Like the Moon

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Whimpering out Laney felt herself teetering on the edge of pleasure. Her body bowing off the bed, screaming for a release. Though something inside of her just craved a bit more. Letting her head fall back and her eye close she moaned out the pleasure increasing. She could quite put her finger on it, but it was like every part of her was alive with desire for this man. Every hair stood on ends as she panted out pleadingly. "Right there." Her whimpering voice wavered as she felt her body lift off the bed. Before a wave of pleasure flooded her body. "Haden." Her sigh of relief coming out in a rushed scream filled souly with pleasure. Soft sweet spasm swarmed her body as he drove on to reach his own happy ending. But it didn't end there as her body screamed with pleasure, everything felt light yet so sensitive to the touch. And the more he move the more sensitive she got. Soon she was panting out as another orgasm washed over her. Never before had she felt something powerful as their love tonight. She couldn't explain what was going on. Part of her wanted to stop a bask in the after glow of love making. But the other part of her wanted him to keep fucking her until she was raw from their time spent fucking. But she was so spent from her time hunting and dealing with her sister's drama, that she could feel her eyes slowly starting to close in tiredness. But her whimpers of pleasure never subsiding as his soft touches and kiss kept pulling her back into wanting more.
    Jake felt a growl leave his lips as she told him she'd never leave him again. Snapping his hips forward with intensity he nearly forgot she was human. "Don't say things you don't mean." He warned her. Knowing that now wasn't the time to be arguing about this. But he knew he couldn't let it go. His hands roamed her body as if trying to memorize all of her, like he'd forgotten. Though everything was the same as it had always been. He sweet spots making her moan and groan as he toyed with them. But he didn't stop his rough pace, knowing that he loved hearing the sounds she made. Also Avery wasn't always quite with her moans so anything to encourage them to be louder, he'd do it. It was his way of tormenting the new pup that was outside, listening to them fuck. He knew that if Avery knew that she'd feel uncomfortable, but it was a bit of a boost to his ego. Knowing that she'd chosen him over another man. Granted it was still tearing him apart that she'd ever left him in the first place. But he was doing his best to put it behind him, though this right now wasn't helping. It however was calming his wolf down. "Fuck." He growled out, before he gripped her hips and rolled them back over. His hands gripping her hips as he helped guide her into fucking his dick. "Fuck yourself with my dick." He told her, he never thought he'd ever get this vulgar with Avery. She'd always be his pure gentle love. But right now the only thing he wanted to see was her pleasure. He wanted to see her work for it. To watch her body move on top of his as he claimed her.
    September 17th, 2019 at 03:35am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden followed her instructions his hips thrusting into her sweet spot until she orgasmed over him. He moaned and finally released inside of her. He thrust into her again pressing the tender spot again feeling her desire again quickly build. He moaned as she orgasmed again making him come unraveled in her arms. His mouth pressed to hers and he felt like he could go for ever and yet wanted to just hold onto her just like that. Haden kissed her again and slowly drew out of her. He was just as spent as she was and wanted a moment to watch her fall asleep in his arms for once in weeks. He pulled out so slowly then moved over tot he bed and pulled the covers over them. He kissed her shoulder and neck gently his fingers brushing her skin softly as he leaned on his elbow to watch her eyes flutter close and her sleep threaten to drag her under. "I love you my beautiful woman." he whispered to her and kissed her neck softly his hand rubbing her side as he held her close.
    Avery dug her fingers into his back feeling her orgasm starting to teeter on the edge as he drove harder into him. She moaned loudly her body arching to him. "Jake... I love you." she said in defense to his onslaught. She knew it was his fear of her leaving him coming out and she couldn't blame him for that. She wanted to promise him again she wouldn't leave him again but knew he didn't need to hear that now because he wouldn't believe her. His hands drove her wild making her moans come out more as she arched into his hands. She moaned and leaned down her hands pressing to his chest as he rolled them over so she was on top again. She looked down at him her face turning scarlet at his rough words. She leaned down her lips kissing his skin as she moved over him. She kissed him lips hers pleading with his. Avery moved over him her breathless pants coming out. She tossed her head back closing her eyes as her orgasm started too near. "Jake." she ran her hand down his arm until her fingers entertained with his. Avery tossed her head back arching as her orgasm finally peeks and her hips still with him buried inside of her for a fraction of a second before wildly seeking to carry the pleasure on. She felt her body start to tremble and she hoped Jake would catch her if she fell. "Jake..." she whimpered needly.
    September 17th, 2019 at 05:00am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney's eyes fluttered open as the sun rays poor in through an open window, a soft groan leaving her lips. Shifting on the bed she let out a soft whimper, her body tender from the night before's roll in the sheets. Thinking back to, her eyes moved across the bed and locked on her sleeping mate. His naked body tangled in the sheets. Rolling over she gently caressed his arm, letting her hand trail up and move across his back. Smiling softly she lightly traced his lips as he dozed. She wasn't used to seeing him sleep, normally they'd both be up and out by the time the sun rose. But this time she needed the sleep, and could only imagine how much he'd been getting in her absences. Leaning in she places a soft kiss to his lips, before letting out a soft chuckle as he responded. "You had me fooled there for a moment." She told him before kissing him back. "I really thought you were sleeping." She couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips as he pulled her closer. She knew he wasn't ready to get out of bed yet. And to be honest she didn't care if they did either. They'd missed so much time together, and today she felt like they could make up for that.
