Icy Blues / Comments

  • whoop!- thanx love!

    i hope pass the permit..i did a practice test today and i just missed 4..so that isn't too bad..lol..

    Extras?..sounds fimiliar..and yea im craving a good book like really bad lately..today is kinda boring like a slow and dull day..i remade one of my friends..lol..like a new hair cut and some clothes it was fun..

    yay! glad ur reports went well..no more miles in PE..(thank god)..i'm sooo happy..so now all we have to do is like chill all day!..well in that class..and the days we finish our finals..grr..but other than that..its great!..

    well i better letcha go!...

    hopefully talk to you soon..

    May 24th, 2008 at 11:53pm
  • awesome!..thanks i love it too! i just thought i would celebrate the up and coming movie...i love the books and so my love for them go deep..lol..

    oh and the UGLIES series are intense!..i love em' i just got to read 2 because..another person in skool checked out the SPECIALS book..i was like ''..NOOOO!..'' lol..i was not very happy camper!!..ya know..lol..

    but other than that..the bar-b-q was pretty good..potatoes and like pork chops and stuff..lol..oh! and corn..yum!..hehe..

    Skool is close to over and yay! like only one more week after this one..including we are off this next Mon. for labor day..? i think that is what its called..but anyway..its amazing!..lol..

    i am excited...because i get to go take my permit test after skool ends..or just around that general time!..

    Ooh!- projects..in skool we did a couple of those but not to many..no prob..ppl get busy..no big deal..been there done that..lol..anywho..umm..i hope the projects went okay..costumes are fun!..i love em'..

    hopefully talk to you soon!

    May 20th, 2008 at 03:41am
  • Great...I love that story
    May 16th, 2008 at 05:56pm
  • Hey,

    do you know when the next update for Requiem of Revenge will be up?
    May 15th, 2008 at 08:00pm
  • hehe..old men in speedos..yuck!...i don't really ever have that problem

    well i hope i don't..lol..XD!

    oh..wow..so much i think has happend since i last talked to you.!

    well my friends (most of em') had a band thing too..so they were gone ever since 4th hour..and then today some kid got the shit beat out of him..he kinda got himself in the mess though..plus the guy that did it is one of my friends..so yea..lol..but he didn't get hurt to badly..but yea..

    Oh and yea..we bar-b-q'ed like yesterday..it was fun..i like chilled and started reading UGLIES..by Scott Westerfeld..the series..omg..they are so good..i've only gotten through book One and Two..but i need to read the 3rd and 4th one..then i'm good..until the next part comes in!..whoop!..

    lol..i'm totally re-doing my profile..in like Twilight stuff..lol..its gonna b great..!lol

    stupid p.e. teacher made us run on the track again..grr..it sux'ed..but..i lived..so yea..

    hope to talk to you later!!

    *hugs back..hehe*

    May 15th, 2008 at 12:52am
  • Hey Rach

    Just to let you know that I've posted the first three chapters of my new story up on here. It's called 'When A Stranger Calls' and I'd love to know what you think of it. Your comments mean such a lot.

    Love ya hun
    May 11th, 2008 at 09:53pm
  • Hey! Just wanted to tell you. I've read the 1st chap for "house of the damned" and i'm already hooked!
    I don't have time to read it right now! But im goin to read it soon!!
    if ive not commented within....give me a week....come and find me and tell me to read!! lol

    love em!
    May 10th, 2008 at 07:23pm
  • Whoo-hoo! skool blows!..lol..plus like ..wow..that last part didn't make sense..lol..but yea..we have exactly like ...15 days left of skool..pretty amazing yea?! lol..i kinda hate it but i don't..i'm moving soon so its gonna suk!..

    but yea..waterparks are amazing ..
    where i used to live we went to the local waterpark every weekend it was awesome..me and my homies*hehe* chilled!..and we saw some pretty hot human species!...lol..wow random again..hehe..

    but anywho..i'm kinda bored..and yea.!..i took a shower and feel refreshed..singing in the shower is so..awesome..you ever sing in the shower?..lol

    well i guess i'll let you go!..parents..grr..



    May 5th, 2008 at 04:07am
  • hmm..really!?..interesting..!..

    we have had hot..weather..I hate it!..i mean i hate it worse than rain..*makes angry face*

    lol..so yea..lol..

    DDR is funn!..i have one of those fold up mats too!..Go ME!..lol..
    I am a little bored today..but last noght i took some pretty good photos and i'm updating it on my profile photo..so yea..lol..

    The theme park was alotta fun ..we rode this new water ride and i got soaked!!..i was like a wet cat the whole rest of the day..lol..

