Princess Plague / Comments

  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    It's okay...stuff happens.
    So how are ya doin today?
    July 19th, 2009 at 07:14pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Hahah, well, it was fitting. And yes, a7x wont know what hit them when we dominate them! Should we do the whole "innocent, lure away" or just pounce and take them? hahaha

    Dammit! You figured out my plan. Come on... can you blame me?! You tell me he gets "[i]active[/i]" when giving too many treats... how can I not test the theory and see what kind of treats he could give me? But I promise we'll make sure your mind vault is still guarded. hahaha

    Haha, yes, that made sense. We don't really know each other, but it feels like we do. haha. Ahahaha! Putting ideas in your head now about Leana.. but do we want to share our men with those girls? Call me selfish, but I'm not wanting to share Zacky or Johnny. And I'll only share Matt with you. Val doesn't do it for me. hahaha.

    Haha, yay! You don't mind me quoting you! No! Don't make me get out of your head.. i'm enjoying watching Matt. haha. Okay, well, consider Jimmy yours in my next story =D And hell yes! I'll gladly take Matt of your hands in T&S!!! Especially after that last chapter... I want him. hahaha.

    Well, I'm glad you're in a better place since getting rid of your ex boyfriend! Always a good thing =)

    I know! I'm not hungry anymore, but I want a drink and it's all the way in the kitchen and that would mean leaving my nice warm bed... and that's something I just don't want to do. But you know, if we had those slaves... I dunno if they could retrieve food/drink for us. They might be too exhausted to do errands... haha.

    YES! *throws confetti* I'm proud I got it right! It's a nice name.. I like it =) Well, people tend to pronounce mine as 'Dan-yell' so as long as you say it like 'dani-elle' you're fine. hahaha.

    Hahaha, they keep stealing your make-up? Thankfully my brother isn't a make-up kind of guy. He's old fashioned punk. haha. And no, not too creepy.. people will understand our ways and only our ways when we rule the world!

    Haha, oh, gee... yeah, that doesn't sound like a joyful time over at your aunts. But it was just one day out of your break, right? haha.

    Haha, I know... given the chance i'd probably steal them from him too = p Or just get Zacky to buy me some.. yeah, i'd rather do that. There'd be no guilt there. haha. I have this satin purple throw blanket on my bed.. that's about it. And my sheets are just boring black. haha. But you got harley davidson sheets? Nice!!

    Aww, i'm sorry to hear you're arguing with your gf. Ever want to talk about it, I'll be happy to listen =) Oh, but your ex got 3 girls pregnant then wanted you back?! What a dickhead! hahaha. Oh, I've had that! My ex dated a girl that was so like me, but younger and it was so creepy. Hahaha, buffybot... I just finished re-watching the entire series of Buffy, so it's funny you mention that. And no, I don't like his new gf. But not coz I want him, just coz she's a spoilt brat and she doesn't like me, just coz I'm his ex. She thinks I stole him from her in the first place, but that so wasn't the case. It's a long story. haha.

    Haha, trying to stay clean... must be difficult = p Ahahaha! I loved your hypothetical radio conversation between "demo" and "kinky kitty".. sounds like a good plan! hahaha.

    Hahaha, yeah, reading is more important than random strangers bleeding to death! Serves them right for being careless in the first place = p hahaha. Oh, heat is a good excuse.. and technically not a lie.. hahaha. It was just caused from a different kind of heat than you said. = p

    Yeah, I'm a confetti freak.. haha. Yes, I'm sure she won't mind. hahaha.

    I know! There's like no good Johnny stories lately... it's depressing. I need some Johnny fix. He's such a lil cutey =D

    Lmao! I just got the best idea to get you... I'd suggest Jimmy and Brian standing there, with no shirts and no pants.. but boxers on and a flake bar sticking out of the waistband.... =D

    Yeah, it's easier here. There's no creepy or oversexed guys who harass you and send you perverted things... haha.

    Oh, my MSN s/n is:

    I made the email up YEARS ago.. so it's really lame. hahaha.
    July 19th, 2009 at 04:02pm
  • Natta

    Natta (100)

    Haha, it would be kind of strange if I didn't know what countries are near Sweden. :P
    July 19th, 2009 at 01:02pm
  • Natta

    Natta (100)

    Definitely. :) I just noticed that you're from Iceland. You're like the third person I've come across here that's from a Nordic country. And you're a vegetarian, me too! :)
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:30pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    You're welcome =]
    July 19th, 2009 at 03:57am
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, I like that... can get away with murder even though we're covered in blood and holding two knifes... that will work perfectly with our world domination... no one shall suspect us of evil things. Least of all a7x...