    Jake's hand gripped her hips as he felt her walls constrict on his dick. His eyes falling close as he felt his pleasure intensify. Thrusting up into her, he started to create his own rhythm. His body begging for a release. But he wasn't quite their yet. Hearing her moans get louder it drove him on, faster and harder. He loved hearing her, just as much as seeing her. So when she laid her head on his chest spent, he drove on doing his best to make her feel the pleasure he wanted. Panting out he could feel himself teetering on the edge. Feeling her hips moved he couldn't hold back anymore as he came hard. "Fuck." He moaned out, his grip on her hips moving her hips just how he liked. "Oh god." He panted out, not wanting to let this feeling stop. Closing his eyes he laid there letting himself calm down, and rethink over everything. He couldn't lie he was still hurt that she'd left, and this in no way made up for what she'd done. But the feeling inside him were pulling him in different directions as he was conflicted. He didn't like the way he felt it was like he was playing victim. And he hated it, he wanted to get back to being himself. One that wasn't torn between pain, anger, and love. He knew that he had a lot to work on before he would be okay. And part of him thought that what they'd just did would have helped. But if anything it made him more conflicted. His wolf however was somewhat content, it still wanted to rip that fuckers throat out, and make her his by changing her. He knew it was a touchy subject for them, but he needed an answer from her if this is was she really wanted or not. As for him it was to late to back out. And he just prayed that all her words weren't just empty promises. But that she meant she was his and would always be his.
    October 10th, 2019 at 06:23am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden had woken the moment Laney had rolled over and ran her hands over his skin. He had stayed relaxed but when her lips met his he kissed her back and smirked as she realized he was awake. He chuckled. "Just a moment? What gave me away?" he asked not opening his eyes just yet. He reached for her pulling her naked body to his. He snuggled her and kissed her softly. He grinned and shrugged. "I was until your teasing hands started to move over me." he teased and rubbed her skin sweetly with his fingertips. He peeked his eyes open to look down at her. She was running and he could spend all morning with her just in his arms like that. He kissed her mouth sweetly as his hands moved up her stomach to caress her breasts.
    Avery laid there a long time after his orgasm her heart aching. She wanted him to wrap her in his arms and tell her it was going to be okay, they they would work through this together but he offered her no kind words. She felt the tears stinging her eyes and she pushed dup off his chest and stood. She turned just as a tear dropped onto her cheek and she rubbed the heel of her hands into her eyes. She shoved frustratedly at the tears for a moment before busying herself around the room. She knew this wouldn't have fixed anything but she had still been vulnerable, only to gain nothing from him. She was afraid she had figured it all out to late, that she had already lost him. She started to tug on cloths angrily, more at herself than anything. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail. Her eyes where red but the tears had stopped as quickly as they began, even if they lingered in her eyes making hem glossy. She sat on the bed tugging on her shoes. "Want me to bring you up some food?" she asked him her voice stained but she had to try to fight through this panic. Jake was worth the pain... right? He was her mate and she took that more serious than he seemed to believe. She knew she had hurt him leaving but she had needed to. Avery wasn't sure he would ever see it that way though, at least not with how he was acting right now.
    October 19th, 2019 at 04:10am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney smiles at him, “the kiss.” She smiled knowing she’d not thought he was awake this entire time. A soft smile played on her lips as she let her eyes close. His hands moving alone her body was relaxing yet enticing. And she didn’t believe they be able to stay in bed much long. They’d more than likely be interrupted, with her fathers pack here and theirs things could get a bit out of hand. They were thankful for the help, but this wasn’t the time for them all to be forced together. “As much as I’d love to stay here all day,” she paused placing a soft kiss to his lips. “But we have a mess on our hands.” She sighed out, “speaking of messes my dads here.” She shook her head remembering the last time he was here. “You going to be okay with him being here?” She asked, knowing that they’d nearly killed each other last time. And she wasn’t going to be selfish as ask him to allow her time with a man that almost destroyed her relationship. And as much as she loved her dad she couldn’t believe he’d pulled a stunt like that, and she really wasn’t sure how to handle it herself.
    Jake heard her offer to bring him food. Letting his eyes flutter open he peered over at her. Part of him knew this wasn’t a dream, but he could help but wonder when the other show would fall and everything would change and she be gone again. Sitting up he moved up behind her before wrapping his arms around her, placing his head on her back. “Food doesn’t sound good right now.” He told her, know they weren’t in their honeymoon stages now. But they were having their first fight, he didn’t think it would ever come. But here they were and he didn’t want to lose her, but her didn’t know how to keep her right now. “Where do we go from here?” He asked her, knowing they were both hurting.
    [Sorry it’s crap]
    November 25th, 2019 at 11:05pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden chuckled. "I could never pass an opportunity to kiss you." He was kissing her stomach when she told him that they needed to get ready for the day and he sighed. He nodded and placed one last kiss to her belly as she said they had a mess to clean up. Several but her father was the first they needed to start with. He sighed as he heard the new sound just off in the distance. "Yes as long as he doesn't try to be alpha again over me and my pack." he said and nipped at her shoulder before drawing away to dress. "He will want to spend time with you and probably Avery too." he said hoping he didn't try to do to Avery what he had tried to do to Laney. Haden pulled his shirt on. "I don't mind it Laney but I don't want either of you alone with him long. I don't want him to play any mind games like last time." he said hoping she would agree. He approached this as her partner because he wanted her to make that decision freely.
