industrial butterfly / Comments

  • Did you die?
    July 1st, 2009 at 08:08am
  • Youfuckingdissapearedagain!
    June 14th, 2009 at 09:52pm
  • It was far too long. Don't dissapear on me like that again!
    lol, vodka is good shit. I have a bottle of Bacardi in my room, hardly touched.
    Its been there since October. Daaaauum.

    Well school is almost over! Make her give it back, damnit! I want to see it! XD

    -has stroke- Good luck babe! I need to practice more with charcoal. I want to see it when it's done, okay?

    I just drew a picture of the lovely Jacoby Shaddix for a small art studio assignment. I think I did well XD Concidering I have an A in that class, lol.

    For my year end ISU, I'm going to do an oil painting on canvas. I did one last year on Johnny Christ. So this year I'm going to switch it up. I was thinking Tommy Lee. I drew him last year, so maybe not. My teacher tends to remember the things I do, which makes me feel good about my artwork in an odd way, I suppose. Hmm.

    Go Ask Alice, lol. I read that years ago. I own it. Its a great book! What do you think of it?

    I updated a few times last weekend. I was so proud of myself! I've been working on a few updates lately, so hopefully I'll have a new one out soon. XD

    Love you a bijillian times!

    ps; you're going to warped, are you not?
    May 17th, 2009 at 07:02am
  • hey babe!
    I'm gonna reply tonight.
    Right when I get done my art.

    Gahhh, I've missed you.
    May 13th, 2009 at 02:45am
  • WHEN are you planning on coming back you big butthead! =[
    April 27th, 2009 at 11:35pm
  • Where have you been sug!?

    94% vodka? Dammmmmn girl.
    What the fuck, lol. Wasn't it fucking cold out?

    Yikes. Keep me updated with that. I hope she's doing well. =[

    No idea where Kirkfeild is. I like Bancroft. It's so beautiful up there. Is Kirkfeild past Alganquin, or North Bay?

    Disney, ugh. I don't like anyone that I know of who's sponsored by them. I'm not into that shit anyways though, so it makes sense.
    I'm waiting for the day when I get to curbstomp someone. Seriously.

    Dammn, come to my school! My art teacher is amazing. She still remembers the canvas painting I did of Johnny with oil paints from almost over a year ago :D
    Ehh, screw her. Tell her her face is out of proportion. See what she has to say about that!
    Ummm, what the hell are most cartoons and comics now a days?
    Fucking anime!

    Don't worry man, I know what you mean. I was the same way with my grade 11 english teacher. I went into her class everyday nearly wanting to knock her out.

    So did you ask her about your art piece yet? I really want to see it!

    I lovelovelvoelveovleovle you very much!
    April 21st, 2009 at 12:41am
  • Hey hun.
    I updated SYS.
    And I'm going to stop being so un-productive and reply to your message. XD

    April 11th, 2009 at 01:05am
  • stop crossing the road at dangerous times! i bet you do that a lot, you just pretend you don't. fiend.

    haha bless you ;)

    lol. would that be a lot of people with holes? you'd be known as the hole pricker. LOLOL. and could wear a mask and cape. sticking holes in the bad guys. oh god, that's hilarious.
    April 7th, 2009 at 02:50pm
  • i see you almost got run over...ok then.

    anywho, thanks for reading my friend (and commenting, that was rad)

    should i be scared for the safety of...well you? you and that skin of yours? haha. they'll be holes everywhere! you'll have a drink and 'poof' sprouting water all over the place.
    April 3rd, 2009 at 03:04pm
  • updated 'Renegade'

    hope your nose hasn't fallen off. lol
    April 1st, 2009 at 02:24pm
  • you are seriously mad. i adore you for that. lol. the fact that you're gonna re-pierce yourself.

    why were the kids making it hard? are they cute so you're having a hard time yelling at them? or are they just brats? :/
    March 30th, 2009 at 03:14pm
  • I update SYS for you hun. =]
    March 29th, 2009 at 03:47am
  • How'd everything go? Is she still going okay?

    Is the cottage up north? My grandparents had a cottege up north and it was beautiful up there. They actually tore it down and built a house on the lot instead, right off the lake and live up there full-year now.

    I WILL update soon, I promise. I have the next five days off of work, so I want to update my stories that I have posted, She Will Love You Through All The Lies, Sleeping Sickness, Sell Your Soul, and maybe even finish one, so I can post this new story that I started, and that Jimmy one still! ARGH. So many ideas and stories, so little time! lol

    BAPDD 4 LYFE. You got that right!

