blo.ozzz / Comments

  • ....How did I not know you responded to me 2 months ago?! Or my awful memory jumped in and made me forget the moment after I read it. I shall read this now and then say thank you again for support and such.....

    I wouldn't say that sounds snobbish, more you're interest in stories has matured. When you're 12 you can find even the most awful of writing awesome and impressive but as you get older you begin to understand how story structures work, what a good plot is and what decent characters are. You also notice good from bad more often. So it's not snobbish, just natural.
    Haha, being a patient writer has it's usefulness. I didn't expect to write 80 parts (although won't be surprised when I reach 100). I also find that, once the sex happens, the tense and magic goes a lot of the time. It's why I am putting it off for as long as possible and it also enable me to form a stronger bond between them. I also focus a lot on the monsters and sub-stories which is why this story is so big.
    (comment response :3)
    I shall finishing TWS, no worries.
    I had heard that Fifty Shades Of Grey started out as a online thing. Also heard it is utter rubbish so how it's become so popular I don't know. Never read it personally. But I understand your point. I am thinking about re-writing some of TWS if I plan to publish it. There are a lot of things I would expand on or change or improve on. Also, as this is so old, I have forgotten plot devices or items from early on in the story so need to implement them better. But I'll give it a shot next year (2015 more likely) with some short stories. Hopefully it won't be utterly soul destroying ;-;

    Sorry for the late response ;-; I'm an awful responder.
    September 26th, 2013 at 01:01pm
  • @ childishinsanity
    well, i started reading stories on quizilla when i was like 12 and i was living everything so intense, i was literally hanging on every word, i guess now i'm harder to satisfy, god that sounds snobbish ;)). i even tried writing myself... but im to eager to get on with the story to pay attention to details, therefore i dont posses the power to create a realistic context, it somehow ends up sounding fake, forced and boring... i woud never have had in a million years the will to write 70 chapters without hot making out or sex scenes and still maintain that tension that keeps the reader on edge. so i'll stick to what i know best READING, and you keep on doing what you know best WRITING
    July 7th, 2013 at 06:32pm
  • Thank you kindly for the support you've given me, especially as you read all my work, not just TWS :3 14 year old's do write predictable stuffs but they are 14 and often lack imagination or ability to write too complicated stuffs. I was the same at the age. But there will be many chapters to come yet! Many more so hopefully you'll stick with me until the end, which shouldn't be too far now...possibly....
    July 3rd, 2013 at 12:18pm