Chizzy / Comments

  • hi! Yeah, all the recent comments were deleted from the..I guess you could call it a crash? Everything before April 5th was deleted I guess. It's a shame because I loved your comments! More to the story is coming soon!
    April 22nd, 2012 at 04:40pm
  • Smoke and mirrors has been updated! Please check it out and comment thank you!
    May 29th, 2009 at 01:09am
  • thank you so much for you concern, louise. <3
    means a lot. (:

    so, what've you been up to lately? :D

    as for now, my mid-terms are totally taking up my time atm.
    it's awful. D:

    other than that, i'm going to a graduation party tomorrow.
    gonna get so loaded, it shouldn't be allowed. xD
    what about you - got any plans for the weekend? (:

    April 17th, 2009 at 07:20pm
  • first of all...
    sorry for the late reply.
    school's been crazy lately. o_o
    thank god my spring break starts tomorrow. D: <333

    but now on to what i'm gonan say. ;D
    as for my tailbone; it's lead me into an addiction of pain killers.
    my mom's going balistic 'cause it's not good for my liver.
    but i recently terminated my medication, so now i'm on pain killers.
    which the doctor hasn't perscripted. D:
    so, yeah. "/

    but what about you?
    all well, i hope. :]

    and i'll pm you some of the screenshots of my conversation with the used. ;D
    fyi; it was on myspace. (:

    April 2nd, 2009 at 08:26pm
  • thank you. ;D
    it went well, actually.
    like, the manager was away on vacation and wans't coming back 'til the day after.
    which is today.
    so the shop keeper took my application for now. (:

    hmm, still not sure about rise against.
    i'd fuckin' [i]love[/i] to go, but i'm almost positive that it's gonna be expensive. "/
    still, i hope i can go. :]

    meh, my tailbone's going okay-ish.
    i forgot to take my medication yesterday and i only took 1 out of 3 pills. xD
    gah, fuck, that.

    but how're you doing? 8]

    March 24th, 2009 at 11:18am
  • oh, really?
    i applied to a job today actually. :D
    at a pizza hut, rofl.

    ahaha, yeah; rise against are coming to øyafestivalen this summer. ;D
    don't think i'm going, though.
    neve rreally liked that festival.
    i've got another one which i'm going to instead. :D

    March 23rd, 2009 at 11:31pm
  • hell, yeah.
    well, hopefully; they'll come both to norway [i]and[/i] sweden. :D

    oh, so you're unemployed?
    man, i'd freak if i dropped out of school withouth having a job.
    fuck, i'd end up doing drugs!
    [yeah, thinking of bert.]

    but i'm sure you'll do great. ;D
    like, you're doing pretty well already.
    still; good luck, though! :]

    March 23rd, 2009 at 01:44pm
  • i know. xD

    the winter, eh?
    well, as far as i know, he said [when i met him last summer (:] that him and the guys really wnated to come back during the summer again.
    at least to norway.
    'cause he liked the sun and how it came up, like, only two hours after it'd gone down.
    rofl, he's awesome. ;D

    you didn't understand 'co-oping'?
    well, how're you [i]dealing[/i] with dropping out of high school? :]

    March 22nd, 2009 at 08:01pm
  • gah, yeah.
    sucks being 19 for [i]some[/i] reason. xD
    but thank you so much. :'D
    i'll need it, ahaha.

    hmm, for real - i'm not sure.
    like, they're already hittin' it in the us now and they're going to continued that for quite a while.
    so i guess, if i'm not mistaking that they'll come late in the summer.
    'cause they're gonna tour, of course, in the us first, and then take on the rest of the world. ;D
    i hope they come, like, in august or later 'cause by then i'll be able to save up some more money after the summer while going everywhere and catching festivals. ;D

    well, as far as my inlfammation goes; i'm not really sure whether it's better than a broken tailbone or not. D:
    'cause you see, the infection has damaged a part of my nerve system. -_-
    and if the inflammation is strong enough, it can destroy it and develop a virus in my body.
    gah, [i]why[/i] did i have to go sleighing that night? D:
    i'm crazy, that's why.
    always gettin' myself into trouble. xD
    i'm starting on my medicing cure today.
    very anxious 'bout that one. D:

    but really - you dropped out of school?
    that's admirable.
    like, really. i mean it.
    how're you co-oping with everything?

