looked over at me, revealing a small smile, "If anything does become bad, I won't let anything bad happen to you. I know we just met but I rather not have anything terrible happen to a pretty girl with a kickass personality.

    I blushed a deep red, trying to keep my focus away from the door.

    An uncomforting lump in my throat was forming at the very sight of Nick, someone who I haven't seen in who knows how long. Usually when he comes around, it means definite trouble for all of us and I was not willing to go up to that. The mobs are long fucking gone and fuck, I can't have anything bad happen to my daughter when she is vulnerable enough already from not enough knowledge of what our past family situations were like before she was born.

    "Nick, why don't we all talk downstairs at our bar area, have some drinks, and figure this all out, okay?" I suggested, wanting to keep the conversation away from Ashley's range of hearing.

    Nick sighed and nodded, "Okay, lead the way."
    January 1st, 2015 at 08:00am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    Once we had gone down to our bar area Nick began to speak of what he needed my help with. "No!" I said standing up instantly "Nick I can't. I have a son, and a daughter. Neither of them know about my past with you. I cant risk losing Angel or either of my kids. On top of it, Emilie is pregnant. Im not putting her through that again. I can't help you" I said to him. "Please Matt. Help me with this one thing and I'll be out of your hair for good." He said. I looked at Angel and sighed. "Can you promise that my family and friends will have no part in this and that they'll be safe." I asked him. I watched him nod his head. "Well Angel, I guess we have to tell her now. Since River knows" I said to her. I then let out a sigh before walking to the kitchen

    I gave Ashley a caring smile and looked at her. "So what do you want to do?" I asked her gently. After I said that I watched as our parents came up the steps. "I'll see you tomorrow Matt" my dad said as he walked out the door. "Guys dinner's gonna be ready shortly!" Ashley's mom said. "I'll be right back" I told her. I stood up and walked over to Matt. "What did my dad want?" I asked him. "I'll tell you later" he said, "but dinner's ready, so how about we go eat dinner" he suggested before walking into the dining room.
    January 1st, 2015 at 06:40pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    Entering the dining room and sitting next to David while my Aunt Emilie and Dad set everything up on the table, I look over at David's slightly worried face about seeing his dad at our house. I was betting that things wouldn't be so pretty when he arrived home. That's why I plan on letting him stay over as long as possible at my house whenever it is possible without my Dad being a hardass.

    David cleared his throat to brush off the frown and replace it with a polite smile to ease up the tension in the house, "This dinner smells so good, Mrs. Sanders. I always loved lasagna."

    My mom smiled sweetly over at him, "I'm glad you love it, sweetie. How about something to drink?"

    "We will both have some chocolate milk," I asked nicely.

    "I'll get it, hun," Dad said, setting down the tossed salad before grabbing the drinks.

    I knew for sure that Matt was being a little tense now by the fact that Nick came over to ask for some "needed help" in the one job I never wished to come upon my family again. I had a feeling things would be getting a heck of a lot more stressful around here, especially with how protective Matt is over his own family. He would do anything in the world to keep Ashley and I safe, along with River who is still far from home in college.

    "Thanks, sweetie," I said to Matt when he handed me my wine with a soft smile and a kiss on the cheek, "Now, I made a lot of work into this dinner so I hope everyone enjoys it just as much I did making it. Enjoy, everyone and lets relax a bit, okay?"

    Everyone gave a small nod, even Emilie who sat right next to me and dug right into eating her food.
    January 12th, 2015 at 03:12am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I sat down at the head of the table watching as everyone began to eat their food. Usually I would be scarfing down my food right now but I was just slowly picking at it. I didn't have much of an appitite now that Nick stopped by. Making me remember all the horrible memories that I had worked so hard to forget. "Daddy?" I heard Ashley say, causing me to jolt into a sitting position as she brought me from the horrible memories. "Yes sweetie?" I asked her. "Why aren't you eating?" she asked me, genuinely concerned. I just looked at her with tired hazel eyes. "I don't feel good is all" I said, lying out my ass.

