School Isn't The Place For Love

  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Roman Mitchell
    Age: 42
    Teaches High School English
    Played by: BadStreetBoys

    Hailey Walker
    Age: 17 - almost 18
    Senior in High School
    Played by: Country Cutie

    Elizabeth Adams
    Age: 26
    Teaches High School Math.
    Played by: Country Cutie

    Roy Mackerson
    Age: 16
    Sophomore in high school
    Played by: BadStreetBoys
    December 14th, 2015 at 04:50am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    A young girl laid peacefully asleep in her bed, dreaming when she heard the sound of her alarm clock fill the quiet sound in her room. Quickly reaching over, Hailey took off her alarm clock and slowly sat up in bed. She glanced over at the clock seeing it read 6:00 am. Taking a moment to stretch, she slowly got out of bed, allowing her body to wake up from the long night sleep that she had. When she felt like she was awake enough and could fully function, she quickly began getting ready for the day. Wanting nothing more than to wear a oversized sweatshirt, jeans, and sneakers...but she knew that she couldn't do that. As much as she wished she could, she knew that she needed to be 100% looking, practically perfect all the time with her father's election around the corner. For Hailey, life wasn't always the ball of fun when you're a Senator's Daughter...but she wasn't going to mess things up. Going to her closet, Hailey pulled out a light pink blouse, a black skirt, and black flats. She then made her way into the bathroom where she curled her long black hair, applied her make up, and brushed her teeth. Once that was all done, Hailey made her way downstairs saying good morning to her father and stepmother. She then poured herself a cup of coffee, taking a sip of the warm liquid. Once that was done, she said her goodbyes and walked out to her car. Quickly driving to the school, Hailey pulled in, seeing some of friends. She gathered her belongings before slipping out of her car. After a little time, the morning bell rang, and everyone started heading to first period. Without missing, Hailey made her way to her English Class and smiled when she walked in.

    "Good Morning Sir." She said to the teacher as she walked in, showing her white smile.


    Elizabeth had been in her classroom for what seemed like forever that morning. She went into the school rather early that morning, and didn't know why. Having some time on her hands, she finished grading the last batch of tests that was sitting her grading pile. Once that was done, she quickly entered them into the grade book before putting them on the desks for the students. When she was done with that, she took some time to look over the lesson plans for the day before moving onto another task. When it came time for the morning bell to ring and for first period to begin, Elizabeth felt like she was extra ready today...and this wasn't the first morning she had felt like that lately. As the students walked through the door, Elizabeth stood at the door with a smile spread across her face. "Good Morning." She said sweetly as the students walked in. Yes, she was a young teacher, but she seemed to do really well with connecting with the students...which was always a plus.

    Once everyone was in their seats, Elizabeth walked back over to her desk in the front of the classroom. "Alright everyone, I finished grading your tests, and they're in the grade book. If you have any questions, please let me know." She said.

    @ BadStreetBoys
    December 14th, 2015 at 06:04am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Roman Mitchell groggily rolled out of bed when his alarm started blaring at 5 AM. He had been out until almost one that night simply because of his second job catering, the party had gone on longer than he was told it would. Despite his protests he couldn't make it end any sooner. Roman got himself out of bed and was moving at a sloths pace as he showered, got dress, did his hair, made coffee, and finally drove to the school. He downed a couple aspirin with the second mug of coffee as he waited for his first period to start. His first period was a group of generally good seniors, however they all had senioritis and didn't want to work. Once the bell rang Roman moved so he was besides the door, greeting each of his students as he always did. He still had the coffee mug in his hand and would sip at it as he watched the seniors come in one by one. When he heard a voice Roman's head turned a bit. He put on a small smile and nodded at Hailey. "Good morning Miss Walker." He replied in a friendly tone. The late bell rang a few seconds after and Roman walked back to his desk, setting down the mug and picking up his copy of Animal Farm. "Alright how many of you actually did the reading?" He asked, irritated as to the fact that all year nearly none of them did. However Hailey always had. As his eyes landed on her he smiled ever so slightly, glad he had oat least one student willing to work in his class.

