Ethnic Stereotypes

  • Cereal Killer

    Cereal Killer (100)

    United States
    Thats practically true, a lot of people say you don't know much about the world, just yourselves. I had a friend there ask me yes, it's christmas there and i know you have it in summer rather than winter, but is it december there?No

    As for the Lazy, you're not stereotyped as lazy as us Australians.
    Wow Shocked like I said, there is truth in the stereotypes, and that's a good example of it.
    December 27th, 2009 at 01:34am
  • TariRawr

    TariRawr (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Ummmm ethnic stereotypes huh?.....

    I was born in Zimbabwe but I have spent most of my 14 years livng in Britian and some of the things i hear on a day to day basis will either shock you or make you laugh your face of .....

    I speak with a natural English accent and I'm more fluent than most english people (shocking i know), but most of the english people i meet almost instantly assume that i'm black-british instead of african. I lived in London for a few years and that was ok because its quite multi-cultural but then I moved to cambridge which is like all white.

    At first everyone at Cambridge thought i was some posh upper class black girl who drank tea with my litlle pinky facing north (like the Queen does)and all that jazz.... But when I told them i cam from Zimabwe in Africa all the stereotypical remarks wouldnt stop like for instance:

    1. thats funny you speak with an english accent can you say something in your language? When your at home do you speak funny like... (monkey noises proceed)

    2. Did you come from a tribe (This really annoys the hell out of me because I was born in a city with sckyscarpers and cars and we had money)

    3. Did you go hunting with spears? (I'm 14 years old and i'm afraid of spiders and spend my days drawing or listening to rock music WHEN would i ever have had the time to go hunting either in africa or england?!)

    4. Why are you so smart i mean your from one of poorest nations <<< This question always annoys me. It seams majortiy of people I meet expect me to be stupid becaus i cam from a nation that weild pears and go hunting.

    5. Your really fast ; is it because your african? Is uasain bolt african? <<< Someone genuinely asked me this the other day and I was speechless......

    6. Man Tariro (< my name :3) your really good at art is it because your african and your into cave paintings and pottery. (At the mention of cave paintings I punched 'said' person in the face).

    ....Many apologies for writing such a long reply lol
    December 27th, 2009 at 02:51am
  • sunflowers.

    sunflowers. (300)

    United Kingdom
    I was talking to an American girl and I got asked if I'd met the Queen. I was shocked. Like, just because you live in England doesn't mean you can just book an appointment and say hi. You won't see the Queen on your fucking high street, that's like me asking have you met the President!

    And I don't know if people actually think this or if it's just in movies, but British people don't all have butlers. tehe
    December 30th, 2009 at 10:19am
  • Ator

    Ator (205)

    pavel chekov.:
    Speaking of Australian stereotypes, two boys from Australia moved here (meaning Alabama) and are in my homeschool group this year. We're in a writing class together, and lemme tell ya, all Australia stereotypes I had are now BUSTED, SHATTERED, LYING ON THE FLOOR IN PIECES. Lol.

    These guys don't even know who Crocodile Dundee is. XD

    They have absolutely no tans, no blonde hair, don't surf, have never SEEN a kangaroo, platypus, or koala in the wild, and don't like vegemite.


    Lol. Just kidding about the shattered dreams part, but seriously, they did bust up a few stereotypes for me. XD
    Haha well, Do you know where in Australia they are from? When it comes to kangas, platypus's, or koalas if your not from the parts where they linger, you don't tend to see wild ones. You only see them in Zoos. And if you have ever seen a wild koala, you'd know about it cause the snore like crazy!! They sound like wild pigs.

    As for Vegemite, my boyfriend does eat it and i was so surprised at him because of it. Well to tell you the truth it's an acquired taste.

    Crocodile Dundee is an oldish movie (80's) so alot of people haven't seen it unless their rents have shown it to them or own it on video.