    Avery felt his arms come around her and she wanted to turn and bury herself into him. When he said food didn't sound good she knew he was still hurting deeply. She bit her bottom lip lightly and felt his head on her back. She held his hands around her waist. "We talk from here Jake. You have to let me back in and prove to you I'm not going to hurt you again but you have to actually give me a chance. It hurts me to be so shut out from you. I know I hurt you and I am sorry for it. I went about it all the wrong way and at some point I would like you to understand my reasonings but not until your ready to hear them. I know they are selfish but I would like us to eventually come to a place you can understand but we have to work on trust first." she said and then turned to him and caressed his cheek before leaning into him. "I missed you so much Jake." she said and clung to his chest. Her eyes started to water again. "I know you will still be angry with me for a while but can you forgive me?" she asked him.

    [No it shows the struggle and the numbness of pain. It works. :} Good to hear from you.]
    November 25th, 2019 at 11:47pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair, her eyes trailing over his features as he doted loving kisses on her stomach. Her mind racing over the possibility of getting pregnant, and how he'd be lovingly with her swollen belly. Shaking her head she didn't want to think about that at the moment. As they had more issues to deal with and adding kids to the mix would only cause more issues. Smiling at him she moved off to her dresser pulling out clothing for the day, knowing that she'd need to send her time in her human form. After all she couldn't communicate with her father any other way. And right now she didn't want to deal with him, but at the same time getting it over with would be better than letting it fester. "I know." She told him figuring that her father was hear to see them and not anyone else in the pack. Pulling on her pants she stopped before turning to looking at him. "You actually think I want to speak with him after the shit he's pulled?" She question him, before buttoning her pants. "That man isn't my father he's just a shell of his former self." She told him pulling her shirt over her head. "He's got a lot of clearing up though." She said, knowing the man abandoned her and her sister and then tried to poison their minds. And she was the stupid one falling for his tricks. "I'd like you to be there if it's not to much to ask, I don't really think Jake is up for much." She said knowing she'd been babying him, but she felt losing ones mate qualified as a valid excuse for the leniency.
    Jake sighed out gently squeezing her hand, he didn't know what else there was to talk about. They'd been pretty much vocal about everything that had went wrong. But she was right he did need to trust her agian and he wasn't sure how. But that didn't mean he was unwilling. He couldn't bare to lose her it would kill him if he went a day with out her. He knew that on top of having her back he'd have to return to his duties. So he'd be dealing with it on all fronts. But that mutt that was laying in their camp wasn't helping him, in fact he wanted to rip his throat out just for his scent ever touching his woman. Taking a deep breath he let it out slowly trying to claim himself down. A soft smile pulled at his lips hearing how she'd missed him. "I missed you too baby." He said feeling a warmth spreading through him. "I'm not angry." He told her placing a kiss on top her head. "Hurt, but not angry." He said, sure he let angry seep into him as he found her with another man. "I think the biggest issue I face right now, was that you were with another man." He knew that it was jealous. "But from my point of view you left to be by yourself and do things on your own. But instead in all honesty lying and spending time with another man." He sighed balling his hands into fists, though he didn't dare remove them from her back. "So yes it is hard for me to understand why you left, because you didn't do what you said you were going to do, instead you depended on someone else to take care of you, allowing another man to take my spot." He said slowly as if he was trying to think of the right words to say to her, in hope that he wasn't pushing of another fight. As that wasn't what he wanted he just wanted to put his thoughts out there so she could see what his struggle was. "I mean I kept replaying our conversations over and over in my mind, wondering what I did to make you want to leave me like that. And I.." He broke off knowing that he was starting to get angry and he needed to collect himself before he continued. "All I can remember was you saying you rely on me and Laney too much. And that you wanted to take care of yourself by yourself." He said his voice ridged. "But instead he was there for you, and I'm just suppose to believe that it was per chance that you guys met up. I don't buy it, and trusting you about it is really hard right now seeing as you went behind my back to my alpha and demanded time away from me. So it really looks like you forced yourself away from me to run into his arms." Biting his lip he stopped talking. His eyes trained on the wall in front of him. "And it's taking everything in me not to go down there and rip his mother fucking throat out." He snarled out. He didn't want to argue about anything, he just needed her to see that this was a very difficult situation for him. As his mate she shouldn't want to hurt him or ever leave him. But she'd done both to him easily and it made him question if he didn't rush mating with her. Like not turning her when they did mate was a huge mistake. For all he knew she could be pregnant with another mans baby and not feel even slightly guilty about it. He didn't know how the mating effected humans, however he'd did remember how strong their connection was when they first mated. So was it just lust that fulled it, and now it was fading.
    [Yeah sorry for disappearing, just dealing with a lot of drama and life.]
    November 27th, 2019 at 05:03am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden nodded understanding Laney's frustration with her father. "Laney he just saved our entire pack from a war. I understand you don't want to talk to him and I won't make you if it means that much to you." he said. He sighed as she talked about the shell of the man he was. He moved over to her and drew her into his arms kissing her head. "He is not the same man Laney, being changed changes you but you can get a lot of answers answered if you allow him the time to do so." he said and rubbed her side gently. When she suggested that he be there with her and Avery he nodded. "I will be wherever you want me but Jake might surprise you and might not let Avery do this alone, especially with what he pulled with you and the tender state that Avery is in." he said. Haden knew that he had been hard on Jake simply because he had been trying to keep the pack together when Avery had left. Her absence had been felt in many ways and that didn't just mean with Jake's robotic presence. She was a true asset to the pack. Haden held Laney close and kissed her head. "Come on let's get out there before he decides to invite himself in." he said. The impatience of that man drove him nuts. He hoped Avery and Jake would join them but had probably just made it out of bed themselves. Haden guided Laney down to get some food glad Penny was so intune with him and thought ahead to the needs of the pack. With the human back in their midsts somethings needed to change again for a while at least while they all figured things out again.