    Roy didn't enjoy waking up an extra hour early before school every day. But he toughed it out for the sake of his little sister. As quietly as Roy could he would make her breakfast, get both of their things together, get his younger sister up and ready for the day, then get himself ready. Once their morning routine was done Roy would walk her to the elementary school, before heading off to the high school by himself. He hated school. Especially his first class had to be math. He couldn't understand math, he nearly always failed, and Roy was never awake enough to pay attention. Just as he arrived Roy headed to his class, he took his usually seat near the back, hanging his backpack up on it. He then pulled out a thick notebook from his bag and set it on his desk, and a pencil as well. His notebook was all drawing that he did during classes and on the few occasions he had free time. It was one thing Roy was good at and enjoyed. When Ms. Adams started class he only half listened, he already knew he failed the test. Roy began to draw in the notebook once more. This was the starting of a drawing with a little girl on a swing, and a boy behind her. But in front of them was something dark and indistinguishable.
    December 14th, 2015 at 12:51pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Hailey couldn't help but smile when Mr. Mitchell acknowledged her presence after she said good morning to him. There was something about him that made her kind of smile, even though he was in fact her English Teacher. Quickly pulling out the book that they had been studying, Hailey just smirked a little to herself when Mr. Mitchell asked how many of them actually read. Not wanting to seem like a Teacher's Pet, Hailey didn't raise her raise, but she did manage to make eye contact with him, allowing her smirk to form into a small smile across her petite face. Looking at her friends, Hailey gave them an innocent look that read "What, I'm just doing what we're told."Not messing another second, Hailey quickly brought her attention back towards Mr. Mitchell, listening as he quickly summarized, with some help from those who read, of what the current chapter they were reading was about. She continued to watch him, not letting her eyes draw away from him. At one point, she felt like she was being almost a creeper, so she started taking notes, feeling like she needed something to do.

    Elizabeth looked at the students as they received their tests, so happy and so upset. "Now, for those of you who didn't do well on the test, do remember that I am available after school for tutoring..if you need it. I'll be more than happy to help you understand whatever it is that you don't get." She reminded the class. As she walked around the classroom, Elizabeth brought her attention to Roy. She didn't say anything, but she did want to talk with him for a moment...after class. Once all the tests were passed out, she quickly made her way back towards her desk, pulling out the textbook. "Alright class, lets open our books to page 350." She softly instructed as she watched the class get out their books. Towards the end of class, Elizabeth instructed them with homework and smiled when the students noticed that she didn't have that much homework for them to do. "Alright, class." She said as the bell rang. "I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow." She smied.
    December 14th, 2015 at 07:56pm
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Roman was annoyed with the low number of those who read. He went over the chapter, and assigned the next for the end of the week. Writing it up on the board under his homework section. After that Roman went on to pass out a grammar worksheet, he had them do one daily. He walked up and down the aisle of desks, placing a worksheet on each one. When he handed the paper to Hailey a small smile crept along his lips despite his subconscious telling him not to. When that was done Roman gave them a couple minutes to work on it before class was over. As the bell rang and students began to file out Roman called out. "Miss Walker, could you come here a moment, I'd like to speak with you." He waited until the last student was out, shutting his door and turning to face her. Roman ran a hand through his salt and pepper hair, and down his face. Then walked to his desk. "I know your father is a senator. He's hosting a debate next week right?" Roman asked and looked down at Hailey, appreciating her for a moment before speaking again. "I run a catering business On the side for the extra money. Do you think you could get him to use mine?" He asked and held out a business card for her. Roman needed the money as of late. His mother was in the hospital and he had to be able to pay for her care and keep her alive. So now his business was vital.

    Roy didn't listen as she spoke, her voice reminding him of the teacher in Charlie Brown. Roy just shoved the failing test into his bag, the his attention was drawn back to his drawing, which he continued to work on. When the class was instructed to take out their books, his sat on the desk, unopened. Glad when she announced the homework, not it gave him a real reason to ignore the world and work on his art. Roy couldn't get out of here quick enough. Watching the seconds tick by painfully slow, the bell felt like it would never ring. When it finally did he stood from his seat, organizing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. Roy was able to leave now, he had a study hall, which he used to go get lunch. Once his bag was slung on his shoulders Roy headed towards the door.
    December 14th, 2015 at 08:23pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    Hailey stood there, looking at Mr. Mitchell when he asked her to stay behind after class. She knew she couldn't have done something wrong, but she was never sure...teachers could be weird, some times. She couldn't help but smile though when he asked her about talking with her dad to use his catering business next week. Of course, she would talk with her father. Seeing Mr. Mitchell outside of school would be something she wouldn't mind. "Of course, sir." She said with a smile. "My father has been trying to find the right catering place to use, so for him to know about this...well that might the best thing for everyone!" She said, cheerfully. "I'll have no problem convincing my father to use're my favorite teacher." She said, blushing.

