Straying from organised religions in favour of nu-religions?!

  • DobbyTheHobbit

    DobbyTheHobbit (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hi guys, so I've got a little bit of theory going at the moment.

    I have a hypothesis that we as young people aren't as into our parents' or past generations' religions.

    This is to say that we aren't following religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Catholicism, Sikhism etc but are choosing new, different and not-so-organised religions. For example, would you see your fandom as a religion?

    So what do we all think? Comment away with your opinions!
    January 11th, 2016 at 03:47pm
  • FuckNo

    FuckNo (100)

    United States
    So, I actually find this to be a very interesting question, and in a way I agree with you, but I do have something to point out. I do believe there's a trend more away from 'organized religion'. I myself diverted away from it and moved toward spiritualism and explored different faiths before finally realizing I didn't believe in any of it. I'm an agnostic atheist. I do see all around me a lot of my friends and people I know saying things like, "I believe in God, but not in Christianity' or 'I see it more as a personal relationship and not something dictated by a church'.

    Fandoms as religions though? No. Not a chance. Religion to me has much deeper connotations to it than just a bunch of people that are passionate about something. On the surface, there are similarities to it, like how there is a central text or item that most of the knowledge is derived from. There are also differing views within the fandom on what that source material means and shows. Some of the definitions of 'religion' can even make it so that some fandoms do technically qualify. However, only in the barest of respects, kind of like how a square is technically a rectangle.

    The biggest difference between a fandom and a religion, in my opinion, is the fact that the religion is supposed to shape your entire world view, or at least showcase it. That religion is supposed to help form or focus your moral compass and it's usually a commitment for life. I used to love Supernatural, but I didn't base my life choices on it. It didn't sway how I voted in elections.

    Another issue is that most of the time most religions are usually exclusionary (aside from things like buddhism, which is unique in that it can either be a religion or a philosophy) and so having fandoms as religions would become pretty complicated. Also just weird.

    Granted, if someone wants to view their fandom as a religion then sure, go ahead, you do you, but it doesn't make sense to me. For me, fandoms are influential. So yeah, I did say it's not going to change how I live my life, but there are subtle changes that it does do. However, I view that change more in the way that your best friend or all life experiences change you. There's no way to experience anything in this world and not leave that experience at least a little bit different than you were before.

    TL;DR? Religion has a certain gravitas to it that fandoms, in my opinion, can never nor should ever have. Also, for the most part, the younger generation seems to be moving more toward spiritualism, agnosticism, agnostic atheism and atheism.
    January 12th, 2016 at 02:33am