    Avery listened to Jake as he spoke. She would cling to his hands now and again as he worked through a particular hard part. she could tell he wasn't trying to fight. He was trying to get her to understand and she was grateful for the insight she had missed before. She turned as he threatened to kill Jessie. This wasn't his fault either it was hers. Avery cupped his cheeks and looked into his eyes. "I'm so sorry." she whispered her body trembling as she pressed to him. "There is nothing I can say to take that fear away but to hope you can trust two simple truths." She took his hand and pressed it to her chest. She looked up at him her eyes watering. The hurt she felt from him broke her to pieces but she would bare it for him. "The first truth is that I love you Jake..." she looked up at him waiting until she knew it sank in. "The second is this, I have never loved anyone else but you and I never will." she cupped his cheek and pressed her forehead to his. "I hold our bond to serious than to ever..." her voice broke as a tear fell down her face and she closed her eyes. "I have never broken the sacredness of what I gave you in our bed, my heart and my body have always belonged to you, and always will." she looked up at him though her knees were weak she had to do this. "But you are right. Instead of turning to you my bond for protection and companionship I turned to a human that yes was there during the time I needed help. You are right about that part but Jake I hope to spend the rest of my existence proving to you the truth of my words." she said and clung to his chest her face pressing to his skin. She hoped that he would start to hope that even if she had been with someone else that she had kept her heart and body purely bonded to him. In that she hoped to convince him that he would not need to kill Jessie and she would not have to ask him to do that for her as well.

    {No worries you totally warned me and I am just glad to hear from you.}
    November 27th, 2019 at 06:17am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney rested her head against his chest enjoying just being in his arms. She’d missed it dearly since the past few weeks they’d been forced apart to meet the needs of the pack. Once Haden pulled away she pulled herself together before following him outside. Her eyes met Kyles first as he was lurking near their house almost like he was keeping the guests from entering. He quickly nodded to Laney before falling in behind her, almost like he was flanking her. A smile pulling at her lips at she walked into the rest of her pack minus Jake and Avery. They all seemed less tense and testy. “Good morning.” She greeted them getting a soft side ways hug from Char. They’d not seen each other the longest and she knew that Char was thanking her for having Kyles back while they hunted. But something inside her told her Char was going to soon go into heat. Though that was a whole new topic they’d have to approach later. “Thank you.” She told Penny as she handed her a bowl of food. “They’ve been here for over an hour, and refuse to eat anything.” She lightly complained to Laney. Knowing they were really there for the girls. And she was offended that her hospitality was being spit on. “Oh don’t mind us we hunted this morning for our food.” Laney turned and looked at her dad. “Hey pumpkin.” He smiled sheepishly. “Hello dad.” She sighed out, not really wanting to deal with him first thing since she woke up. Taking a seat next to Haden she looked at the man before furrowing her brows. “You seem to be missing a few.” She mentioned about his pack, before taking a bite of her food. She didn’t really care what happened she just hoped that those select few creepers were left behind for a good reason.
    Jake didn’t know what to say or do, but when she buried her face into his chest all he could do was wrap his arms tightly around her. Holding her to his chest, never wanting to let go. He was happy that she was telling him these things, the things he desperately needed to hear. However actions spoke louder than words, and as long as Jesse was here he didn’t think he ever trust her fully. He knew that Avery was to nice for her own good. And if he seen her being nice to Jesse it would only create deeper fear inside him. Placing a soft kiss on top her head he sighed, “right now I think that we need to just take things one day at a time.” He spoke about Jesse, knowing that it was all that could be asked of him. “But I am happy you are home.” He said. He didn’t know what else there was to say or talk about, but his stomach growled before he could really wrap his head around anything else. “Are you hungry love?” He asked. He knew that it was still a stretch till things were better. But that didn’t mean he could neglect her while he figured this out.
    November 28th, 2019 at 03:09am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden sat down as Laney got her food. When she sat next to him he draped his arm over her shoulder. He was surprised when she brought up the lack of presence of some of her father's pack. He didn't like that even some of them where on his land. He understood their desire to protect their alpha but it was not their place on his land and it put him on edge. Haden looked at his pack and was grateful for each and every one of their presence. He was also grateful for their acceptance of aney into their pack more and more every day. He could see how they were fitting as a pack and it made him glad. He was listening for Jake and Avery. He was sure that Trent would want to see his youngest daughter. Part of him just really wanted Trent off his land and would do anything to get him to be heading off that way but he was resisting the urge to act on any of his emotions with the man focusing on his pack and his bond instead. Whatever they needed he would provide. That was the reason he was alpha, he looked after his pack. He was trying very hard not to reach out to Jake to see where they were though, just to get this ordeal over with. He knew if he really wanted them he would have to stand and go in there to get them. They deserved that much after what both of them had been through.
