With_Vengeance / Comments

  • Angelina Shadows

    Angelina Shadows (100)

    United States
    Hey can you please read my story called Broken Hearted Girl and comment telling me what you think and if you like it please subscribe. Thanks I would really appreciate it.
    January 19th, 2012 at 05:22am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    OMG EMILYYYY. I have le tragic news! I am on my Daddy's computer because my own lil piece of shit crashed!!!! I lost all of my work D': I am heart broken! This only means that I won't be updating as much and omg!!! This wednesday coming up I am going to steal time on my Dad's computer so I can catch up!!! My God, I feel like crying!

    LOL, no kidding right? A lot of us joke around saying that Wesley digs men, because well, he doesn't really flirt "flirt" with girls. Only me, but he denies it. Oh well, at least I get this guy allll to myself <3 I feel so damn special right now, you have noooo idea.

    Ooh! Can't read this new story! I am nearly ready to start my own original fiction. I've been putting ideas together, and now that I don't have a computer...well, I should have less time to procrastinate, and more time to write. And draw. My my, I will be one creative bitch.

    Yes, I won't forget your oneshot! That's my first project! And I will be making it so smutty and slutty, you will forget how to breathe :D

    Anyways, my time on here is short (I will have more time on Wednesday), but if you ever do want my cell number so we can talk more than I will be able to write now, then just let me know :) I don't ever give my number out to people, so feel lucky. I just feel abandoning you xD

    Man, I am so going to miss my computer :(
    January 19th, 2012 at 04:08am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    OKAY. First things first. I sent you the email :D I never sent an attachment via hotmail before, so tell me if you got it or not. If not...I will figure out another way xD I'm finishing up the second chapter today, so you will get to read it later :D

    Next. Because of your amazing horniness, you inspired me to write you an oneshot, starring the one and only you :D I ain't telling you if it will be superb slutty, or slutty, or hardly slutty at all. It's going to be a surprise. Not sure if I should pair you up with Brian or not...kidding! I will. You will get it later on, I'm going to work my ass on it xD

    UNF. I can't get over Enrique Iglesias! Call me slow, but I just found his song Push, and sheeeee-it, the music video for it is so UNF. It's a song that gets your hips just a rockin'. It's sexxxxxxy.

    OMG. Best thing ever happened today. So this dude, older guy, but really awesome guy comes through drive thru. He has these amazing ear gauges, their like tunnels but not...but they have brass knuckles in the center of the gauges, and unf, they are awesome. So Wesley, who was on backdrive, told me that the dude was coming thru. So I was like all happy and whatnot, the dude comes up to my window, and I grow some balls and ask him where he got the gauges from. He tells me he got them from the local piercer, and then he looks at me and asks me for my age. I told him nineteen, and then he is like "Sweet, here you go. Have this." He gave me an invitation thingy to a DJ party xD I was stoked on life. The best part? Wesley is an aspiring DJ, thinking he is hot as shit as a DJ, so when I tell him the dude invited me to thisDJ thing, he gets all jealous and shit. IT WAS GREAT. He was like "Well how come he didn't invite me?" I just looked at him and said "Because you are a guy."

    I am unfortunately not thouroughly satisfied with Precious Baby's last chapter. I think I need to fix it >.<

    Kay. I'm going to be online in a bit. Till around 10 probably. So we can talk on FB if you want :D
    January 17th, 2012 at 01:48am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Hey,thanks for the story comment :D I really appreciate it.Your charecter should be coming into the story within the the next couple chapters.
    January 16th, 2012 at 08:43pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Shit. You're addicted to Precious Baby? Oh dear, I think you just made me blush *fans self* It's updated btw!! Dude, I loved Before He Cheats! One of my favorite songs, so I was totally jamming out while reading it xD

    That GIF on your Tumblr was so heart stopping. Fuck. Brian, with that cigarette in his mouth? Only one thing I can say to that. There goes my lady parts. Shit, I'm starting to get obsessed with him again. NOO! Johnny is mine! Okay, is this weird...I was never really attracted to Matt. I mean, he is hot and all, but...I never desired to give him a good ole romp in the hay. Weird. It's not the muscles because I'm all die hard crazy for Dan, but eh. I'm full of insanity xD Talking about Brian thouuuugh, I seen that you added his sister on facebook xD I gave in to my temptation and did as well. I feel bad for her though, shit everyone is probably using her for her brother and dad xD But she does have awesome hair...and she is going to be one hot Haner gal.

    ANYWAYS. Enrique Iglesias. Long time hard ass crush on him. It got even worse when he made his video for "I Like It". Shit, that video with him and Ptibull? Yeah, I was a goner. My God, I swear, my ovaries have been exploding on me daily. I don't know if you've heard of him, but you should look him up, but this rapper dude, Yelawolf, yeah, he killed me. Sooooo hot. But sooooo creepy because he looks just like my Uncle's friend. If Yelawolf had a clown tattoo on his chest, then yup, that would be him.

    I need to meet this dude. Or...you could stalk him, and take pictures of him and send them to me :D No one here looks like any members of A7X. Buuuut, there is this one dude that REMINDS me of J-Dog. Doesn't really look like him, maybe the face structure, but I don't know. Everytime I see this dude, I think of J-Dog xD

    I'm online now xD Sorry, I kept going off because of my computer being old and cranky. I should be on for a while now, though...:D
    January 16th, 2012 at 03:34am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Thanks :D
    January 16th, 2012 at 02:41am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Yea,I understand that.I have three other stories that I'd love to add more chapters too but I just can't think of anything to write and they are going nowhere..So I feel your pain.I'm glad that these two new stories are actually going somewhere.I think in 2009 I went on a year hiatus from writing because I wasn't getting responses
    to any of my stories.I was about to do that again but I'm glad I didn't :D
    January 16th, 2012 at 01:38am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Well,still thank u.I really do appreciate it :P.Speaking of, have u decided when u r going to update give her a chance?
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:36am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Thansk so much for the comment on both stories.And aww thats sweet of you :)
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:32am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    FUCK. I honestly wished I lived down in Cali or Mexico, or hell even Brazil, just for the Latino men. I'm not so much into Native Americans, but damn there are a few fine men that are Native American <3 I'm not into blondes and blue eyes, but dark haired, tanned men, mm mm mm, finger lickin' good :D

    If we write a HU story together, then I am totally snagging Funnyman! HAH! YOU CANT HAVE HIM NOW, SUCKERRRRRRRRRR.