    Ew. Hopefully that doesn't come into effect. Starting before Labour Day is so not cool. NOO, June 30th!? [b]THAT'S BALLS![/b] I hated elementry, high school, and hopefully when I start college in Sep. it won't be as horrible.
    That was one of the worst things, lossing all of the layouts. Weren't we supposed to be able to keep them? I thought that was one thing not changing. Yea, def. Real dick move. Ugh, I fucking hate The Jonas Brothers. Do it! Beat them up with a sharp object! I'LL HELP! OUU, CURBSTOMP! Yes! lol, I just want to curbstomp someone. I'll find a proper reason to do it, instead of someone having different musical views. =D

    lol! I know a lot of people who really like anime and a lot who don't. My art teacher doesn't mind anime at all. Are you serious? In art you get marks for doing your assignments, it's not supposed to mater if it's amazing, as long as it's school appropirate and meets expectations. At least that's how it is here.

    OH MY FUCKING GOD. I would've beat down your teacher. That is unacceptable and extremely rude. If she didn't like it any longer then she should have gave it back and told you that she wasn't going to put it in the gallery, not explode at you and make you change your art and the symbolisim/meaning of it. What a dick.

    Tomorow maybe I'll update SYS. Yes, I will. Remind me?


    Yes! Do it! And if she didn't, I will come there and curbstomp her! -pumps fist into air-
    I got yo back, sug!

    ps: I bet I hate kids just as much as you do. I told someone the other day if I had kids, I'd murder them. Really, I wouldn't, but I just REALLY do NOT need a child. I don't have the patiance in me to deal with another person, let alone a crying, grumpy child. UGH. -ends rant-
    March 28th, 2009 at 02:52am



    March 27th, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • thank you for the story comment :)
    i'm working on an update as we speak :P
    March 24th, 2009 at 09:37pm
  • you still crack me up haha. pierced your own septum? that's probably thee stupidest thing i've heard in a long while. lol. considering thats a dodgy piercing anyway. you're so bizarre/cool. how's it lookin today?
    March 24th, 2009 at 03:13pm
  • bahaha you fool.
    i'm all over it.
    ...well that's actually a lie, i'm lazy. but i'll be all over it soon!
    March 23rd, 2009 at 03:48pm
  • yay! well I updated [b]A Little Sin Goes A Long Way[/b]. I feel so proud of myself xD
    and I think I might try my hand at a one shot, I'm not quite sure yet..

    Helter Skelter is absolutely amazing! In the middle of the book is a couple pages of pictures from the crimes, quite freaky stuff though. And hopefully once I'm done reading the book, I can find the movie!

    but how are you today?!
    March 22nd, 2009 at 05:06am
  • Read your little update. Sorry to hear about your aunt hun. And I love you too!


    The blue and orange? I couldn't stand that, so it didn't take me long to get up a layout!

    It'd defiantly help. I've spent $790 in tattoos so far- in two years. A job would defiantly be a good thing sug! I'll post them so you can see them, kay? Oh defiantly. I'm in love with tattoos/piercings as well. (L) lol, as if you couldn't tell!

    Ouu, oh how I love accents! lol, madcore hookers unite! Oh yea, BAPDD for short =P It'd really even out all the madcore hookers and spread the prostitution to all parts of Chathingham.
    MAN. I heard that too. But I'm going to college in September, so I don't think that applies to me. We always start after Labout Day. The system is shit. I hate it. They took away our early release and gave us full days off, which is cool, but that means we have less pa days now I guess. What time do you start school?

    It was. I stuck around to see the change, but I was on mibba more. Now i haven't been on mibba in months. All the great writers I read left and moved here, so I did too. I'm glad I did. I was bummed that my layout was lost! I know man. Imagine that? -shakes head-
    Yes! You're adorable lol! It was so cute how you put it. I laughed everytime I read it. Awee, it's just really not my thing. I gave it a shot, but it's not for everyone!
    Awh! Whoop! I'm thinking I'll put it out later tonight, before my best-friend leaves again to go back up to college. Otherwise she might kill me if she has to wait any longer.
    Me too. She was so badass! WOO, yea man. This new Jimmy story, ideas have come to me that I've never really written about. And it won't be all cliche and lovey-dovey. I want a change for this story. Yes! You'll be the first (Y)

    love you lots, lots, lots! =D
    March 21st, 2009 at 06:53pm
  • i sure will let you know!

    and i totally understand about losing things...blah, my computer is very good for that, i need to get myself a new one xD

    well the other day i was in the basement doing some cleaning and i came across one of my mom's old's called Helter Skelter, and i can't put it down, it's so interesting! have you ever heard of it?
    March 21st, 2009 at 07:14am