Wash the Devil From My Hands

  • Jeffrey inhaled sharply through his nose as his eyes narrowed at the small girl on the bed in front of him. She needed to learn not to be so bratty, and he was all for teaching her every last lesson he had to give. He had tried to keep his cool and tried to stay calm with her, but apparently that was not working with her.

    “You’re going to have to cut that shit out,” he said harshly, his voice raising for the first time since their encounter. “You are going to learn to respect me and quit that damn tone you have with me.”
    December 7th, 2016 at 03:59am
  • Kaylee's eyes widened as fear swelled in her stomach. She shimmied even closer to the wall, her bottom lip being tugged between her teeth. She shook her head, refusing to look in his direction.

    "I don't really care," Kaylee's voice was barely loud enough to be heard. She was used to stepping up to authoritative figures but something about Jeffrey just expecting her to shut up and listen unsettled her. She gave a shake of her head and laughed, her eyes closing. "You kidnapped me. I didn't ask to me here, with all due respect, sir."
    December 7th, 2016 at 04:03am
  • Jeffrey stalked towards her with determination. As he approached the bed, he unclasped his hands. He crouched down to her level. He reached out and took her thumb gently between his finger and his thumb, forcing the young girl to look at him.

    “This can go one of two ways, sweetheart. It can go really, really well for the both of us. Or miserably fucking hard on your behalf. Just depends on how much you are willing to cooperate with me. And I promise you, if you do this, I can make your life wonderful—if not, just the opposite will happen.” He spoke in a menacingly low voice.
    December 7th, 2016 at 08:35pm
  • A chill ran down Kaylee's spine as Jeffrey knelt in front of her, her eyes widening as she looked up to him. She wanted to scream and to argue but the look in his eyes told her that was probably the worst idea that she could have at the moment. She swallowed, trying to pull away from him.

    "What do you even want from me?" She asked quietly, doubting that she even wanted an actual answer from him. Kaylee wet her lips, curling her lips inward to do so. "You won't tell me anything!"
    December 10th, 2016 at 03:35am
  • Jeffrey stared into her eyes for a long moment, his breath sticking in his lungs causing his throat to burn. He couldn’t tell her quite yet. It wasn’t time and she sure as hell wasn’t ready. Jeffrey’s eyes flicked downward for a moment before he found the sense to look back up to her.

    “You’re going to do as I say,” he said flatly. “And soon enough you’ll find enjoyment and pleasure out of this whole arrangement, I promise. But I need you to start fucking listening first. And drop the god damn attitude, yeah?”
    December 28th, 2016 at 07:01pm
  • Kaylee couldn't help but laugh as she shook her head. "You're being utterly ridiculous. Thinking I'm somehow going to come to enjoy being kidnapped and held against my will by someone that is probably old enough to be my dad!" She had no idea how old Jeffrey actually was but she was positive he had at least a good ten or fifteen years on her.

    Shuddering at the thought, Kaylee shook her head as she turned away from the man. "You're sick. I don't have any clue what your plans are for me but you're going to regret it one day. Someone is either go to find us or I'm going to get away and then you're going to get locked up forever!"
    January 2nd, 2017 at 05:08am
  • Jeffrey began to clench his teeth together so hard, he was sure he could break the bones in his mouth at any moment. The fire that was pooling behind his eyes was beginning to show with the re flush of anger that was spreading across his cheeks. Why couldn’t she just fucking listen to him? Jeffrey had a small voice in the back of his mind that was beginning to tell him that he had picked the wrong person when he picked Kaylee.

    Gripping the edge of the bed she was laying on, knuckles turning white, Jeffrey pulled himself to his feet. “You are most definitely going to regret the decision you are making right now little girl.”
    January 5th, 2017 at 02:44am
  • Kaylee gave a roll of her eyes as she shook her head. She huffed, forcing away the fear that curled in the pit of her stomach. She tugged the blanket tighter around her body, pushing as close into the wall as she could manage. "You lied to me and then you kidnapped me... and you're surprised that I'm not happy!" Kaylee reasoned, dropping her gaze away from him. "And you won't even tell me why."