    As the class filed out of the room. Elizabeth noticed Roy walking out of the room. "Um...Mr. Mackerson." She spoke softly. "Before you leave, could you please some here." She asked nicely. She smiled as he made his way over towards her desk. She waited till everyone was out of the room. "Roy." She said. "You're not in trouble." She started off. "I just had an idea pop in my head during class, and I thought it would be a good thing to discuss it with you." She went on. She pulled out the grade book and looked up his grades. "Now, I know things can be a little rough when it comes to math, which is where my idea comes in. I was thinking that if you would like, we could stay after school with me and I'll help you. You do this and I'll help you work to get your grade up. I know you can do this, and I believe in you. If you would like to think about it, then let me know...that's fine. Just tell me what you think?" She looked to him and just smiled a sincere smile.
    December 15th, 2015 at 05:05am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Roman smiled softly when Hailey said she woul talk to her father for him, once again running a hand through his hair. "Thank you very much, it means a lot to me. With my mother in the hospital I need all the extra money to be able to take care of her." He said, not realizing he was rambling on about his personal life with a student. Not that it was forbidden, it just wasn't usual to talk like this with a student. Roman didn't really care. He had been there since he was 28 he had been there for 14 years, now on his 15th. Roman enjoyed building a relationship with his students. Parents, on more than one occasion, accused him of sleeping with their kids. Which had never been the case before. He used to be married up until 6 years ago they divorced, and Roman had been alone ever since. When the late bell rang fr second period Roman sighed slightly, he grabbed a small pad of paper and scribbled down a note for Hailey. "If he needs any menus or anything you can either get them from me in class, or he can just call." Roman offered as he handed her the note.

    Roy internally groaned when Ms. Adams called him over. He begrudgingly made his way to her desk, standing in front of it awkwardly. "Yea?" He mumbled. Then listened to her talk, about half way through he stopped listening. When she asked his opinion Roy snapped back to. "I can't stay more than ten minutes after school." He said shrugging his shoulders, which was true. He had to pick his sister up and bring her home. Roy had to be there when she was home with their father. He needed to protect her from their fathers abuse. But of course he would never tell anyone that dirty little secret.
    December 15th, 2015 at 12:52pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys
    (OMG I thought I replied. I am so sorry!)

    Hailey nodded to him. "I'll let you know Sir." She said as she took the note from him. "My father will be in touch with you...I guarantee it." She reassured her with a bright smile on her face. She then went about her day. When the day ended, Hailey drove home and went to see her father. She told her father about her English Teacher having a catering business on the side and that she thought he should use him for his upcoming campaign event. She and her father went back and forth about past catering companies that they've used and how they've never had any issues, and of course, Hailey understood that, but explained to her father how she felt like he should give Mr. Mitchell a try. At the end of their conversation, her father had said yes. He then told her to make the phone call to Mr. Mitchell to tell him the good news. Hailey walked out of the room with Roman's business card in hand. Her nerves were going crazy. She was literally about to call her English Teacher, the one who always made her stammer and giddy inside. She quickly dialed his number and waited for him to answer.

    When Roy said he couldn't stay more than 10 minutes after school that got her concerned. Elizabeth sat at her desk for a moment, thinking about what she could do for this young boy. He had so much potential and to see it go down the drain was something she didn't want to see happen. She sighed softly as she called to the phone desk and asked the attendance lady. Mrs. Fleming to give her the contact info on Roy Mackerson. IF anything, she would talk with Roy's father or mother to see if they would be okay with him staying after school. She figured maybe Roy just didn't want to stay after school, like any other typical teenage boy. As she waited for Mrs. Fleming to get back with her, Elizabeth started grading homework..she just couldn't focus though.
    December 30th, 2015 at 02:43am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Roman headed home after the school day was over, almost immediately, he hadn't even stayed to grade papers or help students with his class. He was exhausted from the past few days, and needed the sleep. As Roman got home he stripped to his simple black boxers and laid down on the couch, turning on the television to the afternoon news. Roman fell asleep soon after. Two hours later when his phone rang from an unfamiliar number, it woke him. Roman was a bit upset and grumbled to himself as he searched for his phone. When he answered he wasn't as happy sounding as he could be. "Hello, this is Roman." He said as he didn't know the caller. But when Hailey spoke and he heard her voice Roman cheered right up. "Oh that's great Hailey!" He said and was wide awake now, smiling like an idiot. "Thank you so much, this will help me out so much. If you every need anything just let me know alright? I owe you." He said with full honesty.

