Bunny-on-Drugs / Comments

  • Agreed 100% something just doesn't add up she had to at least have known something because this is getting a little fishy here!
    April 30th, 2014 at 04:21am
  • Hey girl! Thank you for commenting on the latest chapter of Slip! (:

    It would most definitely change everything, wouldn't it? Can you believe if she actually planned everything? I mean, she did miraculously survive and everything... (;
    April 30th, 2014 at 01:50am
  • I know, I feel bad for Ava, too! But, honestly, it wasn't Brian being tense that was overwhelming to her, it was everything and everyone. It was all just too much for her.

    Thanks for the comment, love! (:
    March 13th, 2014 at 12:28pm
  • Hey girl! Thanks for the comment -- you know I very much appreciate it! (:

    Yeah, Bri's... not going to make it easy, that's at least for sure. No comment on how bad he'll actually make it, though.

    And, I know, I know; Brian sure does seem like a genuine asshole right now, huh? Mind if I play the devil's advocate for a moment? (And, actually, do you mind if I just quote a long tangent I went off on with another reader to explain Brian a bit more? I hate to do it, because I always respond individually, but I feel like this sums everything up nicely... and I'm lazy about typing this much again, haha.)
    I get why you hate Bri right now, I really do. Hell, I think everyone hates Bri a bit right now. And I get what you mean about how he shouldn't be able to pick Ava so easily over Zacky, since he's supposed to be both of their best friends. I get that. And let me promise you, time this to back in What We Left Unsaid right before the two of them decided to mate with each other, and put Brian standing in between the two of them with one car about to crash into Ava and one about to crash into Zacky, and Brian wouldn't know who to save. He wouldn't dive for Ava first without thinking about it, I promise you. He honestly wouldn't be able to make the decision.

    He loves both Zacky and Ava. He considers both of them his best friends. However, he's been in the role of protecting Ava for longer, because while Zack's just been a best friend, Ava's also been like a little sister, one that he feels responsible for. That weighs him a little differently, and while he doesn't love one more than the other, he feels more inclined to protect her because he feels that she needs it more than Zee does.

    Yes, Ava and Zacky have both done shitty things, and it's always seemed like Brian is on Ava's side. With the mating thing, he assumed Zacky had forced Ava into it, and when he believed that Zacky had raped Ava, he couldn't help but side with Ava. He tried to check that at the door once he realized how much of a dick he was being, though, and if you remember from that very brief point of time in WWLU, he did get better about it. And then there was Zacky almost killing Ava by almost strangling her, which threw that into chaos again. Yeah, he was pissed and way hateful and completely on Ava's side then, but he was still looking for a way to redeem Zacky. He couldn't believe that his friend could do such a thing (he'd told Ava before that Zacky would never actually hurt her, remember?), and he was still desperate to find a way to forgive him, beneath all of the anger. He told Matt he was. He told Zacky they could work past the almost-strangling thing, because he knew that they could.

    But him leaving her there in the explosion? Brian can't get over that. I know, I know, your point is going to be that she didn't die, she only almost died... but that's not what Brian lived through. She died to him. Not almost, did. He buried her. He mourned her, and never got over it. And he put all of his pain and hatred into Zacky, partially because it was the easiest way to deal with the pain, and partially because he honestly hated Zacky. They're not best friends right now. To Brian, Zack doesn't deserve to be treated as one, and it's no longer choosing between two best friends. Zack killed Ava... he did the one thing that Brian never thought he was capable of doing, something so utterly horrible and devastating that the only way it makes sense to Brian is if he was wrong all along about Zee. If they weren't ever actually best friends. Johnny pointed out that he does still care about him in the most basic of levels, but Bri's a wreck. Emotionally, he hates Zacky. Logically, he hates Zacky. But a part of him does care about his wellbeing... he just manages to lock that part away because he can't deal with all of them together.

    Yes, he says hateful things when he's angry. Things that even make Matt (pissed as he was) uncomfortable. It's not just Zacky he says them to, remember, as he was pretty up in Matt's face in the last chapter. But he's worst with Zacky, yes. Don't forget that he's a pureblood. He was raised in a world where anger and hatred went hand in hand with saying vicious, awful things. And for all of that indoctrination, Brian has managed to come out of it not having prejudices against mutts and whatnot. But when he's so emotional, so devastated, it's easy to revert back to those kinds of familiar things, it's easy to take comfort in lashing out like that, even if it's not what he truly believes.

    I couldn't be Zack either. And don't get me wrong, I don't hate Zack; I don't believe any of the things Bri does about him, because I know what Zee went through, too. I know how devastated and wrecked he was. But knowing that doesn't change Brian's own devastation, you know?

