woeisblaze / Comments

  • Can't wait dude!
    Hahaha, me too. Fuck, i'm so worried about my well-being a future love life. I mean, Tony's the only guy I want and every time I see another guy or meet someone else I just compare the two of them. Like, there's no one out there like Tony I don't think. And, the first thing I look for are the tattoos. Let's face it, most 15 year old's aren't covered in sexy tattoos or are that musically talented or have the best smile in the world.
    I seriously blame him for being forever alone and ending up living with 72 cats in a basement. Ahahah!!! :L

    Oh good, I can't stand Tony getting hurt even more, physically and mentally like on PL. -_-
    Bro. I like want to be a character in your story and like Hook Chandler in the face if he does shit.
    OMG that got me thinking! Can I be a character in your story? That would be so cool! And you can be one in mine! :O

    Hahahah, I was thinking about that when I first started reading your story. Antonioh and Tony. I was like, 'mind-fuck' Hahaha. :D
    Oh! Look what I just found! It's so trippy because it has Tony's name in it! :O
    July 25th, 2012 at 12:20pm
  • Yus! Hahahah.

    ASDFGHJKL. It's meant to be Hayley! It's meant to be! Hahaah.
    I love dreaming about him, it's the only time when I feel like.. I don't even know but it's flipping amazing.
    OMG I hope he is aye? He's just like waking up in the morning and is like, "Wait- Who the fuck are these chicks I keep dreaming off? They're awesome! I need to meet them, like, now!" Lol.

    I had a feeling that i'm gonna hate his guts. I reckon that he's gonna pull something with Hayley and then Tone-Tone is gonna find out,? OR he's gonna like punch Tony? :O
    July 25th, 2012 at 11:51am
  • Better not be testing the waters for too long. :L Hahahah.

    So I finished the whole story like six hours ago and I felt so empty that I had to go and sleep it off. The coolest thing happened though, I fell asleep to PTV and I had a dream about Tony. I can't really remember it but he was there. asdfghjkl. :3
    I still feel a tad empty and don't know what to do with my life but thanks to your update I'm better. :D
    I'm so scared about what's gonna happen to their relationship! :O
    And, I like how you included Kellin. :3
    July 25th, 2012 at 11:36am
    Ahh, I want you to get into that too! I rushed into mine because of being impatient. :/ Hahaha, all worth it though. I regret nothing.

    I just.. I just, I can't. I can't deal with anything right now. Like, every time he gets hurt I spaz and am just like, "NO FUCK NO OMG TONY PLEASE NO. FUCK YOU PALOMA OMG." And then I start crying again.
    Like when he said he was going to get her mcdonalds I was like, "You're gonna have to eat two burgers.." idek, but it was heartbreaking. lol. I just want to be Paloma and run back to him, tell him I love him and that I never want to leave him. And then everything gets sorted with Jaime and Tony and everything's good.
    And yes! I did the same! I didn't sleep for like 25 chapters.
    I need a sequel as well. She better hurry up or else i'm just going to be empty forever. </3
    I've never had so many feelings for a simple fan-fiction or person before. This sucks. :'(
    July 25th, 2012 at 05:21am
  • NZ seems interesting when you first move over here but then after like three years it's just eugh. I just want the bands. I just want PTV & SWS. That's all I want and need. I know they'll never come here most likely so I just need to move over there as quick as I can.
    AHH. I'm not patient. :(

    OMG. I'm currently reading Playground Love and i'm on part 29 and I'm like sobbing so much because fucking Paloma leaves my poor baby Tony and he actually loves her and like, he's so sad and breaking down and I just can't deal with everything right now. OMG. What makes it worse is that I can actually see Tony crying, like heart broken and it makes me feel so terrible. Fuck. I don't care if it's just a story but being able to see Tony like that is just so.. dreadful. I love him so much and it literally hurts me so much to have that image in my head. I'm so emotional. Ahh. I'm sorry, I just needed to tell someone who would understand. -_-
    July 25th, 2012 at 04:57am
  • Hahah awesome! :D
    I'm in NZ. :L Hahaha, it's horrible. No like, good bands ever come here. PTV came her back in 2010 when I didn't even know about them. -_______- And I don't think they played a show anyways. Oh and I just like saying I live in the US because it's like awesome. Where are you? Hahaha

