Hayleyniicole / Comments

  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    hahaha. So did i. ^^
    Hey, man, I don't even know if that's going to happen yet, but if it does, I'll figure it out when I get there. lol
    BS, I know all the crap they're trying to teach me. It's boring as hell. =/
    Well, I don't eevn know what kind of degree to get, so I'm just getting basics for now. Nothing else interests me.
    Hahahahahahahaha. Even if you strapped me to a chair and threatened me, I would still write "The Fluke" - just to piss you off and be rebellious. lolol
    Hahahaha. Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't write half the sick shit my mind comes up with cause some of it's just downright embarrassing as hell. lolol
    I read your requests and I'm not judging you. lol. I'll probably do a couple fake ones with Corny and Constantine then do background on Cade and Corny and then one on Constantine and Corny for the same. I might put something in there for Hayden with Lexis, but it will more than likely be in Lexis' pov.
    Hey!! I LOVE Cade and so do a couple other people. Don't hate!!
    Hahahahaha. You'll find out what happened when they were younger. That is DEFINITELY a story I'm writing. It's sooooooo cute between them. I can't WAIT to write that. lol
    Nah, it's Jake. I didn't really expect anything to happen between us. He just doesn't like me like that, but he's weirding me out lately. He keeps asking me about my past and it bothers me. I don't like talking about it cause it's sad and depressing as hell, but he keeps pushing me about it. I don't know why.
    Idk, he's my best friend. I suppose on some level it bothers me because I kind of wanted to give it a try, but eh. It wouldn't work anyway. Besides, I'm more attracted to Asians for some reason. O.O
    Actually, he really doesn't have an accent, which is rather suprising. But he's a nice guy, just rather weird because of his heritage, you know??
    I suppose. Planning is overrated anyway. lol
    No. He lives in Utah, which is closer than you but states away. lol
    What happened, love??
    February 22nd, 2011 at 08:58am
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Well, we've both been rather busy lately. ^^ No worries.
    Hahahahahaha. If a threesome happens, it will happen mainstream. It wouldn't be an extra. That would be no fun. =p
    I suppose it's an achievement, even if college is boring as hell. >.<
    Hahahahaha. Well, finding time to write is difficult nowadays. But I AM working on it. I just wrote more to "The Fluke" earlier - not that that will make YOU happy necessarily, but I am working on the other stuff. =/
    Uh. . I'm not aure I'm ready for anything you have in mind, but we'll give it a whirl. lolol
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! I KNEW I wasn't ready for that. lolololol. how about I do some scenarios with Pheobe and Constantine, then one with Constantine and Corny. . . ? I'm actually rather surprised that no one has asked about Corny and Cade's past, you know??? I'm going to mention that in the next post. But send me your request in a comment on the story so I can refer back to it. If it's on my profile, I'll lose it soon. X/
    And, nah. Jake got a gf - and it's not me. >.< Not that that bothers me TOO much. What can you do?? lol. The only guy I talk to at college is an old choir friend of mine named Jeremy. He's from Hungary and kind of weirds me out a little. Not the kind of guy I'd have a "thing" for. I don't really plan on meeting anyone if I don't have to, though. *shurgs* I'm not a very sociable person. lol. Though a guy named Kevin did start talking to me yesterday on here. . Definitely flirted, so that was weird. lol. Fun, but weird. Nothing else much, love. What about you??
    February 21st, 2011 at 09:59am
  • Citali

    Citali (100)

    United States
    Don't worry, Nerd Boy is explained later...a lot of this right now is confusing, because I've kept Tyler's side out of the mix.

    And only his jock friends abandoned him, most of the people he knew were totally okay with it. I based them off the jock kids at my school - stupid, prejudiced, and prone to violence.
    February 21st, 2011 at 07:49am
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Hayleigh!! I started a new "New" book. lol. Just a book of oneshots. You should go check it out!!!!!!!!
    February 18th, 2011 at 08:19am
  • Brain Dead Bipolar

    Brain Dead Bipolar (100)

    United States
    Well, I'm not mad about your comment. In fact, I'm relieved. Thank you. Lol. I'm going to rewrite some of the chapters tonight to explain the breakups. Granted, it'll be a bit of a pain, but if you are going to keep reading, and keep commenting and telling me what you think, I'm going to try my best to keep it understandable, and readable.
    February 17th, 2011 at 03:22am
  • Breezers

    Breezers (100)

