The Rimbauer Institute

  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Due to his most recent delusions and hallucinations Ryder had ended up wandering throughout the institute.not really sure where he was going. The kid had gone off his medicine for a week now, he was really getting worse. Enough so that it was now noticeable by staff members. He somehow ended up bumping into Trixy. His eyes wide with fear when he saw her, backing away slowly. "They're trying to get me." He sneaked out.

    Scott was late when he came into work, punching in he headed to the area where Keaton and Carson were. Glancing over them before heading into the badment to get a sedative as well. Scott's temper got the best of him more often than not, the rest of the staff knew he had the temper and was very physical with patients. If he didn't sedate them with this, he would with a fist. Once he had gotten that Scott headed back upstairs to watch the two.

    @ TwistedLove
    May 11th, 2015 at 04:53am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Charlotte Quinn
    Charlotte normally sat in her room, trying her best not to interact with the others staying in the institute. For a while, it seemed to be an effective lifestyle, up until Scott had yanked her out of her room one day and told her she had to be social. So now here she was, sitting in the common room, braiding pieces of colorful yarn together to make more bracelets to give to the patients and staff. The simplicity of weaving the yarn often kept her mind from wandering off, so she made them all the time. If it wasn't that, she'd draw doodles and write in her composition notebook.
    May 11th, 2015 at 06:13am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Trixy Hordes
    "Wow." Trixy murmured as she nearly fell over though she managed to catch herself on the wall looking back at Ryder. "Who is trying to get you?" She asked as she took a couple of steps closer to Ryder. She placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

    Carson Wilde
    Carson frowned as she saw Scott enter the room. She looked over at Gizmo pulling him into her lap and petting him. 'He's waiting for you to screw up' She heard being whispered. "I know." She mumbled as she continued to pet the the cat though she started chewing on her bottom lip. She didn't like being watched and she didn't like them waiting for her to lose it though it really didn't take to much these days.

    Keaton Coin
    Keaton sighed as he watched Carson start to tense up and although the cat looked uncomfortable in her lap it stayed though it hissed at Scott and he couldn't help but chuckle. It was funny to watch Carson freak out seeing such a small girl cause so much trouble she was at most 100 pounds and just under 5 feet tall so it really was a sight.
    May 11th, 2015 at 08:23am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Ryder jerked his shoulder back when she touched it, by instinct. He began to ramble on about this elaborate plan that the spirits had to get him. It didn't make much sense, but to him it was a reality. Whenever someone dismissed his reality, and just tried to wave it off, is when he got violent. Which is what Scott always did, ending in a brawl between the two. Ryder always losing.

    Scott rolled his eyes at Carson and the cat. He moved to the corner of the room and used his key to open one of the cabinets. He reached up and began to search through it. The cabinet had basic files on each patient and that's what he was looking for. Scott never bothered himself with actually learning about each patient, he only cared when he had to.

    @ TwistedLove
    May 11th, 2015 at 12:46pm
  • wayman.

    wayman. (100)

    United States
    Sweets Sweeney

    Sweets took her time walking to the main room of the institution. It wasn't that she didn't want to be with the other patients, some of them she really enjoyed hanging out with, but the past couple of days had been rough for her. Her temper had been building over the smallest things and she didn't want to flip out over something as stupid as the TV being too loud.

    Kennedy Hewitt

    Kennedy stood in the corner of the main room and watched the patients carefully. Some of the staff here were either indifferent towards them or downright malicious. He loved that none of them could see him because he was thinking about knocking some plants down or flickering the lights, just to fuck with the nurses.
    May 14th, 2015 at 07:17am
  • TwistedLove

    TwistedLove (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Trixy Hordes
    Trixy listened to Ryder's rather intersting comments. "It'll bealright. I will make sure you're okay but first you need to take your meds and the we can fix everything so they can't get you." Trixy said as she looked at Ryder with a sad smile. Some people were beyond help like Carson there was no fixing her brain no amount of meds could fix that but she hadn't given up on the others.