    Oh, I'll enjoy myself watching him, no worries. Haha, okay, i'll hold back on giving him too many treats... though it's gonna be really hard... but I'll restrain myself. Somehow. haha.

    Haha, yes, it is getting freaky how alike we are... but it's also pretty cool. haha. Oh, of course you don't have to sit behind the glass! You can be part of the fun... what better way to really drive the girls nuts, than make them watch one of their dominators (which sounds weird, but also cool) have stripping/teasing fun with those drop dead sexy men...

    Ahahaha! That will be a perfect quote for my story...which btw, I meant to ask if you'd like to be in? It's my next Zacky story, Happily Ever After, and you'd be of course paired with Jimmy =)

    That sucks about your parents, but it's good that you and your brothers have stuck together. Well, that's what your teen and younger life is for... to rebel and do stupid shit, which hopefully you learn from and help you to become the person you were meant to be =)

    Ahaha, yeah, I don't know how Danish is gonna help you in life. I can't help but think of the pastry every time I see that word. I'm hungry. I want a croisant... but that would be mean getting off my ass and out of bed and going to the bakery.. and I'm so not doing that. hahaha. If I had Zacky slave or Johnny slave, I wouldn't have to... dammit!

    Kristjana... is that like 'Kris-yana' or 'Krist-yana? That's how I'd pronouce it, by how it's read and comparing it to similar names I'm aware of. Though I'm probably totally wrong. haha. Okay, Kitty it is. Haha, yeah, though it drives me fucking nuts when my name is mis-pronounced. Some people call me 'Danyelle'... I don't know how they get the Y, but it makes my name sound so stupid. Hence why I just go by Danni... can't fuck that up. hahaha.

    Ahaha, that's fair what you say to your brothers.. hahaha Oh... it's the brothers fault. All makes sense now. Boy rarely listen... can't send them to do anything. hahaha.

    Ah, yeah, visiting the Aunt wouldn't count as a relaxing time.. but nice nonetheless. But hey, plenty more days to come for you to relax!

    Oh, yeah, I saw those too. They would be awesome. My quilt cover is boring.. it's purple and lime green (my fav colours) and blue striped. Nothing special. haha. And no, we can't be boring, or we wouldn't dominate the world!

    It's hard to decide which is more diffcult. Boys or Girls. But having never dated a girl, I can't really be a fair judge. haha. I do know that boys tend to confuse and drive me nuts... my ex still confuses me.. and he's got a new freaking g/f! hahaha. Okay, we're freaking me out... we're crazy alike. haha.

    Haha, oh, he's so the boss. He's gonna have problems dealing with us being in control... coz.. well, we have dominate him. haha. Demo, hey? Sounds good. = p I guess I'll just use my s/n and go with Damsel.. or I could use my old one.. Kinky Kitty.. though it's a bit close to your nickname. haha.

    Ahaha! You nearly growled at paitents.. that's funny. haha. But yeah, hard to explain the flushed cheeks to co-workers. haha.

    Yes! I get dibs! I win! *throws confetti* I hope she doesn't mind.. but she should be okay with it. hahaha.

    Haha, don't worry, I'll still do it. I've been writing it since March.. I can't give up on it now. Plus I'm really proud of the work i've put into it, so yeah. haha.

    Well, you'll get me to do practically anything you want by using naked Zacky, Matt or Johnny... yeah, that's my weakness. That and cheesecake. =D

    Ahaha, god, I haven't checked my Myspace in forever. Though I doubt there's anything to check. I don't even know why I still have one. haha. Msn is always open on my computer... though there's only a few people I talk to regularly. But I'm on it like every day/night. hahaha.
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:58am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Aww that sucks. i'm sorry to hear that =/ hopefully tomorrow is better though. *hugs*
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:30am
  • ashtray_jomaris

    ashtray_jomaris (100)