    To your question, besides reading hundreds and hundreds of slash stories, yes I have seen two guys hook up on several occasions. :)
    Thanks for your story comment and for reading Behind Bars. <3
    February 15th, 2011 at 04:32am
  • Unicornpoop15

    Unicornpoop15 (100)

    United States
    Hi.. I'm writing Never Get's Old... anywho I know its all super confusing why he does some stupid stuff but he kind of exsplains why he did it later on in the story. Bare with me please <3 stella
    February 9th, 2011 at 03:09am
  • Broken.Passion

    Broken.Passion (100)

    United States
    Just wanting to let you know I updated Loving Nightmare... =^-^=
    February 6th, 2011 at 09:26pm
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Haha. Yeah, there's a lot of changes that happened in the first one. Like, Wednesday was supposed to play a huge role in there, but she didn't even make an appearence. >.< And Sariah was supposed to be the whole problem. I knew the witches wouold come in to play and I knew that Soren was going to die, but it wasn't supposed to be so. .complicated. lolol. I'm glad it was, though. More to work off of. ^^
    Haha Me, too. Constantine is sadistic to everyone except those he cares about. And when he does care, it can be rather possessive and very, very protective. I love that about him. ^^
    Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! That's hilarious. Woman Power. Hell, yes. lol
    Like I said, with Cade, there has to be a conflict. I can't just let Phebes have a good relationship with everyone lololol.
    Hahahahaha. I'm not judging. lolol. But it's your fault you got hurt, not mine. hahaha. *runs and hides*
    Hahahaha. No!! Cade stays in. And you might like him a little after the date. It's really cute. ^^
    And here you were so against the steamy bits. lolol
    Hahaha. It won't be boring. But it's probably more or less because it's in a guys POV. lol. I always tried to stay away from books that focus 1st person guy. But that's only cause the boy's don't really worry like women do. . I'm gonna prove them wrong though. ^^ He's gonna go through a hell of his own making. lol. I'm thinking about changing his name, though. To Cavalier. . I don't know. I like Basil and all, but Cavalier has a really nice ring to it, you know??
    I'm not excited at all about college. Means I have to meet people. I'm not a very sociable person in real life. lol. And I HATE group work, but yet, we have have tons of it. . I saw an old teacher, though. A crazy one. lol. And I have an old friend in my class, but I don't think he remembers me. lolol.
    It was a little nerve-wracking. Kinda boring cause the teacher drones like you wouldn't believe, but it was okay. It was actually small, which was shocking. Only 14 people when there's normally 30-40 to a class. >.<
    hahaha. I'm attending COD (College of the Desert), no joke. lol. We call it Call Of Duty, sometimes, though. lol. It's a very large campus in Palms Springs (which is about twenty minutes away from Desert Hot Springs, where I live).
    I actually have to go in tonight. (I have night classes.) And, between the hw, the walking, the paying attention, and taking care of the injured puppy we saved Monday, I'm worn out. >.<
    What about you, love? How you been???
    February 3rd, 2011 at 09:00pm
  • kissmyoops

    kissmyoops (100)