    Carson Wilde
    Carson watched Scott carefully. She didn't trust him she'd been told not to trust him she wasn't sure by whome but someone that seemed like she could trust. She let out a little his with Gizmo before she returned her attention to the white cat she had captured in her arms and just like that she was fine though she started having a very interesting conversation with the cat laughing at one one of his comments. "He is but what level? There's ass hat and full on raging asshole with a stick shoved up their ass." She stated to Gizmo she wasn't entirely sure who he'd been talking about but he seemed very upset about it.

    Keaton Coin
    "Shut up Carson." Keaton mumbled as he hit the top of her head. She was going to get herself in trouble. If it had been anyone else watching them they would have just let her be but she sometimes said a little too much evenif she was just talking to herself or that cat now.

    Declan Bayles
    Declan chuckled as he watched Carson and he looked across the room at Kennedy. "Do you ever wonder what that cat says to her?" He asked knowing that no one else could hear their conversation. "I'm pretty sure that it just said something about her or someone else being an ass hat or something along those lines." He said as he moved closer to the cat grinning slightly when it hissed and jumped out of Carson's arms. He like messing with the cat because it seemed to be the only thing that could see him whenever and not just when he wanted them to.

    @ wayman.

    @ BadStreetBoys
    May 14th, 2015 at 08:52am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Ryder nodded when she said to take his meds. He wasn't to sure where they were going when he wasn't taking them. But he didn't have them and he knew that was bad. "I don't know where they go." He murmured and looked down at her. "They don't come to me though." He said and bit his lip, every so often he looked over his shoulder nervously.

    Scott knew the comments were towards him, and he glared down at Carson. "Shut up." He warned, his voice cold and unendearing. When Scott finally found Carson's file he pulled it out and re locked the cabinet. Making his way to a chair at the front of the room, sitting, and beggining to read about what was wrong with her.

    @ TwistedLove
    May 14th, 2015 at 12:52pm
  • wayman.

    wayman. (100)

    United States
    @ TwistedLove
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Sweets Sweeney

    Sweets walked into the main room and plopped down on one of the couches close to Carson. She didn't know the girl that well, knew that she was really fucked in the head, but mainly she liked her cat Gizmo. When her mom and brother used to fight she'd sneak out of the house and play with the strays. She glanced around the room and spotted her least favorite nurse, Scott. His temper was almost bad enough to rival her own.

    "Have they handed out meds yet?" She asked Keaton. Despite having more than one person in his head he was still one of the more sane people in the institution.

    Kennedy Hewitt

    Kennedy laughed as he watched the cat hiss and jump, he shrugged his shoulders and walked around the couches, "If it could say anything it would be 'get me out of this hell hole'." He stepped over a patient and plopped down next to the TV. It was still ingrained in him to move around people even though he could simply walk right through them.
    May 15th, 2015 at 05:50am
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Charlotte Quinn
    Charlotte kept quiet as the room filled with a few more people, eyes darting up for a moment to see who all it was. She recognized them all from group therapy and around the facility, but she couldn't recall ever having a full on conversation with any of them. Come to think of it, she hadn't had a proper conversation with anyone besides one of the main doctors on staff about how she was feeling every once in a while. Charlotte finished weaving her one bracelet before immediately beginning another, eyes flickering up when once asked if they handed out medicine yet. "Not yet," she murmured, even if the question wasn't directly aimed at her. Involving herself in conversations helped her become more social, so at least the girl was trying.
    May 15th, 2015 at 09:02am
  • wayman.

    wayman. (100)

    United States
    Sweets Sweeney

    Sweets looked across at the girl that spoke up and tilted her head curiously. Fuck. She had prided herself on being the cutest one there but now she had a bit of competition.

    "I'm Sweets." She grinned at the girl and nodded at her, "You know where the remote is? I think they've got Divorce Court re-runs playing."
    May 15th, 2015 at 09:23am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Scott was reading Carson's file, he had to figure out what meds they needed so he could retrieve them and bring them back. Oh how he loved this stupid job. After a few minutes of reading hers he got up and went back to the cabinet before he grabbed Sweets, and Charlottes files and began to look for them as well. "Don't worry I'll bring them soon." He muttered and slid the remote over to Sweets. "Be good with that we can't afford another." His tone had nothing but annoyance in it, everyone knew Scott hated his job. But it made money so he kept it.