    United States
    ~[b]Heya. (:[/b]
    Yeah, I like stories that are well written, realistic, and detailed. I also tend to go for lengthy ones. Since I like when a lot happens. So I'm pleased with yours so far. Can't wait for more. (:
    Oh, three weeks, eh? Pretty good amount of time.^^ I just don't want to go back because I know my senior year will be blah. I can just feel it. All I want to do is graduate and move on hahaha. I know the year will fly by, though. Like it always does. :P
    Ha, yeah. I just felt that I looked bad in the pictures.... they don't show you how you come out... like you can see yourself on the screen, but the photographer kind of gets in the way. I felt like asking to see closely. Aw, thanks. Ya look very pretty. (:
    Wait, so a druggie lost his eyes sight. Did he overdose, or something? That's so sad. I'd get pretty emotional. Wow... you've seen many things, right?
    Today, I just went to the mall. My grandma wanted to get a haircut so she did. And I got this cute neon yellow tank top. It reminds me of something Hayley Williams from Paramore would wear. LOL. And people always say I resemble her for some reason. I don't think so lmao. But it's a cute tee.^^
    And not much went on today.
    How about you? Anything new up??
    Look forward to more of your story! :D
    July 19th, 2009 at 12:23am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    lmao nice about the Nikki Sixx thing.
    As far as my family goes I'd probably stop talking to most of my family if I am but yeah...I can't exactly remember what I was gonna say.
    I'll listen to almost anything, but I don't really listen to pop or rap so much and I don't listen to country like my mom and my sister do.
    July 18th, 2009 at 11:24pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    i didn't make you mad or anything did I? If I did, I really didn't mean to =\
    July 18th, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • vox populi

    vox populi (100)

    heey! thanks for the friend request. :)

    how are you?
    July 18th, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • Damsel of Darkness

    Damsel of Darkness (150)

    Haha, well, my brother and his friends all reckon I have a dirtier mind than any of them... they always said that. Apparently I'm a little deviant... but i'm not! Just look at my face, I'm little miss innocent = p

    I will definitely be setting up that chair with my popcorn and coke to enjoy that amazingly awesome view. I'll even share my popcorn with him... is he allowed? hahaha

    The fun we'll let the rest of the world will totatlly depend on our mood at the time. I mean, sometimes I can be a bit of a bitch.. so I could do evil things. Like lock up certain females that love our men (whom we've conquered by this point) in glass room... then have the boys come out and do a strip tease... so they can look, but can't touch. Just coz I would find that kind of torture amusing and pleasing to the eye = p

    A sheep is just bahhh.... you're a nut. But the loveable kind. haha. Ahaha, well, I have my moments where I have some decent ideas = p

    Yeah, my brother and I weren't close when we were younger. I mean, we basically hated each other til I was 13 and he was 18, then we magically started getting along and grew close. I'm glad to hear you're close to your brothers, that's really great =)

    Haha, yeah, English is the extent of my language knowledge. I know some French that I learnt in school, but I forget most of it. haha.

    Aww, I like your nicknames! Kitty is really cute =) Mine are mostly all family related. I guess you could consider Danni a nickname, since my name is technically Dannielle. haha. But I don't usually count it. I used to get 'Lil B' in school, coz my family name is Bentley, so my bro's friends called me 'Lil B' in referrence to me being my bro's lil sister. haha. But that's about it.

    Oh, yeah, a simple 'you look fine' is all you need to bother with. Let them find someone else to stroke their already over-inflated egos. haha. Yeah, ask for permanent! hahaha. Mine lasts about 3 weeks before it starts to noticeably fade, so it's not too bad =)

    Are you on your break now? If so, yay! *throws confetti* Hope you've been having a relaxing time so far =)

    Haha, matching pajamas and bed sheets = p Nice! Yes, we do stand out from the crowd.. which is good, means we're not boring. haha.

    Haha, well, I can't say I disagree with your brothers. Girls are complicated, but boys are not walk in the park, either. They're far more confusing than girls... haha. Aww, that's great that you're close with your brothers gf. My brothers gf is my best friend too... but she was actually my best friend [i]before[/i] they started dating. haha.

    Ahahaha! Yes, exactly... he is quite *ahem* big. =D Plus, my guess is that he'd be leader of their plans, so makes sense we take him on together = p World Domination plan is a go! We need code names... hmm...

    Oh, she's freaking adorable! I'm really enjoying the story. And yeah, it's hard to find decent stories. A lot are crappy with unrealistic plots and I hate that. haha. insomniac_schwam is actually on hiatus with her latest story... but House Of Jealous Lovers is complete and very good =) Yes, Jinx's stuff is all good. haha.

    Well, I hope she's willing to share... coz I think since we're partnering up to dominate the world, I should get dibs on you... just saying... = p

    Haha, don't worry, I'm still gonna do my one shot that's similar to yours.. it's just really crazy how similar they are.. you'll see what I mean when I finish it =) I think we think a hell of a lot alike.. it's a lil freaky.

    Nice touch bribing me with a naked Zacky, though. How would I [i]ever[/i] resist that?!

