Sex On The Radio | Closed - RP |

  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States
    She's got a smile so sweet it's every little thing for my head down to a beat out of the magazine and I see you on the tv

    I love the songs she sings, Cause when I turn her on it's like she's singing to me

    Norman & Andrew
    and every word she means like it could be about me.


    She sounds to me, she sounds like sex on the radio I love to hear her scream when I push play shes screaming in stereo
    December 18th, 2014 at 04:36am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and grinned as Andrew and I arrived together at the comic con. I took and ran a hand through my hair looking at the man that had became my best friend in the past few years I had been working with on The Walking Dead. "So you think we'll see any cute women?" I asked him as we took our seats backstage as the rest of our cast and crew began piling into the venue we were at.

    I took and looked at Westin as we waited in line to get inside. "Shit I am so excited for this." I took and grinned at her as I took and tossed my cigarette to the ground. Pulling my hoodie closer to my form as I shivered a little at the winter winds.

    [[Hope it's ok]]
    December 18th, 2014 at 01:44pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I jumped in place a little "I'm freezing my butt off." I laughed as we finally got up to the entrance I held up my ticket along with Megan's and squeaked as we were allowed in I ran inside the warm building. "WARMTH!" I said dramatically, I took and walked with Megan towards the walking dead section i got in line and stood I saw the curtains blocking the seats, I screamed when a zombie jumped out and grabbed onto me for a scare cam. "HOLY FUCK! Dude! I almost punched you!" I held my chest laughing softly I saw Megan laughing at me, she must've seen them coming, I laughed as another one got her.

    "You two are first to go back and meet the whole cast." Zombie number one said and led us to the curtains. "Rules for group one, go through the line, then once you're at the end you wait we'll take pictures for you."

    I laughed at Normans comment taking my seat on one side of him as Emily took the other basically they'd bring one group of people in at a time, no more then 4 at a time. I looked up and locked eyes with one of the two girls from the first group once the curtain closed again we all waved them over. "Was that you two screaming out there?" I asked smiling at the girls "did you get bitten?" I laughed looking at the one she was drop dead gorgeous she had a cute little mole just above her upper lip and it made her cuter.

    I watched as she started at the end of the line and walked closer saying hi to everyone. "hi what's your name?" I asked when she finally got to me I smiled when she said Megan, "I like that name it suits a pretty girl like yourself is this your first convention?" I asked looking at her. She was gorgeous I didn't want her to leave without getting to talk to her more.
    December 18th, 2014 at 03:11pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and saw the one girl coming through the line. When she stopped at me she said Hi and grinned at me. I signed her picture of me and smiled. "What's your name darling?" I asked her as she told me it was Westin. I grinned at her, "Lovely name for a lovely woman." I smiled at her. She was something. She was gorgeous. Her dark and gorgeous hair and her complexion. She was like something out of a playboy magazine or something. I watched her blush a little as I smiled, "First time here?" I asked her.

    I smiled at Andrew holding to my hoodie and phone. I took and gave him a light smile, "Yeah it is. How could you tell?" I asked him smiling my widen and big smile. He was a whole lot hotter in person than what he was on The Walking Dead. Smiling ear to ear I glanced to see Westin chatting away with Norman. I couldn't help but to feel like this was some sort of a dream.
    December 18th, 2014 at 10:04pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I was blushing like mad he called me lovely. "Yes, some of the cons freak me out so I tend to not come but I had to, the whole cast is here." I smiled widely at him my hazel-blue eyes darting down, "It really is an honor to meet you Norman. I think you're very talented." I said. I hoped I wasn't babbling because he was so hot.

    "a little bit love, I mean. All the people in the line behind you are dressed up and you two look so normal and both of you are gorgeous." I said smiling at her. I frowned a bit when security told the girls to move on. I glared over at security. "Hey, I wasn't done talking to the lady. I have all day to be here." I smiled and sighed as the girls moved down, "alright one girl and one cast member at a time."
    December 19th, 2014 at 04:17am
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I heard Andrew snap at the security officer. I took and chuckled he save me the trip of snapping at him too. I looked up at Westin as I took and grinned at her. Her gorgeous hazel-blue eyes. "I am honored to hear that." I told her as I smiled at her. I took and got up and walked around to look at her. "Do you believe in first sight bull?" I asked.