    @ wayman.
    May 15th, 2015 at 12:09pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Charlotte Quinn
    Charlotte smiled a little to herself when the girl introduced herself, eyes lifting again to look at the girl once more. "I'm Charlotte," she replied quietly, eyes narrowing in Scott's direction. He irritated the living shit out of her, especially when he spoke to them in such a condescending and annoyed manner, as if their illnesses directly affected his life. At least he got to leave this place and go out to explore the rest of the world whenever he could. Charlotte thought he was pissed for all of the wrong reasons. "It's not like she was gonna fucking break it, Scott. Calm down."

    {I'm on mobile}
    May 15th, 2015 at 09:54pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Scott glared down at Charlotte. There was nothing he hated more than someone talking back to him. He set the files up on the shelf next to him then stood up, walking besides the group of patients. "Shut the fuck up." He snarled at Charlotte, purposely kicking the remote away from the group before he made his way out into the hallway and to the medicine car, searching through it for each individual's medication. When he found them he brought out the little cups and handed each medication to its respective owner. "Alright you know the dri. Take them. Show me you actually swallowed them. And we're good." He said and moved to go lock up the medication cart while they took the medicine

    @ diamandis
    @ wayman.
    May 15th, 2015 at 11:05pm
  • diamandis.

    diamandis. (100)

    United States
    Charlotte Quinn
    Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Fucking bite me," she grumbled as she continued weaving her bracelet, swearing under her breath as her fingers began to tremble. The angry tone Scott had spoken in triggered her and soon the bracelet she had been working on slipped from her fingers as she brought her knees into her chest, burying her face in them to hide from him. "N-no! The last time I took those you hurt me too much. I don't like when you do that." She muffled out, keeping herself hidden from who she assumed was her attacker.
    May 15th, 2015 at 11:41pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Scott Randle

    Scott glanced over his shoulder at Charlotte from the medicine cart. He looked back and locked it. Letting out a small sigh. Scott could be nice when needed, and he needed them to take the medication. Or else he would be chewed out. Scott sighed again and walked over, kneeling besides Charlotte he picked up the bracelet and handed it to her. "Here." He murmured and gave her a smile. "You've got to take the medication. It's not you rule,it's the big man's without you taking it we lose funding. Loss of funding means loss of stuff for you guys." He said running a hand through his greaser style hair.

    @ diamandis
    May 16th, 2015 at 12:02am
  • wayman.

    wayman. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    @ diamandis.

    Sweets Sweeney

    Sweets watched the exchange between Scott and Charlotte with narrowed eyes. She held the small paper cup and looked down at the pills. The pills made her feel different and she hated it, she was a shell of a person when she took them. She threw the cup at the wall then crossed her arms over her chest, "I'm not taking them," she said bitterly.
    May 16th, 2015 at 04:24am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Scott Randle
    Scott glared at Sweets, standing up he walked over and grabbed the cup, walking over he handed it back to her again. "You're taking the God dn medicine." He growled, his face hardening. Scott really hated wen the patients refused to take their medication. It wasn't his fault they had to take it. But it would be his fault if they didn't.

    @ wayman.
    May 16th, 2015 at 04:40am
  • wayman.

    wayman. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Sweets Sweeney

    Sweets looked at Scott defiantly and shook her head. "No." She wasn't afraid of him like many of the patients were. He could lose his temper and hit her but she would hit him right back. Fighting was as natural to her as breathing.
    May 16th, 2015 at 04:51am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Scott glowered down at her. "Take the damn medication!" He yelled. His temper wasn't something he could control. It was a mental illness just as much as theirs was. He just didn't let himself get caught up with it. But anyone in the institute noticed how he was.

    @ wayman.
    May 16th, 2015 at 04:56am
  • wayman.

    wayman. (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Sweets Sweeney

    Sweets sat up straighter in her chair and grinned wickedly at Scott. "No." She could see him getting angrier by the second but she was loving it. Toying with people had always been a hobby of hers. She loved getting a reaction from people, especially negative ones, ones that made them lash out at her.
    May 16th, 2015 at 04:59am