    Avery nodded when Jake asked if she was hungry. She grinned hearing his own belly growl and she was glad his appetite had come back even if it was just for now. They walked out of their house and she reached out taking Jake's hand her fingers lacing with his. She looked up at him and smiled softly leaning in her other and grabbing his upper arm. She didn't even notice Jesse when they stepped away from their house. "Hey Avery." he said and she stopped blinking a moment her brain having to fill in what was going on then her eyes widened. She felt Jake stiffen beside her and she frowned looking at Jesse. "Hey Jesse." she said and watched as his eyes roamed over her then how they glared at her hand in Jake's. Avery frowned and leaned into Jake more. "I didn't know you had managed to shift back already." she said. Jesse grinned. I couldn't bare the thought of not being able to speak with you." he said smiling. Avery looked down and rubbed the back of her neck with her free hand. "Oh... Jesse listen... it's nothing personal but I really need to focus on my relationship with Jake..." she said and Jesse frowned. "You mean it's complicated?" he asked and she winced. "Jesse please..." she said her voice strained knowing that was a low blow to Jake. "The only thing complicated is me and the decision I was facing." she shook her head and Jessie stepped forward. "You're not complicated Avery, you are amazing and strong in every way." he said and Avery stepped back behind Jake a little. "Jesse..." She wasn't expecting what happened next.
    November 28th, 2019 at 06:15am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Trent couldn’t help but let out a bit of a nervous laugh at the mention of his pack. “Well as it seems I’m better suited for a smaller pack.” He said, “There was a disagreement and I put my beta down. And a few others just didn’t want to stay afterwards.” He told them truthfully, it had pissed him off when he’d heard he’d been spying on his daughters. So when he got far enough away he let his anger take control of him and he killed one of his own. Then there was a bit of a trust issue and quite a few left for it. However the remaining pack members were families that agreed. “You seem well adjusted.” He smiled trying to take the attention off his bad leadership skills. He knew he was a horrible one he didn’t pretend he just did what he had to. And some still followed him none the less. “I just wanted to talk to you girls, last time we left some questions unanswered.” He paused when he heard a rather loud yelp. And then Averys screams.
    Jake smelled him the moment he stepped out the door, his scent over powered the food smell wafting in the air. Jake was tense when he heard his voice, doing his best to fight back his wolf. It was taking everything in him not to phase right there and kill the mutt. But Jake knew he would be playing into his plans. Jesse was doing what he could to push a wedge between him and Avery and if Jake dared to fight with out any indication of ill will then Jesse could play the victim. And even when he listened to Avery defend their relationship he still stood there taking hit after hit. But it wasn’t till Jesse reaches out and grabbed Avery that had Jake taking a step away from her. He’d lost the battle and it was all he could do not to phase and hurt her. His wolf burst forward a loud snarl ripping from him. And he lunged, his wolf already in a kill mode but he was aiming to destroy when he seen Jesse kissing Avery. Tackling them both to the ground his jaws locked around the young mans neck biting down as hard as he could. Though he’d been fast enough as Jesse phases before he could snap his neck. A loud yelp ran out from the young wolf however as Jake applied pressure not daring to let go. He was determined to kill him right then and there.
    December 2nd, 2019 at 07:30pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Haden jumped up hearing the yelp then was off running as he heard Avery scream. That meant one thing. Jake. Haden reached out to his friend knowing there was only one thing that could have happened. Jesse had stepped over a boundary that should never be crossed but that was so much worse with what Jake had just gone through and the relationship Avery was rebuilding. When he came into view of the situation he smelled the blood first and growled softly. It was Avery's blood and he knew Laney was not going to react well to that. He could feel Jake's rage and he stepped forward but Avery was talking to Jake and he was hoping that it would get through to him. He didn't think his alpha ability could come between Jake and his need to protect and lay claim to Avery. If he was able to stop him it was no telling if Jake's wolf would follow him afterwards.
    Avery gasped as she was yanked into Jesse's arms. She was pushing away when he kissed her and she heard Jake's growl as she shoved Jesse. Avery screamed as Jake toppled them over and she barely scrambled away before Jesse shifted. She held a hand to her arm where the pain was. But she couldn't focus on that. "No Jake!" she yelled and dropped to her knees. She was more worried about how Jake would take killing someone over her than what was happening to Jesse. "Jake... listen to me." she came closer carefully her free hand moving into his fur and she could feel the vibrating wrath what was inside of him. "Jake I want you to change me." she bit her lip and sat back. "Let him go." she said and ran her hand through his fur gently. "I had already decided the moment I saw you again. I want to be your mate in every way. I want you to feel me like I feel you." she said tears streaming down her face. She was shaking hard now. "Jake..." she whispered her voice fading hoping he could feel the truth in her words that it was enough to make him stop and realize he was the only one for her ever. She touched the necklace she still wore that he had given to her. She had never for a moment taken it off.
    December 3rd, 2019 at 04:57am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Laney dropped her food when she heard the yelp, her instincts taking over. Her body sprang at the thought of danger. Taking off in the direction of the yelp, her nose filling with a strong irony smell. And a rather loud huff coming from her mouth, not liking the thought of someone bleeding. Her eyes peered around as she looked for the source of bleeding. Her eyes filling with rage as she took in the sight of her sister bleeding. Jake and Jesse's wolves barely a foot away. She ignored every thing in her telling her she should stay back. Walking forward she moved up behind Avery her hands moving up to her arms. She could hear the words falling from her sister's mouth and she knew that it was the right decision to stand back. Dealing with her wound would have to wait. As if she didn't get through to Jake in this moment he'd regret it for the rest of his life. Killing Avery's friend wasn't something he could live with. Knowing he'd hurt her in the process his wolf would never live it down. But she knew that what ever it was to cause Jake to snap had to be serious. Because Avery was hurt and he wasn't next to her side smothering her in worry. Kyle stepped forward he'd pulled off his shirt offering it up as a source to stop the bleeding. Though he was quick to retreat as the loud snarl that came from Jake. No man was allowed around his mate. He'd really lost it, if he was willing to turn on his own pack mates. Laney started wrapping her sisters arm, only to pause when she heard her sister wanting to be changed. She'd never thought they'd ever come to the moment she'd be willing to change. But a part of her couldn't blame her sister wanting to be with the man she loved.
