leaf's a buzzard / Comments

  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Hey you, yeah you... you should call me when you get this. You know... if you want to talk on the phone that is. I'll be laying in bed listening to MCS. xD
    May 13th, 2010 at 04:29am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    -stops talking to you until after your exam-
    May 13th, 2010 at 12:03am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Woot for stress!

    Wait, no... stress bad!
    May 12th, 2010 at 11:49pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Yeah, so it seems yours and mine are basically the same except different colors and mine has the auto eject.

    Your final is coming up, yeah?
    I know this is like the third time I've said this, but good luck on it!
    May 12th, 2010 at 11:41pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Mine lights up and makes noises too. It makes a different noise when you're swinging it through the air than when you hit something with it. xD

    I'll do it for you in person.
    May 12th, 2010 at 11:30pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Yeah, and apparently it's still leaking. Every time we use water, it pours out. -_- I really, really wish that my biodad would just stop being stupid and get a new one. I'm pretty sure the floor out there is ruined now. And I guarantee he will not replace that.

    Hm, well, I've never had your mom's obviously, but you'll have to let me know if the ones at Longbranch are better or at least equal to. :)

    O_O How could people hate Jar Jar? Awwwe, I love him. ^_^ I can imitate his voice pretty well after watching the movie too. tehe

    That's awesome. I took a picture next to one of the R2D2 mail boxes in Chicago. ^_^ And my light saber is Mace Windu's. It h as an automatic ejection release too. We are such nerds.
    May 12th, 2010 at 11:04pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I mean, seriously, cleaning up a flood in your house once is annoying enough, but [i]three[/i] times is just frakking ridiculous. -headdesk-

    Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people. tehe

    Then I'll have to take you to Longbranch while you're here. They have [i]the best[/i] biscuits and gravy ever! They use fake meat though, but it's so good. ^_^

    Yeah, I really loved Qui-Gon Jinn too. I cried when I watched it the first time and he died. :'( But Liam Neeson is an ass. They asked him to come back in the third film so that his ghost could be in it, and he refused. -rolls eyes- Even if he's a good actor, he's still an ass.

    I also really like Jar Jar. ^.^ He is so awesome. And R2D2 just pwns.
    May 12th, 2010 at 10:27pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Ugh, I just went out on my back porch and it's flooded again from the water heater. I swear, if he doesn't get this solved in the next two weeks I'm going to kill him. That's all there is to it. I may have to delete this comment because if I do kill him, it will be evidence. -_-

    Favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Argh, what isn't? I love french toast, pancakes, eggs (all types), hash browns, American potatoes, crapes, biscuits and gravy. Mmmm. Gah.

    Yeah, but Ani is my fave. ^_^
    May 12th, 2010 at 09:47pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Argh, I keep hearing these noises behind me. I keep forgetting my cat is in her box at the end of my bed. xD

    What kinds of breakfast food are you good at making? Breakfast is really my specialty. ^_^ It's my favorite meal.

    Yeah, you should probably do that.
    I think when I'm in my room cleaning, I'll turn off MCS and put Star Wars: Attack of the Clones in. That line, "Chancellor, don't worry, Sith Lords are our specialty," keeps running through my head. xD Oh, Obi-Wan. lol
    May 12th, 2010 at 09:08pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Eh, it'll be okay some day when I no longer have to communicate with him. :) I've always said that if I ever had kids, which I don't want at all, that they'd never be around him. They wouldn't even know that he existed. Seriously, I don't want him anywhere near any of my friends or anything. He's like poison, but they all know he's an idiot, so yeah.

    Nope, breakfast will be eaten elsewhere. xD

    As for me, I'm just working on cleaning my room, then I have to clean the litterbox, sweep the dining room floor, and maybe do the dishes.
    May 12th, 2010 at 08:44pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I'll definitely have to go rent it sometime then. ^_^

    It probably is. It seems like most bad things in my life are caused by him. -headdesk-

    What would I have to do to get breakfast in bed? Give you really great sex the night before? lmfao. Nah, I don't really like the idea of breakfast in bed anyway. What if I dropped something on the covers? Then we'd have to wash them. It's just not the best idea I've ever heard.
    May 12th, 2010 at 08:03pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    That's actually one of the seven I have yet to see. I really want to see it though!

    He is very socially awkward, but not shy at all. By socially awkward, I mean that he doesn't realize when he's being extremely obnoxious. -headdesk- He has done the most embarrassing shit while in public with me. Maybe that's where my social anxiety came from. grr.

    Oh, well la dee dah. I suppose we'll have to stay somewhere that has a coffee maker when you come here so you can make me some tea in the morning. And how about breakfast in bed? xD lol
    May 12th, 2010 at 07:52pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    [i]Everything in this room is edible. Even I am edible, but that my friends is called cannibalism, and is in fact frowned upon by most societies.[/i] xD I <3 Johnny Depp. I've seen like, all but seven of his movies I think.

    I know, and yet he can read all the Dune books and watch Star Trek and Stephen Hawking lectures and pretty much understand everything. It just doesn't make sense.

    It would be better if I had some nice hot tea to wake up to, but alas, I do not.
    May 12th, 2010 at 07:41pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory better than Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Willy Wonka is the one with Gene Wilder. Charlie is the one with Johnny Depp. :) I liked the remake too, but you just can't beat the original. The bubble room was the coolest scene ever.