    Yeah, Ava's alive. That'll make things better for Brian, but it doesn't just magically make her death seem any less real to him, you know? Like I said, he buried her; it's still real to him. And more importantly, the Ava that's coming back isn't Ava. She doesn't have her memories, and as long as that is true, to Brian, it's going to seem like everything she does is nonconsensual. If she isn't in her right mind, after all, she can't consent. Can't consent to being with Zacky, to forgiving him, to anything. He's... not wrong. I mean, I don't really agree, but I don't think he's wrong to feel that way, either. To him, once again, not only has Zacky killed Ava, but he's using her, he's forcing her to be with him against her will... and worse, he's getting away with it. Matt defended Zacky, and that only made Brian all the more motivated against Zacky, because he feels like everyone should see it the same way he does, and if they don't, then he needs to compensate.
    ...Sorry to spam your wall with that quote; I just wanted to give you something to consider to possibly understand Bri a bit more right now. I know it seems like it'd be best for Ava if he let it all alone, but at the same time, from his perspective, that's not what's best for Ava at all.

    Anyways, thanks again for the comment! (:
    March 11th, 2014 at 03:25am
  • Haha, because Drake's not one to sit around patiently, and he usually has his ways of figuring things out. xD

    Thanks for the comment, love! It's appreciated as always! (:
    March 8th, 2014 at 10:05pm
  • Glad I'm forgiven, haha! I'll continue to make it up to you by posting the next update sometime today -- so heads up!

    I know, everyone's definitely been waiting for them to kiss for like forever (and I feel kind of ridiculous for that taking an entire story and several extra chapters to happen)! But it happened! And it'll happen again! (;

    Thanks for the comment, love!
    March 8th, 2014 at 06:07pm
  • Pshh, sure I do! You are so awesome and inspiring always commenting on my chapters; the least I can do is actually respond! But thanks for being so understanding! (:

    I hope Ava sticks to that promise, too! We'll just have to wait and find out, though! Thanks for commenting again, love. (:
    January 28th, 2014 at 03:37am
  • Matt's usually decent about sticking to his word, so hopefully that won't be an issue. They definitely need time alone together, and I think even Matt knows that. He's always wanted them to sort shit out, after all, considering they are mates and everything.

    I'm sure everyone is hoping for the same thing if she gets her memory back!

    Hopefully I won't keep you waiting long for another update! And thank you for the comment love! It was much appreciated, as always! (:
    December 30th, 2013 at 03:37am
  • I was betting that you'd be glad to see Ava alive! But yeah, the memory loss certainly is a bummer... although, on the bright side, it gives Ava and Zack an opportunity to have their guards down, you know? And I know what you mean about Mabel, but in her defense, she doesn't have the power to tell if someone's lying or not. (Not to say that it isn't just as fishy as you were thinking, of course.) And you're right, she doesn't need to be so cruel; I'm just going to quote Matt, "witches don't like werewolves." xD

    I'm glad I managed to update just before you got tired of waiting! xD I know I disappeared suddenly, but I didn't foresee that I would have so many issues with getting access to the internet. I'm glad to hear you liked the chapter! No comment on if anything is up my sleeve or not. xD

    But thank you so much for both of the comments that you left on the two latest chapters! It means the world to me to know that you're enjoying the sequel so far! (:
    December 29th, 2013 at 03:37am
  • I'm glad to hear you think so! Thank you for the kind words! (:

    And thank you for the comment! You know I always appreciate it, and reading yours made me laugh!

    Everything about what's going on with Ava (okay, maybe not everything) will be revealed very shortly, I promise; I'm about to update again. xD
    December 11th, 2013 at 12:57am
  • its ok I expect it to be depressing poor guy, and the rest of the guys to if they didn't have issues I would be yelling at you right now for mking it seem like they didn't care so your doing a great job thus far.
    December 8th, 2013 at 06:11pm
  • Hey again! Thank you so much for the comment on Slip's first chapter!

    I know it was terribly depressing for an opening chapter, and I'm sorry about that! But yeah, hopefully Zack's little trip will let him sort some things out and come back in better spirits. We'll see. (;
    December 6th, 2013 at 06:56pm
  • Hey, girl! Slip is listed as the sequel to What We Left Unsaid, so it should have been completely visibly from the story's page, but you can also find it right here+.

    Anyways, thank you so much for taking the time to comment on the final chapter of the story! I very much appreciate it!

    I know the ending was terribly upsetting, but I'm glad to hear you thought it was good!

    Hopefully I'll be starting to regularly update the sequel sometime soon in the next few weeks!
    November 17th, 2013 at 02:37pm
  • Zack kind of had a lot of evidence, and the puzzle pieces did mostly fit. I mean, I'd say around ninety percent of the readers believed Zack, too; it wasn't just Matt. And the readers weren't there to find Zacky in the shed completely torn apart like Matt had been; it was an emotional thing for him, too. Obviously you're right -- he should have talked to Ava, but it is such a delicate situation that just blowing off Zack's preference wouldn't have really been right, either. Matt wasn't the one that was tortured; it wasn't really his story to tell.