    Jake could barely stand all his energy was being forced onto the wolf before him. His jaw locked around his neck and his anger unwavering. Though his eyes moved up to Avery. At first he wasn't even aware she was there. But slowly he started to see clearly the blood dripping off her arm caused his jaw to tense, and a whimper come from Jesse. But the longer he focused on her the more aware of his surroundings he became. The pack had came forward and he'd not like that. Even when Kyle tried to help he couldn't help but let out a snarl. He didn't want any interference. They needed to understand that he needed to protect her and if this mutt was going to stand in his way then he'd have no problem to take care of him. Hearing her pleading he could only hate the wolf more, knowing she was fighting for his life. It hurt him. But when she said she wanted him to changed her, he almost dropped his guard. Letting go of Jesse wasn't his plan, he didn't want her tempting words to be nothing but lies. He couldn't take it if she lied, having him drop his guard only for her to take off with the man he wanted to kill. Watching her he felt his will give out, his body all but crumpled to the ground. Almost like a dog being scolded he bowed his head, though his jaws still locked around Jesse's neck. He could feel the love and desperation from Avery, and he knew deep inside it was all for him. He was just having issue fighting his own demons. And watching her as she wept for them, he couldn't fight it no more. He didn't want to cause he any pain. And hearing her want him to change her should be enough for him to happy and let go. Shaking his head he knew he couldn't fight this any more, they would never survive this if he didn't trust her. Dropping Jesse like he was a rag doll, Jake sat back. He wasn't sure what to do in this moment. He wanted to shower Avery in his love and affection however he couldn't just will himself to transform back.
    December 5th, 2019 at 05:39am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Avery sat there her entire focus on Jake. She didn't notice anyone but her mate as he struggled with his own demons and learning to trust her all over again. She couldn't stop the tears that fell from her eyes though. She needed Jake and she didn't know if they would be able to survive another blow so soon. She watched as Jake let Jesse go and sat back. She tossed her arms around him burying her face in his fur. "Jake..." she sighed in relief. She was shaking hard as the silent sobs shook her body. Avery held onto him feeling herself slowly begin to relax. She was suddenly so tired as she held Jake. "Jake I need you to hold me." she whispered softly. She didn't know if he could shift yet but she hoped her words helped. "Jake take me away from here." she pleaded. Avery needed to talk to him about what she had just said so he knew she meant it, so that they could both be ready for this because she had finally decided. She hoped they could make it a more happy even and he didn't intend to do it right now but if he needed it now she would not, no she could not tell him now. Jake was her mate, her bond in every way and it was time she showed him that and gave him the same devotion he had always given her. "We need to go talk about how soon." she whispered to him. Avery frowned hearing Haden and looked down at her arm realizing she probably needed a stitch. She didn't know who had scratched her but it needed to be seen to. Avery didn't want to let go of Jake yet though. She couldn't bare if he took it as her pulling away from him again.
    Haden was relieved when Avery got Jake to let the pup go. "Leo." he ordered and Leo went in and grabbed Jesse dragging him from danger. Kyle came over to help after they where a safe distance from Jake. They took him back to the forest to evaluate how band the wounds where. They would need Avery to fix him up fully but now was not the time. When Avery sat there whispering to Jake he knew she was to far in with Jake and needed to recenter them both. "Avery you are bleeding through that shirt. You need to fix yourself up." he said and watched as her eyes moved to her arm then glanced at him to Jake. She was scared to let go of him just yet and he understood. "Jake you need to take Avery home to bandage her up. Avery is bleeding." He said hoping that how he was frazing it would break through whatever emotional haze was left in his mind. He looked at Laney knowing when this was more calmed down she was going to have some choice words and there was going to be a lot of explanations. For now though he could tell Avery was the best person to take care of Jake. Haden waited until Jake reacted to his words and they headed off before he went to go check on Jesse to see what could be done. He might not be Avery but he could make sure that the pup would survive until she was able to come and help.
    December 5th, 2019 at 06:10am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Jake felt the full force of Avery’s weight hit him and like a bucket of Ivey water being poorer over him his fear washed away. However his anger was still going strong, that mutt had defiled his mate and he wanted to kill him for it. But he did his best to force his angry thoughts aside and focus on the building joy. She wanted to be changed and be his mate. He barely could sort through his own thoughts to try and pull himself together when Haden spoke about Avery’s wound. Jake felt himself slowly changing her body wrapped around him made him fearful he could her her more. Finally back into his human form he pulled Avery close to him. He could feel the way she all but collapsed into him. “Can you bring some food up?” He asked no one in general before he quickly picked Avery up and started to carry her to their house. “First thing is first love we need to take care of that arm.” He told her, feeling like a complete ass for not having noticed before. He also didn’t want her to start bombarding him with questions when he still needed to work through his own problems. Though he felt like giving the news and the fact Jesse wouldn’t be around any more he had a feeling things would be doing great.
    Laney was livid to say the least, watching a Jake carried off Avery she wanted to go check on her but at the same time she wanted to go and rip that pups throat out. Playing with her sisters emotions like that, the more she thought about it the angry she got. Turning to go and fix Jake and Avery food she wasn’t surprised to see that Penny was already on it. Sighing she started to pace. She wasn’t sure what to do, but they needed deal with this the right way. They let Jesse go and he could always return looking for vengeance, but killing him would make them not better than the hunters. She knew for sure he was NOT staying. And that her sister was not going to have anything to do with him. After all it was his fault her sister was hurting physically and emotionally. He just had to toy with her. When Haden managed to come back to camp she moved to him. “How is he?” She asked, “if it’s to serious he can suffer, he’s not going anywhere near Avery.” She told him her words were harsh and held a warning tone to it. She didn’t care if he laid out their in pain and agony he deserved it for the torture her put her pack through.