    Grrr. Tony will be mine! >:)

    Hahaha, okay, I'll wait then. :D
    July 25th, 2012 at 04:17am
  • Awwww your comment on my blog entry. :( Omg I adore you too. And it wasn't shit. I ended up not going and just wrote so i'm feeling pretty good. Pierce The Veil have been on repeat since like, 8 am and it's now two in the afternoon. :O

    Hahaha, we'll see about that. ;) I used to be a pro!
    Well, not SD tattoos but still, just as great. :3
    OMG it's been an hour since you commented. You nearly done writing? :O

    Oh nooooooo!! :'(
    July 25th, 2012 at 03:53am
  • I updated already. HURRY UP! :O
    July 25th, 2012 at 02:13am
  • Balloon fight for him then? Like, you know that game where kids throw a balloon up in the air and they can't let it hit the ground or else they loose? Yup. We should do that. :L Hahaha.
    I've already written half the story. :D Tattoos is all I'm saying. ;)
    Pssht. Fine then. My poor babies. :'(
    July 24th, 2012 at 04:20pm
  • Me too. Heck, we can share him. Hahahaha.. Maybe. Idk how I really feel about that though. xD
    And owe'll have to see. ;) Hehehe.
    Alrighty- I hope it does too and no balloons get damaged. :L
    July 24th, 2012 at 02:57pm
  • Yeah. Tony's dumb. xD Hahah. I seriously believe that thanks to him i'll be forever alone. :L Hahaha. Sad life is sad.
    Hahaha, I've got like 25 balloons all ready to be popped. >:)

    I will I will. I promise. And I still don't know where to take the next chapter but it's gonna be so asdfghjkl I hope. :3
    Okay, you better update it soon like, tomorrow? Balloons prepare yourself's! DUNDUNDUN. Hahahha!
    July 24th, 2012 at 01:56pm
  • I can't. Sorry. I'm saving myself for Tone-Tone. :P
    Hahah, yes it really does. And it does make it memorable. Writing about something else just doesn't feel right to me. I have to write everything with myself in it I guess.

    Hmm.. we'll have to see about that. Awww, I wouldn't hurt you so don't be worried hahaha. I'll just like stab a balloon or something hahah. :L
    Well I got to go. Bye. I hope to read it tomorrow and I promise to update tomorrow as well. :D
    July 24th, 2012 at 11:53am
  • Yeah, same thing happens to me. Some of the stuff written there is all true and yeah it's easier to relate to other than just creating a completely different character with completely different feelings and things. Get me?

    Oh god. So I am going to cry then. :'( OMG but do what you have to do to make the story great but please if you do make him hate her just cut it out soon and like make them be together so she like has someone that can make her feel happy and everything hahah. The feels right now! :(
    July 24th, 2012 at 11:27am
  • I liked the confession. I always love when people confess things really dramatically it's asdfghjkl. Hmm, yeah I get what you mean. Like, it is kind of scary putting yourself and what you've written out there for people to judge. :/ Thanks hahha :D

    Oh god.. does something bad happen to my Tony or Hayley? :'(
    July 24th, 2012 at 10:46am
  • Awww :( Who wouldn't like it though? It's so emotional and that's why it's such a great chapter imo. You should have brought me tissues! Just warn me for the next one? :(
    July 24th, 2012 at 10:28am
  • Yus! I'm liking where the chapter is going already ;) Hahah, I can't wait to read it. I'll probably cry or smile like an idiot like with the last chapter. -.- Hhaha, I regret nothing though. :L

    OMG. I might try to write chapter 11 tonight but or else it'll be up tomorrow since I kind of have writers block right now. -__________- And awww :P
    July 24th, 2012 at 10:05am
  • Hehehe yes :D It's so cute. :3 When are you updating again?
    July 24th, 2012 at 09:46am
  • Yes. But still- :P hahahah
    July 19th, 2012 at 12:03pm
  • that would have been good :/ omg. why didnt i think of that >.<
    July 19th, 2012 at 10:50am
  • Hahahah really? What did you think of it? It was my favorite one to write :p
    July 19th, 2012 at 10:40am