    I took and looked at Andrew when the guard said that. I took and smiled at him as I wrote my cell phone number down on a piece of paper. I handed it to him and smiled at him as I was pushed down when the guard said was time up. I took and smiled getting the autographs as I looked at Andrew before we finished up and were escorted off the stage.
    December 19th, 2014 at 01:32pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "Like love at first sight?" I guessed and smiled a bit "I think most girls do, I'm proud to say I am one that does." I grabbed a paper and wrote my name and number down I handed it to him before security pushed me out of the way, I walked off stage and found Megan "he's oh my god, I almost died when he said my name." I fan girled slightly.

    I watched the two girls walk off past the curtain, I held her number close fetching my phone I typed it in and ripped the paper up finely smiling as I added her name into my contacts. I looked at Norman who looked sad "aw what's wrong Norman?" I asked looking at him as they escorted in a new group of people.
    December 19th, 2014 at 02:58pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I looked at Andrew, "Dude you know what's wrong and you feel the same too." I grinned at him as I took and grabbed my phone. Typing her name in and then doing her number. I took and smiled ripping the paper up and tossing it into the can. I saw the group moving as I did the signing and looked at Andrew. "I hate to say this." I said in a whisper to him. "I want this to hurry and be done." I told him.

    I laughed as I took and walked with her. "I know. I almost passed out when Andrew Lincoln of all people said my fucking name." I grinned as we done a little dance together. "Oh my god he was so perfect just like I told you the other night." I smiled at her as I took and walked with her our arms linked together. "This was the most perfect moment ever." I told her.
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:20pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    "I can't fucking believe what I did! Oh my god I gave him my phone number, he asked me if I believed in first sight bull." I squeaked, "I'm so in love with that man!" I gushed even thought he was much older than I was he was 45 and I was only 21. Still, I was in love with him just because of that gorgeous face of his. "He said my name called me pretty." I fanned my face and laughed jumping up and down. "Lets go get some food! Its so loud in here!" I said and walked out with Megan.

    I snorted when Norman whispered that to me, "I hear you brother, I want the fuck out of here too." I said quietly to him and signed things after almost three hours of continuous signing and photographs we were done with our time I got up stretching as we were escorted into the backstage area and to waiting cars to take us to the hotel. "Flying back to georgia tomorrow.." I rolled my eyes and smiled. I could see Norman going insane as he fiddled with his phone. "Did you text her or something?" I Asked pulling my phone out I typed out a quick text. Hey, its Andrew, from the signning, god I hope this isn't a fake number or I'll look stupid. Hitting send I bit the inside of my cheek.
    December 19th, 2014 at 03:27pm
  • simply amanda;

    simply amanda; (115)

    United States

    I took and nodded to Andrew, "Yeah I did." I told him as I smiled at him. I took and sighed as the car pulled up for Andrew and I to get into. I took and walked to it and climbed inside with him sighing. "Hopefully she texts back. Fuck she was amazing. She was just...." I gushed sounding like a crazy teen girl in love with some girl or something. Hell I was in love that girl was my dream girl I had dreamed of.

    I smiled walking out with Westin to my car. I climbed inside cranking it up and pulling out. I headed to a near by place we'd be talking about trying. I took and got out as we headed inside. I stopped hearing my phone playing The Walking Dead theme song. I took and slid it open seeing the message from Andrew. "Fucking hell he messaged me!" I screamed out staring at Westin. It's not a fake number, this is Megan. Shit you actually texted me. Oh my god! "That text sounded stupid!" I face palmed myself looking at Westin.
    December 19th, 2014 at 08:20pm
  • Asmodeus;

    Asmodeus; (250)

    NaNoWriMo 2017
    United States

    I sighed as I didn't think Norman texted me as I didn't hear my phone go off that was on silent I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled my phone out I squeaked "He texted me! Oh god." I typed up a quick reply I didn't think you'd actually text me. I bit the inside of my cheek sitting in a booth with Megan.

    "Love sick puppy dog" I said to him laughing as I looked at my phone seein her name flash across the screen I quickly typed back a reply. Would you rather I call you instead of text?. hitting send I looked at Norman and saw the shit eating grin on his face "you got it bad man, way worse than I." I laughed.
    December 19th, 2014 at 08:32pm