    December 9th, 2019 at 06:08am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Avery was relieved when Jake shifted back and she was in his arms. He was carrying her back to their room and she could hear him talking but it was all a muffled blurr. When they were alone and he set her down mentioning her arm she sat back on the bed looking at it and frowned. "Bring me my bag please." she said softly. When he moved away she watched his naked body move and bit her lip. He was quiet but he seemed calm which was more than he had been since she had first seen him when he had saved her. When he brought the bag back she opened it and pulled out her needle and thread pulling out the alcohol and drenched the needle and thread then cleaned her arm. She hissed lightly at the sting. Avery but her lip. "I need you to hold the sides together." she said and looked up at him. He moved close and she knew she couldn't have done it without him but the line would be cleaner with him and she needed him close for her nerves. Once he had the wound ready for her she pushed the needle through and groaned softly before pulling the thread through. She want slowly but steady. There was something to be said for stitching your own wound. Once she was finished she had him wrap her arm. She hadn't noticed the food had been brought up. "Jake You know I have to check on him right?" She asked. "As a healer I can't just leave him knowing he is injured." she said hoping there was enough trust in her that he could let her heal him.
    Haden walked over to Laney and pulled her into his arms. "Do not worry about him leave it to me." he said knowing that Laney was too upset to think about the pup. He rubbed her arms. "Let's go talk to your father, It's a bit tense around here I think it might be time to ask him to come back another day." he said and wrapped an arm around her before leading her to where they had left her father. He walked into the clearing with Laney. "Trent." he greeted tensely. Trent nodded in a return greeting. "How is Avery?" he asked looking to Laney. "Her mate is taking care of her." Haden answered still a little protective and domineering but understandably so. He was alpha here after all and Trent would have to get use to addressing him if he wanted to keep continuing these little visits. Haden ran his hand down Laney's back looking her over more worried about Laney right now and keeping her calm after the incident. He knew she was very protective of Avery.
    December 17th, 2019 at 04:19am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    Jake set Avery down on their bed, hearing her ask for her bag he nodded. Grabbing a pair of pants he pulled them on as he moved to retrieve the bag. Coming back with the thing he set it down beside her. His eyes wide with worry. The wound was bigger than he’d thought and he knew she’d lost quite a bit of blood and all this was his fault. When she said she needed him he almost jump to attention. But he just moved to her quietly gripping her arms and pushing the wound close. He watched as she stitched herself, his eyes moving from the movement of her hands to her face. He watched the pain display and the sound she made tore at his heart. He never wanted to hear her ever in pain. And when he set to wrap her arm he did it as delicately as he could. He smiled up to her once he was done, but it fell the moment she mentioned that mutt. “You’ve lost quite a bit of blood.” He told her trying to push himself to care about her and not focus on his anger. “You need to take care of yourself first. Please eat something, then we can discuss that.” He said offering her the bowl of food. “And you’ve told me eating helps with the healing.” He told her throwing her words back at her. He knew she’d not eaten this morning and on top of it losing blood it wasn’t a good combination. She’d more than likely be light headed and collapse before they ever reached him. “And I didn’t do that much damage. He probably is already healing.” He pointed out, his tone showing he didn’t care if the fucker bleed out or not. “Please, just eat.” He tried coaxing again.
    Laney didn’t feel like dealing with her father at this moment. “Look dad, we’ve got a lot going on right now.” She told him turning to look up at her mate smiling softly at his comfort. “So now isn’t the best time for this visit or what ever this is.” She told him. Turning her attention back to her dad, watching as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Well I get that, but is there ever really a good time.” He tried to joke, but when he didn’t get a reaction he just nodded and sighed. “Alright we’ll pack it up. But I’d like to talk soon okay?” He asked her watching as she nodded knowing they did need to talk. “Then I guess I’ll be out of your hair.” He offer his hand to Haden. And once he had it grasped they shook peacefully. “Oh I was going to ask what are you going to do with that pup?” He questioned knowing that it really wasn’t his business, but he’d like to offer his assistance if they’d have it. “Because I can take him off your hands” He said knowing his pack did need another strong male. He knew they never be a match against Haden’s pack now that he’s seen just what Jake can do. But what’s needed is needed.
    December 18th, 2019 at 05:15pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Avery bit her lip as his smile fell. She knew he didn't want her to help him but he was still hurt and it was her entire humanity to do the right thing and help those in need. But when Jake showed his concern for her she bit her bottom lip and knew she couldn't argue with him. "Okay." she said and took the food setting it in her lap. He told her words back to him and she chuckled. "I said Okay." she teased smiling loving that he was so worried about her. She had been worried he never would be again." she touched his arm and kissed his cheek before taking a tensative bite. "But we will talk about it once we are done." she said and then took his plate and placed it in his hands. She sat on the bed with Jake eating her food. She had been starving she realized as she sat there eating. Avery was quite a while then bit her bottom lip before taking another bite. "Jake... are we going to talk about what I said yet?" she asked him wondering how he was feeling about changing her. Avery had one request and wondered how he would take it.