    March 20th, 2009 at 08:41am
  • word. (:

    yeah, for real; about 200 people. xD
    but the catch is... it's a 20-year age limit. D:
    [i]of course[/i] there had to be a catch. o_o

    but still, i really wanna go. xD
    so as far as i'm concerned, i think i'm gonna have to 'borrow' an id from someone who looks, well, -kinda-, like me, rofl. ;D
    hoping for the best! :]

    hell, the used [i]are[/i] going to come to europe in the world tour and they're [i]gonna[/i] come to norway/sweden/whatever 'cause i'm [i]gonna[/i] see them again this year.
    you with me? :D

    and as far as my tailbone goes; it does indeed hurt like shit. D:
    like, the doctor has finally figured out what's wrong with me as far as my tailbone goes.
    i probably have an infection/inflammation/whatever in my sacral area, which is my lower back area.
    i went to get an x-ray examination yesterday, but i'll have to wait a couple of days for the result. so i went to the pharmacy today and bought the prescription drugs that the doctor prescripted to me. D: god, i sound like such a whiner. which i'm not. seriously. xD

    so, what about you? how's life treating you nowadays? ;D
    March 19th, 2009 at 08:00pm
  • oh, awesome. ;D
    ahaha, yeah; i've meet so many people one festivals from the internet throuhgout the years, it's crazy. xD
    but always fun every time. :D

    for real? the gararge?
    duuuuuuude, that's a really small fuckin' place.
    like, it holds 200 people. MAX.
    that gotta be a mistake. xD
    ... i hope not, though. 'cause i love ~intimate stages. ;DDD

    omfg, [i]yes.[/i]
    as i've told you, i'm going to so many shows and festivals this spring/summer, and so far, neithe ron of 'em involves the used.
    and they're my top priority!
    oh, well. daddy's got money. i'll come cryin' to him. xD
    he's always nice. (: <3

    but, yeah; everything's alright with me.
    just damaged my tailbone in a sleighing accident.
    like, we were sleighing down a hill at 1 am about a month ago.
    i wasn't wearing my glasses then so my vision was kinda blurry. xD
    anyway, i hit a root that was covered under the snow.
    so my sleigh broke in two and i damaged my tailbone.
    it's been hurting like hell for a month now and i've been in constant and unberable pain for that long, so i wen tot the doctor yesterday.
    apparently, i have an infection in my lower back, like, tailbone, and sacral area.
    so i was sent to the hospital which i went to today.
    i won't get the results back until a couple of days, but i'm hoping for the best and that my tailbone's not broken. D:

    what about you?
    paid any visits to the hospital lately?
    /irony. xD
    March 18th, 2009 at 10:47pm
  • i know, ahaha.
    english kicks ass! ;D

    ahh, yeah. seeing someone you haven't seen in a while is always fun seeing again. :]]]

    oh, really? rise against in gothenburg in august?
    see you there? :D <3

    alesana on may 22nd? do you know where in oslo, like, which stage?
    i bet it's rockefeller. xD
    but still; thanks! (:
    March 18th, 2009 at 07:38pm
  • rofl, i love it when norwegians and suedes speak english to each other despite the fact that our languages are pretty similar. xDDD

    nah, don't really like madina lake, but for you i bet it'll be kickass for you to go to the uk and see 'em there. ;D

    nope, haven't heard anything about alesana coming to norway yet.
    but, hey; maybe the will considering that they're coming to sweden.
    most bands that come to sweden, often drops in norway too just for the hell of it. (((:

    but, really? rise against in sweden in august?
    do you know [i]where[/i] in sweden they're playing?

    as far as my summer's set up so far, i'm going to the hove festival here in norway.
    it's a kickass festival which was first arranged two years ago.
    i've been to both of the years, so this'll be my third time. ;D
    i'mma work there like i did last year - saves a lot of money. :]
    also, i'm hittin' metal town in guthenberg this year!
    but for now, i'm looking forward to seeing underoath in oslo on april 22nd. ;D
    March 17th, 2009 at 09:01am
  • omfg, yes. xD

    ahaha, you live in sweden, right? :D
    meh, norway's, like, the shithole of europe.
    nothing fuckin' happens here. D:

    are you goin' to any concerts/festivals this summer, then? (:

    March 16th, 2009 at 08:12am
  • i will update reletavely soon...i've written the chapter i just need to type it up!
    March 15th, 2009 at 07:43pm
  • fuck, yeah!
    he was, like you said, sho shyyy. ;D
    but for real - one of the most amazing guys ever. (:

    i really hope they're tour around the world as they said they would this summer.
    it would be amazing if they'd come back to norway/sweden/denmark/whatever.
    as soon as it's not too far to travel, i'll be there. <3
    March 15th, 2009 at 07:34pm
  • yep. (((:
    it was, like, an out-doors amphitheatre, so it was pretty easy to get backstage. ;D

    have you seen the used before, then?
    like, since the remembered you when you saw them june 26th?

    rofl, i started crying afterwards when i'd met jepha. xD
    it was seriously hands down, the best day of my life!

    March 15th, 2009 at 07:09pm
  • thanks so much! I luv ur music tast too it's awesome! ^ ^ tell me what u think of it! i always apperciate comments ^ ^
    March 15th, 2009 at 01:50am
  • yea, i have. In Love

    best fucking night ever. (:

    i got contact with bert.
    and i met jepha backstage after the gig. <333 :D
    March 11th, 2009 at 10:04pm
  • yeah, 'burning down the house'. ;D

    omfg, i miss them so much. <333

    can't [i]wait[/i] for them to start touring again!
    and the new cd.
    and the new dvd.
    gah. (:
    March 11th, 2009 at 08:49pm