    Haha as for the Blonde hair, tans etc. There are alot of blondes here but they are all bimbos! (definitely not natural I'll give you that) and I myself find it almost impossible to tan because a) there's a whole in the ozone layer right above us and b) I have fair skin.
    Cereal Killer:
    Wow Shocked like I said, there is truth in the stereotypes, and that's a good example of it.
    you can say that again. Stereotypes are called stereotypes for a reason. Wink
    December 30th, 2009 at 02:14pm
  • noisette

    noisette (100)

    Being from Ireland sucks. The fact I have red hair and pale skin doesn't help. Whenever I'm on holidays me and my brother are constantly asked if we are Irish and the person always asks in a real paddy Irish accent. Which by the way isn't clever nor funny. File
    Also everyone asks if I drink guiness all day. Eh no. I'm under age idiots.
    Also just for the record I don't keep leprauchans as pets. (I can't even spell it)
    December 30th, 2009 at 08:37pm
  • noisette

    noisette (100)

    Samana Cay:
    According to all of these "You know you're from New Jersey if..." lists online, everyone lives in the 80s and women have big hair. Let me tell you now that everyone I know is all about what's in and popular this very second. And if you don't have stick straight hair down to your butt, you're not worth looking at.
    I have thin, short, naturally straight hair and I get asked all the time why I don't grow my hair out and what straightener do I use? Because I like it like this and straighteners don't do a thing to my hair. The funniest thing is when I get a body wave and scrunch my hair into curls or waves. My hair refuses to have any body to it, so by the end of the week it's straight again. It messes with their heads. tehe
    My hair is the exact same. It refuses to be straightened. No
    It has a mind of it's own. If I curl it with a curler it lasts for about an hour maybe less and then it's dead straight again. Sad
    December 30th, 2009 at 08:49pm
  • DaPrincipessa

    DaPrincipessa (110)

    I'm from Slovakia.
    I'm for Slovenia Laughing. Well, there honestly aren't many, because most of people don't know WHERE Slovenia is. Some people are sure it doesn't exist and some Italians tend to believe it doesn't exist (yeah, Italy is our neighbor, we have fancy neighbors, don't we?)..
    Yeah, once and some kind of sports event Slovenia won and they played Slovakian national anthem instead of ours Laughing
    January 4th, 2010 at 05:20pm
  • Cross Out Jennifer

    Cross Out Jennifer (100)

    United States
    I'm from Nigeria so people automatically assume:
    - I speak in noises; click clacks (I don't and never will)
    - There is no technology what so ever (They have the second fastest growing economy in Africa)
    - We drink brown water (Our water is very clean)
    - We walk everywhere (We have cars)
    - We're all poor (Some of us have money)
    - If they see a person who looks African they are Nigerian and we're related (I almost hit the person who asked me this)
    I hate the stereotypes of Black people:
    - We only talk in slang (The only slang I've used is typing "u" instead of "you" when I'm texting and its a long text message)
    - Rap is the only music genre we listen to (I hate rap)
    - Lil Wayne is automatically on our iPods (He never was and will never be on my iPod)
    - We all have extensions in our hair (My hair is real!)
    - We only talk to other black people (I have many other cultured friends)
    - We all watch BET (Mtv is much better)
    - We're all in some type of gang (I have much better things to do)
    - We use the 'N' word in all of our sentences (I have never used that word in my life!)
    January 15th, 2010 at 04:41am
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I speak with a natural English accent and I'm more fluent than most english people (shocking i know), but most of the english people i meet almost instantly assume that i'm black-british instead of african.
    Well, is that a bad thing?
    I would always assume that somebody who speaks with a British accent was British. If your accent is 'natural English' then I don't think the assumption is at all surprising.
    January 15th, 2010 at 07:42pm
  • Lizzie Borden.

    Lizzie Borden. (100)

    United States
    I'm so guilty of sterotyping countries and heritages. I don't mean it to offend anyone, but to help me know what I can do with certain people.

    German heritages are generally very serious. We slovaks have quick tempers, along with the Irish.

    It's fun to play around with situations like this and say all the traits of each heritage.
    February 20th, 2010 at 09:23pm
  • Mayken

    Mayken (100)

    United States
    I'm Native American.
    Ignorant people always ask me a bunch of retarded questions and say stupid things.

    -if we use cars?
    -How do you build a teepee? [My tribe didn't even fucking use teepees.]
    -Talking to me like I don't understand English.
    -Asking if I go to school.
    -Asking where my horse is.
    -Asking where my bow and arrow are. [this probably has to be the most annoying one. ]
    -Theres a ton more but I can't think of them now.
    February 22nd, 2010 at 05:51am
  • sibyl vane.

    sibyl vane. (100)

    United States
    It's the same with me. I'm from South Africa, but I've been in the US since I was four/five. People always ask me what tribe I'm from, or words from the language (duuude I was fucking five Rolling Eyes), or if I got to see a giraffe every day.

    And, I'm not posh, really, but my English is really concise and doesn't have any southern accent to's kinda basic (but people still can't understand me sometimes? lmfao). I hate African stereotypes Facepalm.
    Cross Out Jennifer:
    This too Clap. And because I don't follow any of the black people stereotypes, people tell me I act white. It's really annoying File.