    Roy stood awkwardly in her classroom for a few moments, waiting to see if she had anything else to say to him. When she wasn't speaking he looked to the clock. "I've gotta go. See you tomorrow is class Maam." He said before turning and walking out of the class. Roy begun his trip to the elementary school, where he picked his sister up and walked home with her. These were the times he truly enjoyed, Roy loved his little sister, and she was the one thing that made him happy. A few minutes later Ms. Adams had an email notification from Mrs. Fleming with Roy's father's contact information, also stating that they had no information on his mother and hadn't for the last few years.

    (Sorry is short I'm on my cellphone and for any typos)

    @ Country Cutie
    December 30th, 2015 at 03:02am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    (No, you did great. Cute Not too short at all.)

    Hailey was a little nervous at first when Roman answered the phone and sounded grumpy. However, her small, nervous frown soon turned back into a cute smile when she heard the tone in his voice change. She told him the good news that her father gave him then listened as he thanked her. A small shade of pink came upon her cheeks when he said that he owed her. Never in her life did she think a teacher would tell her that. "Oh sir, you don't owe me anything. You've been an amazing teacher to me, and it's only right for me to do you a favor." She explained as she walked around the house, still blushing. She couldn't believe it, here she was on the phone with her favorite teacher and she didn't even think anything of it.

    Elizabeth looked at her email when she saw she received a new message. She read the email seeing that it was from Mrs. Fleming. "Interesting." She said aloud to herself. She then took a moment to figure out what she would even say to Roy's father. She looked at the time and then sighed. "This is important, you can't wait around for this." She told herself as she picked up the phone that sat on her desk and dialed Roy's father's number. She let it ring, hoping and praying that his father would answer. When Roy's father didn't answer the phone, Elizabeth sighed to herself. She then knew she had no choice but to leave a voicemail. She left a friendly voicemail explaining how she was concerned for Roy, that his son was a bright kid, and that she wanted nothing more to help him in anyway possible. At the end of the message, she left her contact info and politely asked him to give her a call.

    @ BadStreetBoys
    December 30th, 2015 at 03:42am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Roman was smiling like an idiot as he talked on the phone with Hailey. "Well thank you so much Hailey, I appreciate that. English is not always a favorite subject by people." He said and walked into his bathroom, running a hand down his face as he spoke with her. "I really appreciate this. And I do mean it, if you need anything let me know. It's just common courtesy you know." He said and chuckled softly. Roman headed back to his couch and sat down, leaning into the coach as they spoke for a little while. For the rest of the night Roman was in a better mood. Roman was more than excited for tomorrow to see Hailey again. He made himself a single serve of ramen for dinner then headed off for bed. The next morning he repeated his morning procedures and headed off to school in a much better mood. When Hailey came to his clas the next morning he smiled down at her. "Hello Hailey, how are you today?" He asked and turned so he could face her, running a hand through his salt and pepper hair.

    Roy's father didn't answer simply because he hadnt recognized the number, but when he listened to the voicemail and learned it was from one of Roy's teachers he assumed it was because Roy was in trouble. When Roy and Mackenna arrived home Roy's father Leonard immediately began yelling at Roy. Roy hurried his sister off into her room. Roy yelled back at his father, explaining he hadn't done anything at school and wasn't in trouble, he didn't know what his teacher wanted. The argument soon turned physical, with Roy being on the losing end. When he decided to go to his room Roy was stiff and sore, laying in his bed with bruises covering his body. Mackenna came and cuddled with her brother to try and comfort him. The next day when Roy showed up at school he was wearing a long sleeved hood and sunglasses to hide the black eye. When he arrived at Elizabeth's class he simply laid his head down and proceeded to fall asleep.
    December 30th, 2015 at 03:59am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey smiled as she sat on the phone with him for a little bit. When they got off the phone, Hailey was just in shock...but a good shock. She couldn't help but think about Mr. Mitchell for the rest of the night. When she woke for the next morning, Hailey was still in a very chipper mood as she got ready. The minute she stepped onto school property, Hailey couldn't wait for first period to start. When the bell rang, she practically rushed to class. She instantly smiled when she saw Mr. Mitchell standing at the door. She smiled even brighter when he addressed her. "Good Morning Mr. Mitchell. I am doing well. How are you?"

