Of Our Fates

  • She nodded a little then sighed, "Then in four days," she said to him then turned to walk out of his room.

    He smiled a little, "Then I suppose I'll ask your father for your hand then, couldn't let anyone else snatch you up,"
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:04am
  • Mariana stood in the kitchen, making dinner for her family when her father walked by. “Oh, Father, I’ve made too much food,” Mariana said as if she hadn’t purposely planned to over cook on the day that Chanyeol was coming. “What should I do?” She asked him, hearing a knock at the door and pretending that this wasn’t planned.
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:24am
  • Her father looked at her unconvinced that she hadn't done this on purpose and sighed a little, "I'll go get the door, I'm sure we'll find another use for the food," he told her.

    Lily set the table and poured them both something to drink, "Your mother brought more baby clothes, you'd think I was having trplets or something by how prepared she is," she mumbled, she was nervous about consumating their marriage. She'd never been with a man before, and if he'd had his way she never would.
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:27am
  • She watched him from around the corner before going back into the kitchen and setting it up. She waited a few moments, not wanting to come out until she was sure it was Chanyeol.

    Jinyoung sat at the table, sighing a little. “If you have triplet boys they’ll leave us alone. So try for it?” He asked, taking a drink and yawning
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:32am
  • "I'd rather not," she said wncng a little she'd been present during a couple births and they were never pretty.

    Chanyeol loked shocked when the door opened, "Sir," he said bowing in respect, "I've come ot speak with you personally," he smiled a little.
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:38am
  • Mariana stuck her head out and looked at him, ducking back behind when she heard her father. “About what? Fruit? I know you’ve been taking fruit for that orphanage of yours,” Her father said.

    He nodded a little. “Maybe not.” He said as he finished his food. “When you’re ready, Come to my room.” He told her before going up and sighing
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:47am
  • He smiled, "Of something a bit more than fruit, I.. I'd like to ask for your daughter's hand," he said to him and held a hand up, "She brings the fruit and we have great conversations - the kids adore her... I adore her sir," he said to him gently, "and I'm aware that... the proper courting hasn't taken place but I've no question that I want to make her my wife,"

    She watched him then rubbed her face a little as she sipped her tea then wiped her hands on her napkin before standing and heading up the stairs to his bedroom.
    January 9th, 2018 at 04:52am
  • She smiled a little to herself, staying off to the side while she watched her father.

    “You seem like a fine man, but your family has a reputation i don’t want for my daughter,” He said to Chanyeol and sighing. “And I believe that she had other suitors she recently turned away, this why I’m assuming.”

    He laid on his bed reading a book, yawning a little as she walked in. “Do you need to prepare anything?” He asked curiously
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:22am
  • "My father's deeds should not sully the reputation of his sons, sir, " he sighed, "It came as a shock to all of us what my father had done, he always had a temper but I assure you that I'd do nothing but the best for your daughter," he said as he looked at him with a look of hopeful-ness. He knew his father would end up hurting him somehow, like he always managed to. "I have no wish to be the connection of that crime to my own namesake, I want nothing more than to move on from it,"

    Lily shook her head, "No, not to my knowledge," she said to him as she looked around the room then sighed, "I've never lain with a man before," she told him gently as she turned to face him.
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:26am
  • “I understand this, but I’m sure you can understand my worry. Though you had nothing to do with it, she will suffer through connection as I’m sure you have.” He said to him before looking at him. “Why the rush? You aren’t courting her for some reason you aren’t telling me are you?”

    He nodded a little and sat up, reaching for her hand and pulling her over to him. “Alright, well go slowly then,” He murmured, sitting her down and sighing a little before pressing his lips to hers and pulling on the tie to her top.
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:40am
  • "If we're being honest , sir - it was her wish to ask this of you, I wish to marry her - and my affections for her will not change within the year of courting," he said to him honestly," I very much understand your worry, working the orphanage I have to vet every person who adopts a child - and finding a suitable husband for a daughter is probably an even more worrisome task," he said to him.

    She kissed him back and clutched at his arms gently as he removed the vest that was over her corset - the amount of layers she had to wear was ridiculous.
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:45am
  • “I’ll give you permission since it doesn’t surprise me that this was her idea. She’s quite remarkable when she wants her way, and if she’s got you to ask me without courting her fully, I expect she wants this very much... probably why she made too much food,” He snorted, making Marianas face burn, even though she knew it was true.

    He pulled her closer, easily removing the outer most layers and pulling his own vest and shirt off in one move before laying her down and crawling over her.
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:53am
  • He smiled a little as he looked at him,"I won't dissappoint you sir," he said to him gently as he glanced at Mariana as she was peeked around the corner, "I'll take good care of her,"

    She laid back on the bed, her legs parted only left in her final shift and bloomers - her heart was racing; how did women do this regularly wihout panicking?
    January 10th, 2018 at 02:40am
  • Mariana smiled a little at Chanyeol, noticing her dad seeing her peeking from around the corner and smiling sheepishly. "It would seem I'm getting married?" She asked her father, smiling a little.

    "I'd prefer he courted you a bit longer, though you don't seem to want it." Her father said, snorting quietly.
    He kissed her neck softly, running his hand down her arm and looking at her. "Calm down, you're shaking," He said quietly, pulling back to look at her, his voice slightly breathless.
    January 10th, 2018 at 03:48am
  • She nodded a little as she pulled his shirt off and brought his lips against hers, Lily wanted to do this - she wanted to know what the fuss was about but.. also having a family didn't seem like to bad a prospects. "Tell me what to do," she murmured against his lips, "Teach me,"

    He smiled at Mariana, and he reached his hand out towards her. "I brought this for you sir," he said holding up a large bottle of the best whiskey he could get his hands on.
    January 10th, 2018 at 04:22am
  • She smiled a little and took his hand, lacing her fingers with his and standing next to him. “Would you take me for a walk?” She asked him, squeezing his hand gently.

    He sat up so he She could pull it off easily and sat down. “Just donwhat you’re comfortable with... touch where you want,” He told her and leaned down. “Can I take your shift off?”
    January 10th, 2018 at 04:35am
  • She nodded as she looked at him, her eyes carefully watching his movements. "Yes," she said to him gently, her body had never been exposed to a man before - no one had seen her naked at least not since she was a little girl. Even then she was majorily in charge of herself.

    He nodded a little,"Of course," he said to her lightly, "Sir," he said bowing respectfully with a bright smile on his features.
    January 10th, 2018 at 05:28am
  • Her father nodded a little and looked at the whiskey, before watching them go. She smiled a little as they walked out of the house, still holding his hand. “I didn’t know you adored me, you must like me quite a bit.”

    He pushed up her shift, pulling it over her head and running his hand over her skin gently. He put one of his hands to her chest, squeezing gently and kissing her skin. “How do you feel?” He asked quietly, his hands nearing her waist.
    January 10th, 2018 at 05:32am
  • "I feel... strange," she whispered softly as her eyes fluttered closed, "I'm never like this... not unless a dream," she flushes at her words then looks away from his intense stare.

    He smiled a little as he kissed the back of her hand, "Of course I do," he said to her gently then looked at her.
    January 10th, 2018 at 05:34am
  • She smiled a little at him and sighed. “I’m not sure what it is but I get the feelings of butterflies in my stomach around you when you do things like this,” She admitted.

    He smiled a little to himself, sliding his fingers gently under her bloomers. “I’m going to remove these,” He told her, kissing her skin gently.
    January 10th, 2018 at 05:39am