oh okay. HAHA I LOVE YOUR LAYOUT. pikachu ftw. my name has one s btw. :)
DUDE. the-n used to be the shit. i loveloveloved it. when i was like 13.
and ebaum's too. hahaha did you ever see that thing where this guy keeps hearing the banana phone song and he goes crazy and dies. then the other guy is like OH NOEZ and touches him (in a not dirty way) and starts hearing it too?
omg best thing evurrr.
She knows that something was wrong now, and she smells her deo. before putting it on. lol. But she still doesn't know it was me, and thinks it was her brother's friend. So now everytime he's over, she locks her bathroom door and won't unlock it until he leaves. xD
I loved your Alex on Quizilla, and I love it even more here. =]
Can't wait to read more.
[ps] As you were the one who gave me the idea to prank my friend with cream cheese deoderant, I thought you should know that it went perfectly. She smelt horrible and couldn't figure out why. =] I've actually gotten here three times with that now. The poor girl never learns.
Cyanide & Happiness @ [URL="http://www.explosm.net/"]Explosm.net[/URL]