    The next morning when Roy walked in, Elizabeth noticed the long sleeved hood and sunglasses he was wearing. She didn't question him, just went about the class period. She allowed him to sleep, wanting to talk with him after class. When the bell rang for the period to be over, Elizabeth quickly gave out the homework before dismissing everyone. She sighed softly as she saw Roy still asleep at his desk. She just smirked and quietly walked over, the soft sound of her heels clicking on the floor. She carefully kneeled down beside his desk, gently waking him up. "Roy." She spoke softly. "Roy wake up." She spoke as she gently shook him to wake him.

    @ BadStreetBoys
    December 30th, 2015 at 04:41am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Roman smiled down at his student, he knew she was a senior, but he wasn't sure exactly how old she was, and for some reason he was hoping she was 18. When Roman realized what he was thinking he shook his head and blinked a few times to clear his head. "I'm doing much better, thank you Ms. Walker." He said and reached his hand into his pocket, he pulled out an old watch and held it out to her. "Please, take this, I was talking to my mother. It's an old watch of hers. She insisted." He said and just smiled at Hailey again. Soon the late bell rang and Roman walked in the class with her. He was in a much better mood today than he was yesterday. The students noticed it and he didn't give any homework, and only taught half the class. The rest was free time for the students as he sat at his desk and graded.

    Roy was out cold for the entire class. He was dreaming of his mother and his younger sister, and how things could be if she had stayed. Occasionally he murmured something in his sleep during the class. At the end he didn't even wake from the bell. Roy only woke when Elizabeth shook him, he jumped up and looked over at his teacher. His sunglasses fell off for an instance but just as quickly as they were off they were back on. "Shit. I'm sorry." He mumbled and gathered up his books and bag and was in an almost panicked state. "I'm sorry Ms Adams."
    December 30th, 2015 at 04:58am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey looked at the watch when he handed it to her. "Oh Mr. Mitchell, it's beautiful." She smiled. "Thank you." She said as she slipped the watch in her purse. She then walked inside with him, quickly taking her seat. She couldn't help but notice the good mood he was, which made her kind of smile. She turned to one of her friends who asked her why Mr. Mitchell was in such a good mood. When it came time for free time, Hailey was really interested as to why they had free time. "Interesting..." she thought to herself. She quickly and quietly got up from her desk and walked over to Mr. Mitchell. "Sir." She said politely. "Free time, seriously?" She was shocked.


    Elizabeth shook her head when he apologized. "You've got nothing to apologize for." She spoke sincerely. "Listen, Roy, why don't you stay next period and I'll help you with what you missed today. I'll write you a slip and I'll tell your 2nd period teacher to not make you as absent, that you're with me." She suggested. She figured this would be a way she could help him. Plus it would allow her to maybe find out a little more about this particular student. She walked over to her desk and looked up Roy's schedule. She quickly made a call to Mr. Mitchell that Roy would be missing his Advanced English Class today, and that he was with her working on some stuff pertaining to math. Once she got the okay, she hung up the phone and looked to Roy. "You're with me." She said with a smile.

    @ BadStreetBoys
    December 30th, 2015 at 05:11am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    Roman had gotten a call just as Hailey walked up to his desk, holding up a finger to her jaunt to let her know he wasn't ignoring her just busy for a second. "Alright. Yes that's fine. Thank you Ms. Adams. Let me know if you need anything else." He said and hung the phone up he turned in his wheel chair and smiled up at Hailey. "Yes?" He asked and chuckled softly, glancing at the students past her, then back up at Hailey. "What do you mean? Most students don't complain about free time." He teased and tapped a pen on his desk. "Plus I have a few papers of yours that I need to grade." He said, pointing to the stack, which was no more then 15 papers.

    Roy calmed down slightly when she spoke to him, sitting back down in the desk as he fumbled around with his possessions trying not to straighten them out. He didn't accept or deny anything when she suggested he stay with her, just simply waisted to see if that was what they would be doing. When she told him he was staying he nodded and readjusted his glasses taking out a pencil and his drawing notebook. "Yes, ma'am." He said quietly, turning to a drawing he had been working on of his little sister and beginning to add details. "What are we doing?" He asked nonchalantly. Roy looked up at his teacher, checking her out through the sunglasses.
    December 30th, 2015 at 05:26am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    December 30th, 2015 at 05:26am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Hailey looked at the stack of papers and just rolled her eyes. "Seriously...there's like 15 papers...not even." She giggled. "Plus I'm not complaining about free time, I just think it's unusual that you're giving it." She noted with a smirk. "But I'm not complaining in anyway, shape, or form." She said. She looked at him and couldn't help but blush . "Do you need any help with those?" She asked as she stood there over his desk. "Seeing that we have this free time, I didn't come prepared." She giggled lightly.