    Sorry that I hadn't responded til now! Sometimes I get overwhelmed with comments and I tend to just slack off with replying... but it doesn't mean I don't want to talk to you! Coz I do... I can just be lazy sometimes. Then I end up with like 15 comments to reply to all at once.. like now. hahaha.
    July 18th, 2009 at 10:03pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Well I can't really say that i'm bisexual or anything but i guess i'm a little curious if i am or not if that makes sense but if I am and wanna see my cousin's kids and stuff i'm gonna have to keep my mouth shut because I have a cousin who is gay and one of my homophobic cousins wants nothing to do with him or his kids or anything.
    my 13th b-day i had invited them both not knowing what was gonna happen but i guess my cousin (the homophobic) showed up with his wife and kids (his wife doesn't have any problem with my gay cousin but whatever) he took one look at my cousin and his boyfriend and started yelling at my aunt and my other cousin (his sister), took his wife and daughter and left. My aunt ended up having to leave because she was so upset and she didn't even know my cousin was gonna be there with his boyfriend. I didn't even know that all that happened until like later that day but still I hated hearing that it happened.

    As far as the music goes, I never really listened to much rock or anything when i was little other than when I was around one of my uncles and I still do. But I guess I when I was like a baby I used to growl like out of nowhere or something. I'm not really sure if that meant that I was gonna eventually listen to metal or any kind of metal or anything but I always thought it was kinda funny that I used to do that. The first time I actually started listening to Metallica and Motley Crue and stuff like that wasn't until like 5th grade though.
    July 18th, 2009 at 06:37am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    That's totally awesome =]
    Most of my family is just messed up. They're so judgmental (or at least most of my mom's side is) towards basically everything it's ridiculous. Not to mention a few people on that side are homophobic and I absolutely HATE that. I mean I guess not all of them care or say anything about it but still it bothers me.
    I know my dad will always be with me. He's also the main reason I love music so much in the first place. I guess when I was little I used to listen to music with him all the time and stuff.
    July 18th, 2009 at 12:03am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Seriously?? You're getting tips from Cam Rackam??? That's awesome =] lol My mom hasn't exactly said that I won't amount to anything, but she has said something along the lines of me not being in a band that would end up getting famous or anything and my sister agrees with her. I can't say anything about my dad cuz he died when i was 3 but he was into music almost as much as i am. He probably would've been supportive if he was here.
    July 17th, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    Believe me, I'm not gonna give up on it anytime soon. My mom and my sister don't exactly seem to believe that I can do it though
    July 17th, 2009 at 09:11pm
  • ashtray_jomaris

    ashtray_jomaris (100)

    United States
    ~Hahaha, no problem. I love reading stories. So I look forward to reading more of yours soon. (: Is it finished?
    Oh, a receptionist, eh? Sounds interesting. How long will your summer be? I'm on my summer break right now. School starts the 24th of August. Not looking forward to it [i]at all[/i]. I'm so annoyed that it's nearby. -_-
    I took some senior portraits a few days ago. I can't wait to see the proofs and see how bad I came out! lol. We'll see.
    Yeah, I usually listen to music while I do things.... was listening to some Placebo. <333
    But yeah... nothing much going on over here. Just excited for the Rise Against concert tuesday.... pretty much all I have to look forward to.
    Oh, I write all my stories in notebooks. And then I type the chapters up and post them. I like to have a written, tangible copy. In case it every gets lost in the internet.... you just never know. So I like to have it written down first.
    What's up today? Easy day? :P
    July 17th, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    lol yeah i know what you mean about the drums. and i think i was the same age as Zacky was when he started playing guitar too =]
    July 17th, 2009 at 03:18am
  • ashtray_jomaris

    ashtray_jomaris (100)

    United States
    ~LOL yeah I read Trashed and Scattered. Loving it so far. Oh, summer, eh? When do you start? ER? What do you do? Yeah, I get excited when I have a new idea in my head and I can't wait to write it down lmao. But I don't want to lose focus on my current one, ya know? So we shall see.
    Right now I'm cooking.... and listening to music. (:
    Not much going on here..... bored hahahaha.
    How about you?
    July 17th, 2009 at 12:41am
  • Xxzackysangel6661Xx

    Xxzackysangel6661Xx (100)

    United States
    yeah. i've been playing guitar but it's been kinda hard for me cuz i'm learning right-handed while i'm left-handed like Zacky cuz my mom ended up getting a righty guitar. But i do wanna learn how to play drums. I dunno if I sing all that well lol. some people say i do but then again i dunno for sure lol
    July 16th, 2009 at 08:46pm