Ed Sheeran. / Comments

  • Oh. Well, y'know, I was close enough. Joey = Johnny = Joey = Johnny so. But that's a good point. You so smart, Zina.

    I've never watched the Pacific. You're right; I can clearly see by that gif that he is quite a talented actor. Hm.
    January 8th, 2011 at 05:57am
  • Haha, we can agree! I'm getting my hair cut like hers on Sunday. It's funny with that band...I can remember listening to them a lot but as soon as I heard Tom Petty's voice...I just assumed that it was Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers..lol But yeah, I'm the same way about them..They're sort of hit and miss with me.
    I know what you're saying; makes sense to me...George's irritation with Yoko is actually why I started to take an interest in him in the first place. Looking at the footage of them in the studio with her....his expression was almost always look of distaste that matched my own (no offense if you're a fan of her)
    But for me, I've always had a weird connection with John.....
    And I think he was a simply fascinating human being.
    January 8th, 2011 at 04:54am
  • Yeah to be honest she still sort of irritates...But her hair was amazing. lol
    Ah yes, The White Album is incredible. A good choice. Are you a fan of his 'Traveling Wilburys' phase? I bounce between George and John...but I think in the end John will always be my favorite.
    January 8th, 2011 at 04:24am
  • Yes it is...She was an interesting one. It's good to meet a fellow fan...Favorite album, lord is that a tough question....I would say....With The Beatles at the moment....It won't be long gets stuck in my head all the time as of late. What about you? Also, favorite Beatle?
    January 8th, 2011 at 04:06am
  • I know you're not but I felt kinda bad. I mean, we was havin' a nice conversation and all of a sudden OH WHERE'S ALEX? But here I am, I'm back, I've returned and I'm just wonderful.

    LOLZ I KNOW. I loved it. All I remember is that the girl caught Joey kissing some chick so she promised not to tell if Joey let her go on tour with them. And I was like Aaaaaaaaaaah~ because I just adored it. Rewrite it, yo.

    Oh. Well. I just looked him up and he kinda looks like a bug-eyed frog to me. But if you think he's sexy, then who am I to say "no?" Yeah, he's hot. You said so.
    January 8th, 2011 at 12:56am
  • Oh. And what's a snafu.
    January 7th, 2011 at 10:29pm
  • OH AND ALSO: YES. Revived Dark Horse always = revived Ramones fic. Which you only had about two chapters on, which I loved, which you pretty much took nowhere and deleted your account right after you posted it. SO yes. Please.
    January 7th, 2011 at 10:29pm
  • Sorry I didn't comment back. It's just that this week's been crazy with finals/midterms coming up and loads of homework and play rehearsal and erwlkfrmewlk yeah. I DIDN'T DITCH YOU I SWEAR I LOVE YOU ZINA DON'T BE MAD.

    Please. :3
    January 7th, 2011 at 10:27pm
  • I've never heard of that, is it a war series, I'm getting a war vibe from the GIF lol
    January 5th, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • I have to wait to get on my computer to read your stuff because it's long, but so far it's super good and by the way, I love that GIF even if I don't know who it is on your profile.
    January 5th, 2011 at 08:55pm
  • oooh it's fine, comment when you can it's okay :)
    January 5th, 2011 at 03:56pm
  • Lol okay Zina.

    Most of the ones I read, people die. Like, people I LIKE - from bands and such. Either that, or they end up getting torn away from the loves of their lives and it's like COME ON DUDE, THAT FUCKING SUCKS. NO ONE WANTS TO READ THIS BECAUSE IT'S FUCKING DEPRESSING NOW. REALLY? FUCK YOU. Srsly, I gets mad.

    Oh my gosh. So Hitler was, like, the next da Vinci. (Lol I don't fucking know how to spell it yeeeee) THAT GIF WAS HILARIOUS. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OH MY FUCKING GOD, HITLA'S GOT SASS.

    I think I am, too, to be honest. That's okay, though, 'cause I think I love it enough for the amount of ten people. I stalk that story. It's creepy. But I love it. :D
    January 4th, 2011 at 12:21pm
  • THANK YOU FOR THE STORY COMMENT. It really was crappy, looooool. That's okay, though, it was appreciated anyway. Even if it did blow.

    Oh, that's wonderful. I love it when you read a story and then the person you liked best dies and you're like, "OKAY FUCK YOU I'M NOT READING THIS ANYMORE." It's so depressing and I actually cry most of the time. Great stuff, man.

    He was? I don't really see him as the painter type. I know he was a carpenter for a bit, though. So maybe. Though carpenting and painting have no similarity whatsoever.

    January 3rd, 2011 at 11:46pm
  • I hate comment swaps! They suck. Usually I get the people who really fucking blow at writing, and the story is about Edward Cullen and how he gets pregnant and explodes, and lwekmrfew I hate it, okay.

    LOOK, OKAY. That's what I'm talking about. Gosh.
    Hitler = Alex cries.
    January 3rd, 2011 at 02:59am
  • Same here. I find a hard time criticizing people who really fucking suck.

    Oh. Well then. I thought he was already married to some other chick, though? I can't imagine why anyone would marry Hitler. He's fucking scary. I'd cry. THERE WAS THIS GIF OF HITLER DOING THE NAZI HAND SYMBOL THING AND THERE WAS A BIRD WALKING ON HIS ARM LOL. It was hi-lari-ous.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 08:39pm
  • I'm going to bed so mgjlerljkt I love you and good night.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 07:05am
  • Really! I was pretty excited when I found out about that. And I agree times one billion. Though I have to admit, sometimes when someone asks me to read something and I don't necessarily want to/like it, I'll usually leave shitty comments. So.

    LMFAOOOO BREATH = NONE LOL. I care about Hitler's wedding, tho. Didn't he die with a secret mistress or something?
    January 2nd, 2011 at 07:01am
  • Oh, that sucks. You should probably keep your Tumblr then. Even though! You can text people in other countries without extra cost (if you're on Verizon, anyway). I text a girl from Canada and yeah. And I hate that, too; not only the constructive criticism thing, but also the fact that they just say they liked it. They don't tell you what they liked about it or anything. So really, you have no clue what you should be doing either way.

    ROFL OMFG, ZINA. I just almost cried from laughing so hard at your sassiness. Thank you. :'D I don't even know how to reply, just. Oh.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 06:50am
  • I wanted to stay on because of friends, too, but all the friends I made I still talk to via other ~devices. Like you! :D Even though we were Mibba friends first but still. Meh. YOU SHOULD. That'd be awesome. People usually leave me wimpy comments like, "Great update, write more!" and I'm like, "Forrealz? BITCH."

    Ah, I see. That kinda stinks. I sometimes have to do that with my DefLep story, because there's stuff I've read about that's s00per hilarous and I feel like I need to put it in there. Except yours seems more necessary. Mine's kinda creepy, rofl.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 06:36am
  • Yes! Ahahaha, Mibba memories = gold. Yeah, I'm definitely getting on more lately since my Tumblr life has crashed and burned and I've got nothing better to do. And of course I'm gonna finish the story! Thanks, though. :3 I'm actually working on an update right now. Woo.

    FINE THEN, don't go to bed. Finish your update. I. Don't. Care. I'm like your mom, lol.
    January 2nd, 2011 at 06:23am