    Once Elizabeth got off the phone with Roman, she walked back over to him. She pulled up a chair next to his desk with her notes in hand from today's lesson. "Alright so today we talked a couple of different formulas." She said as she began showing him. She gave him all the notes and had him copy them. AS she watched him, Elizabeth just wondered what was his secret. She just smiled as he looked over at her as he copied the notes. As she sat there, she sat back in the chair crossing her tan legs in the black pencil skirt she was wearing. "Do you have any questions so far?" She asked sweetly.

    @ BadStreetBoys
    December 30th, 2015 at 07:24am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    Roman grinned softly up at Hailey as she stood at his desk, as she spoke to him he had to resist the urge of allowing his eyes to wander up and down her body. When she offered to help grade papers his face lit up. "Sure! I'd love some help." He said as he grabbed a chair not too far off and sat it besides his desk so she could help. Roman handed Hailey one of his red pens, and a few of the papers that he had left on the pile. Taking the rest for himself to work on grading. As they worked Roman would steal a few glances of Hialey every so often. This girl is so attractive... Roman stop that you can't be thinking these things, you'll lose your job, she's your student, just that. Either way why would a girl like this be into an old guy like you. He thought to himself as he was looking across at her.

    Roy did as he was told, copying the formulas as well as the notes that she had given him. That was the only thing he was good at in this class, was copying or mimicking something. Occasionally he would stop and look over at Elizabeth, as if asking if he was doing it right, but he really was just looking her up and down for himself. When she asked if he had any questions Roy shook his head. "No, Ms. Adams." He murmured softly and looked back at his teacher, a small smile on his face as he thought. After never really paying attention I never realized how cute she is. Maybe I'll try to pay better attention. Roy stopped and swallowed for a second before looking back down at the paper he was writing on. I could take advantage of this. He thought to himself, before looking at her again. "Actually I do, why are you helping me. Most of the other teachers don't care."
    December 30th, 2015 at 02:07pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ BadStreetBoys

    Hailey looked and smiled as she took the red pen from him. She then began graded the papers he gave her. She carefully graded the papers, looking over at him. She couldn't help but glance st him with her eyes looking over him. She truly found him to be attractive, but would never tell anyone. When she finished, Hailey looked at him. "Done Mr. Mitchell." She smiled handing the papers to him. "Anything else?" She asked as she crossed her legs as she leaned back in the chair. She looked over him once again, still smiling. "Sir, have you ever been married?" She asked without thinking.

    Elizabeth looked at him and just smiled as she watched him take the notes, ask questions, and all. When he asked about her helping him, Elizabeth just smiled. "Because I care. You're a talented boy and I know you have so much potential." She explained. She looked at him. "I help my students because I want to. I want help you because I care and want to be helpful the best way I can." She said. She smiled. "Is that okay?" She asked sweetly.
    December 31st, 2015 at 01:19am
  • BadStreetBoys

    BadStreetBoys (100)

    United States
    @ Country Cutie
    When Hailey handed Roman the papers she graded he graciously took them and placed the papers into the Hand Back bin in which he had students take their graded papers from. "Thank you, Ms. Walker." He said with a bright smile, adding the papers he had graded as well. When Hailey asked him about marriage roman leaned back into his seat,and bit the back of his pen. He usually did this when pondering things a student asked. "Yes I was." He answered after a moment. "Up until six years ago, we got a divorce, I still don't understand why. I haven't really been in a relationship since." He said and shrugged his shoulders, smiling over at Hailey. "Why do you ask, Hu-" He cut himself off before finishing the sentence.

    Roy watched Elizabeth as she spoke, his eyes watching her lips, as if examining each detail of them. He bit his lip and couldn't help but smile at her. "Well thank you Ms. Adams." He said and ran a hand down his face to cover it and hide his blush. Roy wasn't used to positive reinforcement or someone being kind to him. So he was bound to enjoy it and cling to it as he was doing now with her. "Yes ma'am is is." He said giddily
    December 31st, 2015 at 03:01am