    Oh! But the funniest question that someone ever asked me was, "Are you half white?" Like, seriously, dude? It's just so ironic.
    February 24th, 2010 at 12:44am
  • sharpbutterfly

    sharpbutterfly (100)

    United States
    You know us Americans are all arrogant. We are so not we like other countries alot.!
    February 26th, 2010 at 12:23am
  • fool's paradise

    fool's paradise (1000)

    United States
    ^ No, no. We Americans are ignorant and not cultured whatsoever.
    February 28th, 2010 at 05:46pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I just found this on a random site, it made me lol

    I shall be in Manchester next week for a few day and would like to do some fabric shopping as I know its going to be better 'up north' were people do normal things like sew for their families.

    Hai I'm from Lancashire and I work in t' cotton mill.
    (I know this should be regional stereotypes more than ethnic ones, but yeah).
    March 31st, 2010 at 10:28pm
  • Stephen Fry

    Stephen Fry (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    elizabeth gaskell:
    I just found this on a random site, it made me lol

    I shall be in Manchester next week for a few day and would like to do some fabric shopping as I know its going to be better 'up north' were people do normal things like sew for their families.

    Hai I'm from Lancashire and I work in t' cotton mill.
    (I know this should be regional stereotypes more than ethnic ones, but yeah).
    Mumsnet? Really, Meg? tehe

    Anyway, so not be be off-topic, Glasgow has....interesting stenotypes. Two words - Glasgow Kiss File
    March 31st, 2010 at 10:38pm
  • Matt Smith

    Matt Smith (900)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Mumsnet? Really, Meg? tehe

    Anyway, so not be be off-topic, Glasgow has....interesting stenotypes. Two words - Glasgow Kiss File
    Oh my god lmfao I was looking for fabric shops on google maps and I somehow ended up on there. What has my life become.

    Glasgow has such horrible stereotypes and it's really such a lovely place!
    March 31st, 2010 at 11:26pm
  • danii.

    danii. (100)

    the only kangaroos i see are the dead ones on the highway
    i do say mate
    i am pale with brown hair
    i fucking hate vegemite.
    its much too hot here
    i would rather live in new zealand.

    thats all Cute
    April 2nd, 2010 at 05:52pm
  • Ator

    Ator (205)

    Ezra Koenig:
    the only kangaroos i see are the dead ones on the highway
    i do say mate
    i am pale with brown hair
    i fucking hate vegemite.
    its much too hot here
    i would rather live in new zealand.

    thats all Cute
    Lol head out to South Morang. They have paddocks full of roos!
    Yeah, I'm pale with brown hair too, but I LOVE Vegemite.Nyam
    True, it is hot here. I'd much rather be cold most of the year because you can always warm yourself up.. it's really really hard to cool yourself down! Cry
    April 3rd, 2010 at 04:12am
  • oh bear

    oh bear (100)

    Hmm... let's see, for me this is really confusing. I'm Australian (but a Vegemite hater), but I was born and raised in China. Plus I have an "American" accent... but I've never been to the US. And I used to speak Japanese fluently, when I was little, so everybody thought I was Japanese. So, you know, all the Chinese/Cantonese and Australian stereotypes go.

    I got a stuffed kangaroo for my birthday. There was a joey in its pocket and when I pulled the joey out I realised it only had a head because the body was shaped like the bottom of a baseball bat.

    Let's see... I say "heaps" and stuff like that. I overuse the word "like," "um," "man," (from hanging out with guy friends, and now all my girl friends are saying it too, haha) and a huge list of profanities. Hm. Oh. Spelling. I used to go to a British-system school, so I spelt everything as "colour", "cosy", "organise", "jewellery", "defence", etc., until the beginning of this year where I lost heaps of points on a quiz just because I spelt things the way I did. My teacher's like, "This is an American school! Spell things the American way!" Uh... yeah, sure. Only I never did, haha... which probably explained my quiz fails.

    And I just remembered. At our school we call it the "Asian fail". Anything from a 99% and below is considered a fail. Like that's true. Because then I'd've already failed school. D:

    Oh, and I read some posts about South Africans. My strings teacher is South African and he has this really cool accent when he speaks English, but he has pale skin and brown hair and blue eyes. And my friend Nani (that's not her full name) is African, too, but she doesn't have any sort of accent. She speaks English perfectly well.
    June 4th, 2010 at 03:20pm