    United States
    Haha, good question. When I started A mistaken kiss, I didn't have a wattpad account and then I got the brilliant idea 19 chapters ago, to put this story on there. So I've been slowly transfering chapters over there xDD.
    February 2nd, 2011 at 02:34pm
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Crazy while. O.o lolol
    On some level, sure, I know what's going ot happen, but things are still a surprise even to me. ^^ I know certain things will happen but not when or why. . I figure it out as I go. lolol
    Hahahaha. I know! Everyone thought he was the crazy sadistic one, but he's not. He's just misunderstood. And protective. . And has an odd sense of love. lolol. He's a weirdo. lolol. But I loev him too. ^^
    Lolol. Yeah, I thought it worked great. I was like "Go, Phebes!" lolol. And they're both sulking cause Cade's date is coming up and they know it. ^^
    Hahaha. Well thank you still. ^^ I appreciate that you're enthusiastic enough to hurt yourself. lolol. >.<
    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! That's awful!! I'm not locking Cade out. lolol. And a threesome. . I'm not sure if I could write a believable threesome. lol. Or if I would be able to actually post something that embarrassing O//O But I HAVE thought about the possibility. Under what circumstances that would actually happen aren't clear, but you never know. . But there will be more steamy bits. ^^
    Pretty much. But I still maintain that you won't have to read "The Fluke" in order to keep with the main story line if you don't wish to. =) That's the magic of my mind. ^^ I do hope you enjoy it, though. ^^
    Well, I'm already working on the next chapters so breathe. It will update when it updates, but I start school tomorrow so I don't know how often I'll be able to write. Or how much these damn English classes will affect the way I write. >.<
    February 1st, 2011 at 01:23am
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Yup. It's been a while. ^^
    Hahaha. Yeah. I DID have to do that. Mainly to ad some conflict, but there will be other problems too. I mean, no one gets over love so easily. .
    But, yeah, it's crazy that Constantine is getting along with nearly everyone. I've said before that he's not as bad as his twin, but no one believed me. I mean, Constance is the dominant of the two and Constantine follows her, you know?? He just hasn't had the chance to really talk/interact with anyone with different views. But he's still a little creepy on the inside, though. lol Not overly so.
    Hahaha. Yeah, the headbutt thing. . I was thinking about how to start the story by showing certain dynamics to the relationships so far and that was beyond perfect. ^^
    Thanks for the virtual jumping, I guess. lolol. I'm glad you enjoyed the first book so much.
    I didn't really think that a lot of the readers would be into "The Fluke", but it's there. More or less because I'm almost positive that Basil is going to come into play somewhere down the road with Pheobe and the gang. I'm not telling how or anything, but the two gangs are going to collide. Although you don't HAVE to read about Basil to understand, I figured that some people would want to know. ^^ Besides that, I really like Basil's circumstances. He's going to get in hella trouble. lolol And it's all his own fault. ^^
    January 31st, 2011 at 06:52pm
  • xXRockPunkXx

    xXRockPunkXx (100)

    United States
    Thank you for the story comment. I made the chapters short so the story last longer. I only have about thirty pages written on microsoft word (im not done writting the story yet) so I have to make it stretch on mibba. I know Dylan makes me mad to but he represents someone in real life. I don't like the fact that hes like that eithet, but she's better off without him, plus she has Sam :) Dylan is a boy that needs to grow up and take responibilty for his actions. But there are people like that in this day and age; not man enought to take care of their kids. Thank you for reading my story I hope you like it so far. I might update tonight so keep an eye out :)
    January 13th, 2011 at 11:29pm
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Nah. you were probably busy. I got it. S'okay. ^^
    Actually, I entertained the idea that Corny didn't love her and just had an insane desire to protect her like a small animal, or something. . But meh. That would be boring. lol
    Ick. . I'd rather have no love. I'd go insane with two or three bfs. I had two once and they were totally fine with it but I was going bonkers thinking I was cheating on one or the other. It didn't turn out well.
    Hahahaha. I'm glad you think so. I remember Kriss was always like "If we ever write a story together, I'm doing the sex, cause you just suck at it." Hahahahahahaha. Gusee I've gotten better. ^^
    Yes, cliched. . . . Sad day, too, cause I really liked Soren. A lot.
    Really? I never really noticed if Cornelius was sarcastic a lot. I mean, I know he is around Gunner, but I think he's more condescending towards everyone than anything. Now TAIYO, Taiyo is sarcastic. lolol
    Ah. I see. Well, a lot of people probably figured that it was Creech and his gang since they'd already been spelled once. . Just saying.
    Ahahahahaha. Yeah. I figured everyone would be so hung up on Corny and Phebes doing it that I had to bring you guys back to reality. Thus, the courtyard scene and the mental break.
    Hahahaha. Thanks a lot. Nice to know I'm not worth mentioning =p Lololol. Her face would be priceless. lolol. Definite video camera moment. ^^
    Dammit. I knew I should've killed Gunner off. He's too well-liked. Pisses me off. >.<
    He DOES. He SO DOES. I feel bad for the guy. And he's not so bad. He just hasn't had a chance. He's more or less a little too good in this book, so that's probably why you don't like him. . he reminds me of "Shade" from "Arranged". . I need to change that, cause they are different.
    Hahahaha. YOU try having a schedule with three bfs and see if they're not fussing over it, changing it around or not liking how it works out. . No. I figured I'd just throw them at each other and let things blow up that way. More drama if nothing's planned. ^^ First come, first served and all that.
    Nah. She was just dealing with everything else. And since Cade really never showed her anything to the contrary, she never thought of him that way. She's oblivious, our Pheobe.
    Um. . . I think it might actually kill Cornelius to see Phebes in action with another guy. Especially Gunner. It might just break him. So, no. Wasn't ready to approach that particular dilemma just yet.
    Hahahahahaha. Well, thanks. (I think.) In the sequel for New - the one with Pheobe in it - I'll make sure to sex it up for you. *rolls eyes and prays it works* hahaha
    Oh, pssh. Things always have a way of working out. . On some level. On others, it's just going to get worse. . . In the sequel. lol
    Like THREESOME-threesome. . Like BED??? That's a maybe. . . LATER. MUCH. . I don't know if I want to delve into that just yet. >.<
    I will update soon I hope. Just wanna give it a chance to settle. ^^
    January 13th, 2011 at 03:43pm
  • Em-Jayy