    I continued to eat my portion of the lasagna. "This tastes amazing" I said to Angel, giving her a sweet smile. I looked at Mr.Sanders, seeing that he really wasn't eating much. My father had to have done something, or said something to him. I let out a quiet sigh as I finished up my dinner. I honestly wondered if I should head home now so that my father doesnt go on a rampage to look for me
    January 14th, 2015 at 05:05am
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    After eating dinner with the family, I helped Mom get the dishes cleaned before sitting down with David in the living room. I smiled over at him and gave a tight hug with my arms wrapped around his torso, "Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot coming from a guy like you."

    David chuckled, rubbing my back rather sensually with his left hand, "You are welcome, Ashley. Thanks for keeping me company for the first time in years. You are the first girl to actually talk than the past ones who would just open up their legs, which I gladly did not accept because fuck, I don't want herpes."

    I laughed, "No shit. Can't have those nasty sluts giving you a bad omen," I giggled, cuddling up beside him.

    Letting Ashley and David have their space in the living room with Emilie in there as well lying on the couch to calm her nerves, I walk into Matt's office where he oddly walked right into just seconds after dinner was done and kept quiet. I frowned lightly at the office door before letting out a soft sigh and knocking on it.

    "Sweetie? Can I come in?" I asked.

    "Yeah, babe," Matt responded distinctively as I gladly opened the door to see his face in his hands with his elbows propped up on the desk.

    I went over to him and rubbed my hands on his back, "Sweetie, don't be so hard on yourself... We will get through this," I muttered, giving a gentle kiss to the back of his neck in a comforting way.
    January 18th, 2015 at 04:57am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I let out a quiet sigh as I rubbed my face. "Angel...Nothing good is going to come out of this I can feel it in my bones. You know exactly what I was like back then...I've worked so hard to keep that...thing that I used be chained up and now I have to let it out. What if one day I come and I accidentally hurt one of you? I will never forgive myself and neither will Ashley...She'll hate me forever" I said quietly. "I can't afford to lose you guys..."

    I laughed slightly at what she said about those girls giving me a bad omen. "I would never let that happen" I chuckled before kissing her cheek. "I'm really curious to know what my father wanted from your dad" I said to her as I rubbed her back. Just as I was about to say something else someone burst through the front door. "ASHLEY!!!" Someone screamed playfully as they ran into the room to see us there. "Who is that?"I asked confused.
    January 19th, 2015 at 09:06pm
  • RavenArtist93

    RavenArtist93 (250)

    United States
    @ o Captain Hook o


    "Matt, look at me," I told him, gently cupping his face in my hands and turning his full attention all on me, "I know this is very hard for all of us. But I promise, we will get through all of this. I mean, if I have survived, then we all will. I promise you that if we keep our optimism high, we can battle against these dangers."

    "How can you be so sure..." Matt whispered, obviously really hit hard by the dread of reliving this trauma again.

    "Because I believe in you," I answered with all my heart, "I believe in all of us," I said, giving him a soft kiss on his lips.

    I laughed at David's confusion, "That's my crazy friend, James or Jimmy in other words of his first name. He is one of the sons of Emilie, my aunt. He is the craziest motherfucker you will meet, just like my Uncle, Emilie's brother, when he passed away in 2009."

    David frowned, "I'm so sorry about that," he then cleared his throat to keep the good mood leveled, "At least his brotherly genetic code went right into him," he chuckled.

    "How the fuck are you doing, Ash my gal?" Jimmy grinned, his blue eyes glistening from the true craziness within his soul as he then glomped me in a hug.

    "Jeebus, Jim!" I laughed, "Don't kill me!"
    January 21st, 2015 at 01:45am
  • The Detective

    The Detective (100)

    United States
    I looked up at Angel. "You almost died Angel. What if that happens to Ashley. I can't let that happen, if it does I will never forgive myself" I said to her. I ran my fingers through my long hair and sighed quietly. "Matt, we will get through this" Angel said to me. I let out a quiet sigh and looked at her. "Alright...lets go talk to her" I muttered quietly

    I chuckled lightly and smiled at Ashley before wrapping my arm around her shoulders. "Hey Jimmy, you should go find your mom, she needs you...her and Brian just got in another fight" I heard Ashley's dad say as he sat down on the couch. "We need to talk to you two" he sighed quiwtly. "The reason why David's father came over today is because he used to work for me..I used to be in the mob. He needs my help and he wasn't going to leave until I agree"
    January 23rd, 2015 at 01:48pm