    Haden carefully looked at Trent as he offered his hand evaluating his offer before shaking his hand back. He was surprised when Trent offered to take the boy off their hands. "Thanks for the offer Trent, we'll consider it." he said and looked at Laney guessing that she was wondering why he hadn't said yes right off the bat. Haden had wanted to say yes right off the bat after all they didn't need him confusing Avery as a new wolf. The fact was that Haden didn't trust Trent for a moment, even to get rid of a problem, they couldn't have Jake and Jesse in the same pack for sure and Jesse didn't strike him as the kind of wolf that would do well as a lone wolf. After they said their goodbyes Haden had Leo take Trent off their lands then sent Kyle and Char out for a sweep around the parimity and for some much needed alone time. Char was coming into heat and it was driving him crazy listening to their desires all day. He sighed as they finally got to sit back down to finish their food just him and Laney. "Are you okay?" he asked.
    December 19th, 2019 at 05:24am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Jinx...
    @ Jinx...
    Jake took the bowl she offered him, before he started to eat. He was dreading the thought of her wanting to go help Jesse. He knew that it was the right thing to do, but it felt so wrong. He knew it was only because he'd seen him forcefully kiss her. He couldn't explain his own feeling much anymore. Things felt so unrealistic that he was still trying to process the truth in all it. When she questioned if they were going to talk about her turning, he paused his eating before smiling at her. He couldn't help but beam with pride knowing that she wanted to be with him and fully mate. "I figured that we'd talk about it sooner than later, but with your constant need to help every one I didn't think now was the best time to talk about it." He told her. Knowing that if she'd let him, he'd turn her right here right now. However they wouldn't be leaving this room for days after she shifted back into her human form. He didn't think he'd be able to keep his hands off her. But now knowing that she wanted to change, he was excited to say the least. And getting to rub it into Jesse's face made him all the more happier. However he tried to push that down as he looked at her. "But if you want to talk about it now we can." He said hoping that she'd forget about wanting to check on Jesse, and instead focus on where their future was going to take them.
    Laney offered her dad a half smile, knowing that he was pushing it if he thought he'd get more. Hearing his normal farewell, "bye kiddo." She turned and headed back to camp with Haden. Taking a seat next to him she pick up her bowl not really feeling the want to eat. "No, no I'm not." She told him, placing her bowl down and turning to look at him. "Why not send Jesse with Trent, it's the best solution right now?" She asked, but didn't wait long enough to let him answer. "And why not let Char and Kyle have kids?" She felt like a flood of emotions just hit her. "And let Avery change." She sighed out, hating the idea. But she knew her sister would love being a wolf just as much as she did. "Why wait for any of it?" She asked him, wanting him to calm her fears. "Are you going to tell me no to having kids too?" She asked him, knowing that it was something she'd wanted for a while. And though she knew she wasn't anywhere near ready she didn't like the idea of being told no. "Are we ever going to settle down some where and have a home?" She asked another question. She didn't know what she was feeling whether it was Char's feelings or her own. But right now she needed her mate to calm her fears and let her know things were going to be okay.
    December 29th, 2019 at 04:17am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    @ BBBibles
    Avery bit her lip. "My need to help everyone is a medical choice to preserve life at all cost." She said hoping he would accept that. He seemed to believe they had to decide everything at once instead of talking about her turning over a little bit at a time. She took another bite of her food. Once she swallowed she looked up at him. "I want to do it right. I don't want to rush it. I know you have been waiting so long and it's hard with me being human but I want this to be about us and I want to adjust to it before I join the pack. I'm just talking a couple days. I was thinking we might go to that cabin a bit farther on the land." she said and wondered if he would agree or had a different take on all of it. Avery wanted to just get his opinion. This was just as big a deal to him as her, well maybe it was a bigger deal to her. She wondered if the pack would support her taking a few days away from them to turn and concrete her mating with Jake. She didn't think they would be against it but she was also feeling like they thought her selfish. She wasn't going to do well without the support of the pack and she hoped they could give her this and be patient with her as a new wolf. She knew she was going to have a hard time being a beta. She would need Jake to help her through that. She knew he could be an alpha as well but he loved the pack enough to step back and listen even when he didn't want to.
    Haden frowned as Laney started to confide in him. He wrapped his arms around her. She started to flood with everything on her mind and he sighed letting her get it all out but then she talked about them having pups and he blinked. "What? Wait Laney." he cupped her cheek looking down at her. "Hold on let's talk about all of this. I know it's all scary and it's a lot but I want to do everything with you. I want to talk about it and get your thoughts on it because you are my mate, my other half and you see things I don't. I need you and your thoughts on things too." He looked into her eyes. "We are going to be okay. I am with you. It's alright love." he said not sure she was in the right mindset to talk about it all really but he wanted her to feel better. "I told Char and Kyle they should wait to have pups until we find a permanent place. I want that but it takes a lot of work. Work we as a pack need to be ready for and with Avery about to become a new wolf we need a couple weeks to teach her. She will likely want to scout with Jake for new places but she has to be able to watch his back just as much as he will protect her. I have no control over Avery changing. That is her and Jake's choice but if you need to talk to her about it as her sister you should." he said and tucked her hair behind her ear. "As for us having pups we haven't even talked about it yet." He rubbed his neck. "I want that eventually, I do but I want to be able to give him a home too." he said. "And Your father taking the new pup will probably happen but I wanted to discuss it with you and make sure we gave it enough thought because I don't trust your father at all. I'm sorry love. I know we have been apart for a while and not able to talk about all this. Every time we are together we never seem to have enough time for our mating and to run the pack as a team and talk. It's something I want to work on but I don't know how to yet."
    December 29th, 2019 at 07:42pm