    I hate those long Math test thingy's too! they take forever..but somehow I always get the urge to wash my hands..weird huh?! lol..

    April 30th, 2008 at 11:19pm
  • haha..yuck! storms!..lol..i hate em' all we get is rain..it sux!..my friend is coming over today..he is walking from his house..he should be here pretty soon!..lol..i think?! XD!...so yea..i'm kinda hyper i just made myself some pudding and yea..i'm well ...hyper..lol..

    I went to another theme park with some friends it was pretty schweet!..lol.. we rode the wonderful Ferris Wheel and had slushies and did DDR(Dance Dance Revolution) and rode like 4 rollercoasters, bumper cars, the track(cars racing/derby) and then we rode this fireball thing were it goes up to 80 miles per hour and you sit in a circular thing straped in and while not only the ride is spining its going high up in the air ..side to side..it was awesome!!..lol..so yea..

    how is you?!

    me..=pretty darn good!


    i'm posting another chappy to my story-(Neighbor) lets just say its pretty hot..lol..

    well great to talk to you !!


    April 26th, 2008 at 09:32pm
  • I soo envy you for getting to eat whatever you want..and being home by yourself..! i miss those good ole' days..! :D i really do ..since my mom had her arm/shoulder surgery she has been homebound except therapy and stuff..she's around to much!..but she promised once she gets better we are gonna go on a big trip!..she has bad cabin fever..hehe

    skool..was pretty boring today..alot of ppl were absent and yea..this really hot kid i know and kind of my friend ran from the cops last night..cus the police thought he was someone else and he didn't want to get shipped to juvi...and so he ran..also cus he didn't have any identification..so he couldn't prove he wasn't the guy they were looking for..so moving on with the story..he ran from the cops..hes super fast anyway..running through the woods he got scraped everywhere..his neck arms(really bad..) and umm..his face has a really bad bruise and a scratch because when the K-9 dog caught him-note the cops didn't the K-9, thats how freaking fast he is..lol- but so they caught him and they were the ones who scraped his face..so it looks really bad..i was like,''Whoa! dude..what happend to your face..?''..it was bad..but he said he would never run again so..thats good..haha..

    srry i like rambled alot there..haha

    but anyway..i had ice cream and my friend is writing a book mixed with Maximum Ride & Twilight..it's pretty interesing..

    I had a Math test I totally bombed today..it suxed..lol..
    Oh and my Geo. test was okay..i barely passed..hehe..

    but I guess I'll leave you...
    Glad to talk to you !!!!


    April 22nd, 2008 at 03:14am
  • Oh no!! don't get hurt..we were in Thunderstorm warnings for awhile..possible Tornadoes..and stuff..so my mom was freaking..lol..i was like ..well i hope i don't die..!?..lol..*while eating cake!* lol..

    Thanks.!..my friend was like really ? she was really cool about when i came out..she was like confessing some stuff she did that would border her sexuality..ya know..but she was like..''I'm straight..lol..'' so it was cool that she was and is still there for me..lol

    OH..and awesome!..lol..my english teacher is moving!..yay!..shes like so dumb..shes not a very good teacher..ya know..?! has to many projects and makes excuses for not grading stuff...its sux..cus when we do our projects..its worth so many points that if we do something wrong it brings our grade down realllyyyyyyyy..low...its just ..agrivating..grr..lol.

    so we had to finish and play our board games and everyone liked mine and my partners..even tho they said the questions were vauge..i was like..''We had Two Freakin Days!!..'' lol..so it was okay tho..some were really crappy tho..lol..but at least they tried..

    I made Cake.!..with icing..lol..chocolate!..yumm!..lol

    awesome and fun to talk to you again!!


    April 19th, 2008 at 01:09am
  • Oh geeze..the same here..lol..besides writing for my new ferard and today the phone man coming..(already came..) well thats just it..lol..i've been kinda bored there lately..I came out to one of my best friends and she was really cool with it so that was awesome..lol..she even had some secrets herself..haha..but then uh..in English we have this board game thing we have to do ...like choose a board game you like..or mix board games..draw an idea like them into/like the board game it self..and like use past stories and characters to play with..so we are just making a board game that suits all the stories we have read this year..or we could just choose one of them to use ...so yea..

    me and my partner are doing a Romeo & Juliet theme..its pretty sweet..like i'm drawing a battered heart with a ribbon around it..and then making the board look all old and Reinassace(sp..XD) like..lol..

    but yea..its pretty cool..