    Em-Jayy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    It gets better and not so cliche
    January 13th, 2011 at 11:30am
  • Em-Jayy

    Em-Jayy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I wanted to update but I didn't think anyone was reading it but now I know you are I will update more
    January 13th, 2011 at 08:53am
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Cade's in the mix cause he needs a shot. And the fact that it was kind of just thrown at Pheobe and she couldn't refuse. It would be soooo much drama if she refused him outright but said okay/maybe to the others you know?? Besides the fact that she was overwhelmed.
    AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! No, there's NO schedule. lol. They're just going to wing it. lololol. That's hilarious, though. But, Cade isn't thieving, it's just that Pheobe never entertained the idea of him and her being an item because she was so focussed on Cornelius and Gunner and Soren and everything else that was going wrong. She didn't have time to ad something/someone else to the mix. Still glad you enjoyed it, though.
    Hahaha. Nah. She wasn't that blood-crazed. She would have to be highly affected by bloodlust in order for her to get over her embarrassment and become wanton. Besides, sex after sex would have been too much in this story. =/
    Hahahaha. I love him too. But there's a sequel! I got an idea for a sequel. =D It's not "The Fluke", but something different. It will take place at the same time as "The Fluke", but will revolve around Pheobe and the gang and her relationship(s). And whether you apporve or not, you don't know what they'll be like together. I don't even know, so we'll have to wait and see. ^.*
    January 12th, 2011 at 07:00pm
  • Em-Jayy

    Em-Jayy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Sorry I haven't updated Luck Just Isn't on my side had things on my mind just for you I'm going to post another chapter :D
    January 12th, 2011 at 05:16pm
  • IzzyBeth09

    IzzyBeth09 (100)

    United States
    I love your comments on 'New'. Especially the big long post thats like... 4th from the last right now. I lol'd.
    January 12th, 2011 at 09:49am
  • Meru21

    Meru21 (100)

    United States
    Yeah, we'd be having issues if you didn't know who you were. =/
    Yeah, it seems a lot of people were waiting for Corny to confess. I didn't know it was such a big issue considering there was Soren first and then Gunner and then Cade. . That's a lot of love. lol But, uh, I thought you didn't want any more sec stuff?? O.o
    I teared up writing Soren's death scene. Really made me angry. But he was meant to die. Sadly. And considering that no one could go back and tell Guide or the gang that Soren was dead, his body would still be there. And the Corny telling Phebes to forget he told her he loved her was sarcasm. He was just kinda ticked cause she was complaining that he was carrying her. lol Nothing serious, no worries.
    Yeah. I get it. Hayden is Sweets' Leash, so he has to be effective. But, yes, one of the spelled wolves was Hayden. . Not one of the ones who attack Phebes early on in the story (she would've recognized him) but he was one fighting in this last scene here. The one Gunner took on, actually. Sheree was the wolf that attacked Guide. . yup. Craziness.
    Uh. . You'll find out? In the next chapter. Which I will probably update today. So don't flip too much.
    Everything gets explained, don't worry. Just breathe. . Absorb the info. . lol
    Uh. . That is kinda creepy. . Jk. lolol
    Well, I did post two chapters at the same time, so it's okie dokie. ^^ And yes, a late comment is definitely better than no comment.
    Hahahahahahaahahahahaha!! Yes, Sariah kicked the bucket big time, but I have to say that Pheobe doesn't like that at all. Neither do I, really. I liked writing about her. She was. . interesting. lol
    Blah, blah, the Gunner Phebes Corny thing is going to get resolved, no worries. Can't have two bfs, can we?? lol ;)
    Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!! YOU tell Kriss. She'll kill me. lololol. And I love you too, in a totally NON-lesbian way. hahaha
    Hahahaha. Totally perverted. lol. So I guess Gunner is still your fave guy. lol You'll find out what happens. I promise. ^^
    January 11th, 2011 at 03:29pm