    My Gawd, Emily, my hormones are so outta control lately D: I hate this! So unfair! All of the men here are so unattractive! Oh! My friend and I were talking about Valentines Day the other day, and she was going on about what she would be giving to her boyfriend, then she turns to me and apologizes for blabbing away about it considering I'm a single lady. My reply? "Oh, don't worry about it Chica, I will just go to the bar and find a random guy for the night. I will be his Valentine Day gift."

    I think I scared her D: I would do it, you know? I'd be like "Why hello there Mister, you look a little bit lonesome tonight. Would you like some company?"

    Yeah. I'm a walking hormonal machine.

    Le Awesome! I will check my email...after this! While I'm at it, I will email you my story. I only have one chapter done, but my next one is near completion. Annnnnd, Precious Baby is going to be updated soon! I'm super stoked too! I'm starting to make it more...lively!

    Ha! I've written a HU oneshot, but I deleted it >.< Never written an actual story, so were in the same boat together :D
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:23am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Lol it's cool no hurry :)
    January 16th, 2012 at 12:17am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Vampire Hearts is updated :D
    January 12th, 2012 at 09:09pm
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Fucking. Hell. Girl. You just sent me over the stars and the moon with delectible images of Funnyman. Fuck. Now you know what I'm talking about? His fucking verses in that song. Shit, dog. They make me go crazy. And hell, I know what you are talking about with human contact. Everytime I think of Funnyman, it's like, my body is starving for attention. asdfghjkl because of him, I'm nearly obsessed with Mexicans and Latino men D: I can't handle this anymore!

    I'm soooooo jealous of you! I want to see HU live so bad! With BFMV! And A7X! That would be the ultimate concert of the year! GAHHHH. My hormones are raging now O.O

    Anyways. Yes, I think you should. I would love to see your "adorable" portfolio. Silly me, I want to go to school soon. O don't know what for. Probably some creative arts shit. I don't know, I'm content, but not content with life. I'm itching to do something -_- I have to wait till I move out now, so I can save money for it.

    I figured out why I found it funny that I got invited to the bar. It's because I don't have a social life. I don't see anybody, except for the people at work. So, I'm being a sociable person tomorrow. Look out, here comes the hermit everybody :O

    I just brainstormed. You like HU. I like HU. Maybe when we have time, do you want to write a story together? If you're into cowriting???????

    Aaaaaaand. Would you like to start reading my new story before I start posting it??? I have no idea when my co writer is going to start her chapters :/ But I want somebody to read it. So I will email it if you agree :D
    January 12th, 2012 at 04:51am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Yea ik wut u mean.Fighting really doesnt solve n e thing, but as I said ive grown up since then and i take that back i was 16 becuase Jimmy was still alive when i was 15 lo
    January 12th, 2012 at 03:22am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Yea ik what u mean fighting really doesnt solve n e thing but I was young and stupid lol well im still young but i meant younger lol
    January 12th, 2012 at 03:18am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Ha ha yea,well I have a problem with not fearing punishment.Lol But I've grown up since then,but I still get on the defensive when ppl erun their mouth.I was probably..Hhmm..Maybe 15 when I go into tht fight lol
    January 12th, 2012 at 02:17am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Oh it's cool,ik school can take up alot of time =D.And yea,well,it's not that I have balls,it's the fact that..Idk I wouldn't call it having ball lol just a no bullshit tolerance lol.Yea well,as I sai NO ONE talks shit about my boys!!
    January 12th, 2012 at 02:01am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Thanks so much for the story comment ! =D
    January 12th, 2012 at 01:58am
  • aye chica !

    aye chica ! (100)

    Where on earth did you get that from that song? Okay, I lied. I just like Funnyman's voice in it, so I don't listen to the lyrics xD

    LEVITATE DUDE. THATS ONE BALLIN' SONG. Fuck. You have no idea how I love it! Charlie's part is just so, kdjngfadjhgaipdurthipdr. Yeah. It's that lovely.

    Lololol. I love how J-Dog says 'wolves'. I'm listening to Been To Hell right now, and that part makes me giggle xD

    Fuck, me. I'm sooooo tired, I can't even. Today and tomorrow are my day offs from work, and fuck. Im beyond wiped. Can you say tomorrow a sleep day only? Shit, dog. I spent all afternoon today with my roommates, discussing rent and shit. It went better than expected though, so our progress is looking up. We did a whole bunch of calling, so now were waiting for call backs, and yeah. Crossing our fingers :) The rent down here is fairly okay, but you know, everything is so expensive. But we set up a budget for ourselves, so thats good :D

    But Emilyyyyyyyy. Me is tired D:

    Lol, Im going to the bar on Thursday xD I got invited to go. I don't know why I find that funny.
    January 11th, 2012 at 04:15am
  • sullenriotxx

    sullenriotxx (100)

    United States
    Hey could you check out my new story I wrote with a friend called :Vampire Hearts.I'd really appreciate it,thanks :D
    January 10th, 2012 at 11:01pm