CHEX MIX IS GETTING POPULAR! Iiiiiii suuuuuu hapeeeeeeeeh! And the last two commenters were Dimples followers, the advertising is working! WE SHOULD TOTALLY WHORE UP CHEX MIX SOME MORE!... Again, that was weird. I really don't know what's up with that... :D
GASP!!!!! Lemonade Mouth?! Heck to the yeah! Determinate!... I dunno where that came from. I bet it was the depths of my soul. Yes, titles of songs from the Disney motion picture 'Lemonade Mouth' belch out from the bowels of my soul. That was weird. I'll stop typing now.
Thanks for the story comment, I see what your mean about depression being a "low". XD I didn't catch that! I think my story needs some editing, and I appreciate your feedback!
Heck no! I did not go to Florida without you. Do you think I'm crazy?! Sheesh, woman. I'm still in Mineesota, coming home in the morrow. :) Afterwards... I dunno when Florida's gonna be, I guess whenever you can get time off work...?
I'm conserving battery power. I forgot my cell phone charger at my house, so my phone's dead for intents and purposes. OH MY GOODNESS! I NEEEEEED TO MEET THIS KID!... Ew. What's a sneeze guard?