    Clean Up..sounds hard and tiring..ya know..?! i mean if it wasn't so hot in Texas I would totally go!..lol..but its hot..so I can't..hehe..

    lovely talking to ya love!


    April 15th, 2008 at 07:10pm
  • dude..wow..if i saw green lighting..i would piss my pants!

    i stalk mint chocolate chip ice cream my sister was being a bitch and wouldn't let me eat any...she made me eat chocolate..haha its sucked!..but its was still ice cream~ soooo..ya know..hehe...

    so watcha up to ..i'm talk to my buddy beth..she is like funny as hell..shits&&giggles* haha..j/k...but anywho..wow..i'm craving grapes..hehe

    I'm a VaNILLA Bean!!..hehe..its awesome..

    lol..so watelse are ya up to..OHMG..i love band..even tho i'm not in band its amazing..especially at foot ball games...lol and we do the little fun dances and stuff..haha..tis fun!

    April 12th, 2008 at 05:58pm
  • Te-he..


    oh wow..!

    for some reason it makes me laugh like really loud..lol..
    and yea..The Odyessy(sp) is like really boring..and yea..
    hmm..that sounds interesing..(pertaining to the article you read about Galvestin(sp){right?} lol..

    but anywho..today was a good day..since it was GERARDS BIRTHDAY!..its amazing..lol...

    i'm like gonna post a big photo of him on my profile of it saying "Happy Birthday!'' hehe..
    Wha! Wooo!

    lol...that was random

    i'm having ice cream..chocolate ice cream to be exact!..its yummy!!..

    *rubs tummy*

    hope to hear from you!!

    April 10th, 2008 at 12:56am
  • hmm..sailing sounds amazing..i wish i could do that... :D
    Keep The Faith sounds awesome..i've never herd of that they were doing that sort of thing ya know to keep ppl involved and not believe the rumors and stuff..

    I'm not a big fan of summer..i'm a Fall/Winter kinda girl..lol..i love the crisp autum air..it makes my nose feel good..ya know.!?..
    The Odessey(i think i just spelt that wrong..lol) is really ..um how do i say this nicely..boring..or maybe thats just me since i've had to read it 3 times previously...I have this feeling that my english teacher do some retarded project on it tho..

    One of my favorite topics to learn about in skool is the Holocaust..i don't know why..but i just love it..even tho its like a really sad and depressing subject..but i just think its great to know that some ppl have survived such and epic like that..that was kinda random..but i just thought i would mention it since we were talking about skool and stuff..hehe..

    i just got done doing dishes..it was fun!..even when i was little i enjoyed dishes..and i don't know why..?! i'm weird..GUH!! lol..


    April 6th, 2008 at 11:12pm
  • hehe..awesome! ''Keep The Faith'-? what that?! *feels dumb* lol..
    tattoos and peircings are a must for me!
    lol...i want a few

    umm..i did my nose and its awesome..i'm getting some nose rings this weekend and it'll be so cooli!..haha..i just got back from art club..there was this really hot guy that came and he had like snakebites and stuff..totally hot!..lol..he said hi to me!..i was like.." ..HI to you Too! '' haha..it was awesome..

    wah.- we are studying the Odyessy(sp) hehe..its okay..ya know all that Greek stuff..


    great to talk to you!
    April 4th, 2008 at 01:00am
  • hehe..yea dude..lol...like my friend Nicki told me they started filming and that it won't be in Theaters it'll be like an Independent Movie!..lol..so it will be initally bought by..muwah!..lol..

    aww thanx ! i know this is gonna sound selfish but ....i love my story! haha..i worked hard on it ya know..?!
    lol..i'm gonna update it for the last..part today! (might be an Epilouge) lol..but anyway you can check it out if ya have time!
    wah- slash..is love!


    i can't wait ..oh and i'm pericing..my nose again!.*yay for me* haha..
    its okay..i've been like really busy with skool lately and stuff..
    so how have you been?
    me: okay..ya know..just having fun and stuff.!

    can't wait to talk to you soon!
    April 1st, 2008 at 12:39am
  • hehe..awesome..no rush take your time!
    lol..so yea..i did my play thingy today everyone loved it..we had to get it video recorded when we acted out our play ..and it wasn't bad..yea..i haven't watched a Disney movie in a while like that..lol..OH..*sigh*..i'm like kinda bored..ya know..wah- yea at skool we had at social time today..it was fun we had like two hours to hang out and stuff so ya know..lol

    well i better head off to bed too..and write somemore..haha!

    March 28th, 2008 at 04:33am
  • I POSTED IT! ..read if you want!
    March 26th, 2008 at 03:44am