No problemos, I really liked it :)
Sorry it took some time to reply, but I'm not allowed to use my computer right now x)
Sure, we can be friends, what's your name? ^^
You are so very welcome.
I enjoyed reading it, and I am going to continue enjoying it for a while :D
Oh really? You have a very pretty name. It is spelled uniquely. I like it!
Awhh! Michael Gates. That's adorable. I have a clue who you name him after hah!
Your son is absolutely beautiful. :D
More adventures will come and I don't mean like, you'd wish for times before he was around, because I don't think anyone ever truly wishes that. I mean that sometimes you wish he'd go back to before he got so sassy. xD Granted, some of those times are absolutely hilarious. Like the time Aidan (he was like, 4 at the time, he's now 5) turned to one of his teachers and said (very matter of factly).
Awwww. :) He's beautiful. It's hard for me to remember either of my nephews as ever being that little. Especially Aidan. He's such a force of nature. xD Just wait, Gates will probably be too once he starts walking and (good God) talking. It's a mixed bag. Some days you're ridiculously thankful for it. Other days you reaaaaally miss the old days.
I checked out a few of your other stories. Not really my cup of tea on most of them but I'm also super picky about the stories I read. I'm a little out of it right now so when I come up with a more concise answer about how I feel about them, you'll be the second to know.