    But yeah, at least the truth is out now. Or, most of it. Most likely. You never really know with these things.

    And I'm sorry for ending the chapter like that! There was no real way around it, and I'm actually pretty pleased with how sudden and emotional it came out as. /shrug. But I totally get why it's frustrating to end it there -- that's why I created an epilogue! So, hey, just remember that I could have ended the entire story there. (;

    Thank you so much for leaving a comment on the latest update, by the way! I very much appreciate it, and even if I'm sorry to have caused you such anxiety, I'm happy that it did affect you!
    November 11th, 2013 at 01:53pm
  • Yeah but he still believed zack without talking to ava and as an alpha that was just stupid. he should have known better and just talked to her regardless of how zack felt. at least the truth is out now.
    November 11th, 2013 at 09:45am
  • Thank you for the comment, love! Your intensity always makes me smile!

    But hey, give Matt a bit of a break! xD He didn't just blindly accept Zacky's statement, remember, he questioned it quite a bit but Zacky had all of the bases covered. And then Ava went and essentially paraphrased the note, so... Matt was trying to find excuses but he couldn't deny what seemed right in front of his face. And, remember, the only reason he didn't go and talk to Ava the second he heard about it (remember, that's what he tried to do but Zacky stopped him) was because he didn't want to hurt Zacky any more by forcibly sharing something so traumatic that had happened to him. He was trying to do the right thing, at least. The thought has to count for something.

    And... well... let's just say: Be careful what you wish for.
    November 10th, 2013 at 11:25pm
  • Hey again, girl! I'm so sorry that I disappeared and everything and pretty much fell off of the face of the planet for a while. Life got crazy hectic over here, and I barely had time to sleep, otherwise I promise I would have gotten online and responded to your comments ages ago!

    Anyways, thank you for your comments on the last two chapters, and thank you even more for your continued support throughout the story.

    I'm glad that you'd be interested in reading another story by me; you'll definitely have the opportunity to. The next one's going to be a sequel because of the pretty much unanimous voting (and because, heck, it's what I would prefer to write right now, anyways), but a prequel will eventually be in the works, too. You're free to not read it because of Kat's rubbing you the wrong way; don't worry. c:

    I'm sorry for driving you nuts with the last chapter's ending! There was just no real way to connect the ending of that chapter with the beginning of the next one, so it had to be done, unfortunately. I won't keep you waiting for long, though, don't worry! I'm not that cruel!

    I hear you... but, just... there might not be a good excuse, alright? Just be prepared for the possibility that anything can happen, that's all I want. No comment on what's going to happen, but you'll find out soon enough.
    November 9th, 2013 at 05:39pm
  • Yeah i know i completely understand! i was just so like utterly pissed with how zacky handled it i wanted her to do something drastic! but i still love it none the less
    October 20th, 2013 at 07:50pm
  • I know; I think everyone was hoping for different reactions from everyone involved. But Ava running out and trying to leave probably would have gotten her killed and made them all feel like assholes... until, of course, the whole had-Zacky-tortured thing came out. Plus, really, what do the guys need to feel sorry for? Ava needs to have a serious heart to heart with everyone and fix the mess she's in, and she's not going to get some deus ex machina to miraculously save the day and make it easier for her. She made her own bed.

    Thank you for the comment, though, love! You know I always appreciate it! (:
    October 10th, 2013 at 04:41pm
  • EXACTLY my point. Then there's no suspense, and then there's no motivation to keep reading. I'unno. I'm also the kid that never tried to find out what the christmas presents were before the actual morning when we opened them... so maybe that has something to do with it. xD I'm glad I could clear it up! And I've considered just not posting the story until it's completely finished, but I didn't think that'd be fair, because then I lose some of the motivation to continue writing each week and pushing myself to update even if I'm not 100% happy with certain parts. Because, I mean, there are some parts that I just am not currently able to be completely happy with, and that's okay. I'll re-write them later. But I mean, as it is, I'm being pretty good about updating around once a week -- maybe a tad bit more, maybe a tad less -- but that's regular enough. /shrug. I've got a basic idea of the next few chapters, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

    And, haha, thank you for the comment on the latest chapter! (even though you are pissed at me for ending it that way xD). I'm glad you at least enjoyed the chapter, and I'm glad you're invested enough to be upset at me for ending it that way. It's not the worst cliffhanger ever, though! Because, there's totally a worse one in this story. (;

    But really, I know it was a super dramatic part and a hard place to end the chapter, but just remember that I could've ended it before Zacky revealed she had quoted the note... or, I could have ended it just as it looked like she was about to die. BUT I DIDN'T. xD

    I hope to have another chapter to you very soon, so you shouldn't be pissed at me for long! (:
    October 9th, 2013 at 07:11pm