    You're welcome as well. :)

    And thanks. It's nice to know someone actually cares. And urgh, he's such an idiot. Like, he says he's ready to buy a new hot water heater, but he doesn't know what to get. How hard can it be to find out how many gallons the one we had held, go into Home Depo or Menards and be all, "I had a 40 gallon hot water heater, but it stopped working. I need a new one. It runs on gas, not electric, and I'll need someone to come an install it as well." ? Seriously, I don't know what is so frakking difficult about that. He acts like he can't do anything, like he's literally incapable of using his brain. -headdesk-

    I did get more sleep.
    It was nice.
    But I hate waking up feeling all achy.
    May 12th, 2010 at 07:16pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Good morning, sunshine, the Earth says, "Hello!" :D Yeah, that's a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory quote. tehe Speaking of, have you heard that song "Pure Imagination" from Willy Wonka? It's pretty much frakking amazing! Just sayin'.

    Anyway, your confession and everything was sweet last night. :)
    And I hope you do well on your midterm today. Good luck with that.

    You may be wondering why I'm up at 6:50AM. Well, that's because my biofather comes busting in my room this morning and yelling, "WHERE'S THE KEY TO THE CAR?!" So I had to get up and get it out of my backpack so he could move it. And then he's all, "Do you need the car today?" So I say that I do 'cause I hate being stuck at home in case I want to go somewhere. And then he asks me where I'm planning on going, but I'm in the bathroom, so I try yelling that I'm going with Rebecca, but he doesn't hear me and he's all, "Well, if you're not going to tell me, I'm taking it." So I scream it again, and he goes, "No! We told you that you can't drive it for anywhere but school and work after you hit the deer." He was being such a jerk. It's not my fault a freaking deer ran out in front of me. I swerved and only nicked its butt, but it did crack the fiberglass part of the front of my car. And that's the only thing him and my mom seemed to care about. I swear, whenever I called them to tell them, my mom was like, "Is the car okay?" -headdesk- It's awesome knowing how much they love me. But anyway, yeah... I'm not sure if he left the car or not, but I told him that he's a jerk and I hate him, which is the truth actually. He's such a freaking prick.

    Sorry to lay that all on you.
    I feel better now though, so I think I'm going to try to get some more shut eye.
    May 12th, 2010 at 01:54pm
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Your mom sounds like a very smart woman if she likes chai tea. ^_^ I think her and I will get along very well.

    Never heard of that band, but when I was first reading that, I thought you were going to ask me if I'd heard the song "Animals" by Nickleback and were going to follow with a sex joke. xD Don't ask why, 'cause idk.

    I think I'm gonna go to bed now though. Mostly because I'm tired but also 'cause I don't want to distract you from your studying anymore.

    I will say I'm really excited to get to meet you in person now though. You seem really awesome and chill, which is something I really like in people. We're gonna be great friends, I can tell already, not that we aren't already. xD

    So yeah, goodnight and good luck on the midterm tomorrow. :)
    May 12th, 2010 at 08:48am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I hope so too.

    And awe, I kinda of imagined you sitting at the table, cheek propped on hand, talking about me while your mom stirs some tea. xD idk why I got that image.

    I've talked about you to my mom a couple of times, but I don't think I ever have with my dad. I barely ever talk to him, and when I do, it's either yelling about stupid stuff he does, defending the things I do that he doesn't like, or about space or animals. xD

    PS - I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages. Because it's totally not like we were just on the phone with each other or anything. xD
    May 12th, 2010 at 08:31am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    I could probably end up in trouble if I did that. xD

    I really am hoping that I'll be accepted into a university in Australia for grad school. That would just be epic for me. But if not, I'll just go somewhere along the coast here, preferably Florida.

    So you talk about me a lot with your parents, huh?
    May 12th, 2010 at 06:41am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Well, I really need to stay around here for the time being and at least finish my first year of college as a Zoology major, but after that, I may just be ready to move somewhere different, and if I could find a place to stay, a job, and a school that offers enough financial aid to pay for my college, I'd actually be willing to go anywhere. I'd obviously miss my family, like my brother and stuff, but I'm going to have to move eventually anyway. And my awesome aunt and uncle might be moving to Georgia because she has an interview down there soon. I honestly don't see why they wouldn't higher her either. Which sucks because that means my two little awesome cousins would be moving away too, and the only family I'd have left would be my parents, grandparents, and brother, and of course the family I hardly ever speak to. So yeah.

    But I don't know how it would work out living with you. I mean, it'd be awesome, but I'd feel so bad because it would take time for me to get a job, especially in this economy, so idk how we'd get the bills paid and stuff. And I hardly doubt either of your parents would be okay with me mooching off of them. xD
    May 12th, 2010 at 02:35am
  • The Fantasy

    The Fantasy (200)

    United States
    Eh... that's just how my mind works. It'll be really cool if you end up getting that done. If you do go with the full back piece, it could get quite pricey too. I'm just not sure how that would look anywhere else. It [i]might[/i] work as a half sleeve, but I dunno.

    You've showed me their music before. It's quite soothing.

    :) I'd like to be in California as well. It honestly just sucks living here right now. We [i]still[/i] don't have hot water because my biofather is a frakking idiot. And our back yard looks like a jungle because it hasn't been mowed in over two weeks because he's too lazy to do it. I did it once, but our self-propelling line on the mower is broken and since our back yard is really unlevel and has a lot of ruts in it, I literally bruised my palms doing it. So I told him if he would get the line fixed, I would do it no problem. Well, he called about the cable and they said it would cost $15 for a new one, but when he went to the place, they said $30, and he refused to buy it plus refuses to mow the lawn, so yeah. Idiot. -headdesk- Now we have to get it done with one of those big mowers and they charge a minimum of $50, although it will probably be more because our yard is so bad, but I highly doubt he's going to pay that, so idk what they plan on doing. I really need to get out of this place. I feel like I'm living with cavemen.
    May 12th, 2010 at 01:51am