    Kaylee bit down on her bottom lip as it began to quiver, not wanting to cry in front of Jeffrey. She clamped her eyes shut, willing herself to remain strong while he was still in the room with her.
    January 5th, 2017 at 03:20am
  • “You’re going to regret this, Kaylee.” Jeffrey stated, his voice low and thick with anger. He thought she would be smarter (or more naive) than to fight back. He knew that she wouldn’t go into this directly willingly, but he didn’t think that the girl was going to be so damn stubborn like she was being.

    Jeffrey stalked across the room, opening her door and slamming it behind him. He made sure to forcefully lock it so that she would hear the click of the lock. He went to the kitchen and poured himself a drink. He would let her soak everything in for the rest of the night.
    January 10th, 2017 at 10:30pm
  • Kaylee glared after Jeffrey's form as he left the room, only to shrink back into the mattress at the sound of the lock shutting. She wasn't sure what it was, she really wasn't, but the sudden realization that she was locked away in a strange man's home with no way to escape scared her right down to her core.

    Rolling onto her other side, with her back to the door, Kaylee pulled her knees to her chest. She drew in a shaky breath and willed herself to stay strong. Maybe if she played along for a long enough time, she would have a chance to get away from Jeffrey.
    January 10th, 2017 at 11:53pm
  • Jeffrey waited until the next morning to go to Kaylee’s room. He figured she should have simmered down by that time. He hadn’t heard any attempts of her trying to do anything, and believe him, he stayed up a good portion of the night listening for any signs of anything whatsoever.

    Jeffrey gently knocked on her door before unlocking it and pushing it open. He saw the outline of her lumped underneath the bed spread. “Feeling a little calmer this morning, Kaylee?”
    January 11th, 2017 at 07:02pm
  • Kaylee had managed to slip off into an uneasy sleep for most of the night, tossing and turning, and sometimes laying, staring at the ceiling for an hour before the exhaustion won out and she could catch a bit of sleep. She happened to have been resting when Jeffrey knocked, becoming alert in a matter of seconds. She pushed herself up against the headboard, watching Jeffrey warily.

    Her eyes were trained on him and she gave a weak nod, not daring to so much as open her mouth. She was tired and it was beginning to take a toll on her. Kaylee drew in a deep breath, gritting her teeth as she turned her head away from him.
    January 12th, 2017 at 12:25am
  • As Jeffrey walked into the room he could feel the sudden shift in her mood. He eyes her warily, waiting for her to say something smart or to come up with something to piss him off. It almost seemed like a game for her, but he was bound and determined to show her that this shit was not a game.

    “Are you hungry?” He started as he walked a little closer. There was a small desk in her room and he pulled the chair out from it and sat down. “I can start breakfast whenever you want.” He eyed the barley eaten sandwich placed on the floor at the end of her bed. “Seeing as you’re probably hungry—you didn’t eat dinner last night.”
    January 12th, 2017 at 08:05pm
  • Kaylee eyed Jeffrey, her gaze darting to the plate of food that she had just barely touched. She was hungry, sure, but she wasn't all that sure whether she could trust him to actually feed her or not. With a sigh, she shrugged as she turned back around. Kaylee dropped her head, studying the detail of her blanket instead of actually looking up at him.

    "What do you want from me?" Kaylee tried again, wanting some sort of answer as to why she was here. Every other time that she had breached the subject, she would get shut down so she was hoping now that she was at least trying to be a bit more civil, she might get a more detailed answer.
    January 12th, 2017 at 08:20pm
  • Jeffrey’s expression immediately softened with her compliance. The corners of his mouth tilted slightly, a barley visible smile on his lips. He nodded his head towards the door. He stood up, his arms hanging loosely at his sides.

    “Get dressed and come down stairs for breakfast. We’ll have a talk.” He mentioned. He knew there was no way she could escaped, he had made sure of it. He figured he might as well give her a little bit of freedom now that she had calmed down a bit. He knew it would be for the best, make her more willing to listen to him.
    January 12th, 2017 at 09:29pm
  • Kaylee wasn't so sure that she wanted to follow Jeffrey downstairs and have this talk that the man mentioned but she didn't really think that she had a choice either. She bit back a sigh, pushing to her feet to follow Jeffrey down the stairs. Her stomach twisted into a knot as she stepped into the kitchen, refusing to take even another step as she watched him move around the room.

