CrystalClearMud / Stories

  • There Ain't No Moonlight, After Midnight

    There Ain't No Moonlight, After Midnight (9) / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Drama)
    Word count:
    26 225

    Victoria Hartwell led a life to be envied. She was with Roger Davies, the most attractive boy in her school and the Ravenclaw Quiddich captain. Together they formed a very formidable power couple. Even Fred Weasley who rivaled the popularity of the couple felt he couldn't win her affections

    November 21st, 2016 at 11:48am

  • Swear to Shake It Up

    Swear to Shake It Up (2) / Info

    Fan fiction (Romance, Drama, Fantasy)
    Word count:
    3 680

    Fred WeasleyxOC story. Carly is in a relationship with Percy Weasley, the boring one of the Weasley family. What happens when she's after something a little more fun, in the form of his younger brother? Rated T for now. Slightly AU as Fred is still alive after the Battle of Hogwarts.

    March 26th, 2015 at 11:34am