    "You said we would talk," Kaylee reiterated, wanting nothing more than to turn and head right back up the stairs but if she could at least get some sort of answer.
    January 12th, 2017 at 10:43pm
  • Jeffrey’s back was facing Kaylee. He was currently busy at the task at hand, making breakfast. “Sit,” he said, not turning to look at her. Jeffrey was trying to prepare himself for what was about to ensue. He didn’t know how the conversation was going to go. He didn’t want to have to lock Kaylee up, but if he had to, he would.

    As he cooked, Jeffrey went over different things that he expected of her. He explained their budding relationship in detail, that way she knew everything that was going to start. What she was to wear, how she was to address him, certain urges and craving he needed to satisfy—cravings that only she could help him satisfy. When he turned around and looked at her, he wasn’t sure if she looked as though she was going to scream, cry, or vomit. His eyebrows were raised as he waited for some type of reaction from her.
    January 12th, 2017 at 11:15pm
  • Kaylee had expected something out of ordinary but she sure hadn't been expecting for Jeffrey to want so much from her. Her heart leapt to her throat as she continued to listen, tears welling in her eyes as she closed her eyes tightly. She wasn't about to cry in front of this sick bastard. She bit down on her bottom lip, trying to keep herself as calm as she could manage but the moment he explained what she was to call him, Kaylee let out a sob.

    She dropped her head down, refusing to look at him as she shook her head frantically. "No!" She shouted, pushing away from the table. Kaylee began to back away from him, wanting to put as much distance between the two as she could manage. "I'm not calling you that sick name! I don't know what sort of sick, twisted bastard you are but I'm not calling you that! You're not my father! And no, I'm not going to let you fuck me and beg like some sort of twisted fantasy!"

    Kaylee was crying by this point as her back hit the opposite wall. "My parents have already contacted the police and they're going to find us here, you sick, sick man! And then you're going to jail and you know what, an inmate is probably going to kill you because of the sort of sick shit you're into!"
    January 12th, 2017 at 11:45pm
  • Jeffrey let Kaylee get everything out. He stood, arms crossed, jaw set, staring at her as she screamed at him. Boy, did she scream and scream and scream. However, Jeffrey was mentally prepared. After Kaylee’s various outburst the night before, Jeffrey knew that this new information was not going to be laying too lightly with the little girl. God, how badly he wanted to bend her over her knees and make her count out loud as he lashed her, her perfect, soft skin turning red underneath his hand.

    Instead of focusing on Kaylee’s words, he thought about all the punishment they were going to cause her in the future. Eventually she would break. She would learn to love Jeffrey the way he needed to be loved. She would learn to please Jeffrey the way that he needed to be pleased. She would learn to be daddy’s perfect little girl, and Jeffrey was going to love every minute of the process.

    It wouldn’t just be Jeffrey being pleasured, God, he would pleasure her too. In ways she couldn’t even imagine. After she had gotten through her yelling, Jeffrey’s arms dropped. “You done yelling now, little girl? Cuz shit stands from here on out. Next time you talk to me like that, not only are you going to learn what happens when you yell at Daddy, but you are going to love every minute of the punishment you will receive. Got it?” That seemed to shut her up. “Now. Sit down and eat your breakfast.”
    January 12th, 2017 at 11:52pm
  • The longer that Kaylee yelled, the more she realized just how big of a mistake she had made by starting. She wasn't the one that was in charge here, Jeffrey was making that rather clear with his actions. Even if he never said a word to stop her from yelling, the way his emotions flashed across his features had been enough to tell her that she had been stupid. Gulping, Kaylee gave a quick nod of her head, her eyes trained on his as he spoke. "Yes," she squeaked the word out, hanging her head as she stepped back toward the table.

    Kaylee stared at the plate of prepared food in front of her, finding that what appetite she had managed to work up was long gone. She wanted to hide away and pretend like nothing was wrong. She somehow doubted ignoring the food was allowable and she certainly didn't want to find out what sort of punishment Jeffrey would have in store for her.

    Swallowing around the lump in her throat, Kaylee lifted her fork with a shaking hand. She was quiet as she ate, tears still welling in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. Once Kaylee decided she had finished eating, she shoved the plate away and refused to look up from where her plate had been sitting. Fine, if Jeffrey wanted to play games with her, she couldn't stop him but that didn't mean she had to be willing.
    January 13th, 2017 at 12:24am