cooper / Comments

  • cooper

    cooper (100)

    OMG, you`re so sweet, Thank you, I try to improve as much as I can. Smile
    About a month ago it was final exam season (is that right? it doesn`t sound right). I was so attached to the story I couldn`t stop reading to study. So I took "Talk to me" and transcribed it into phonetic symbols, I had to do it in order to approve the exam. And I did it, I passed, and I must say I`m really happy, because almost nobody could pass. The teacher even said that she could notice how much I had studied, and it was true, I was all day long just transcribing, and reading at night.
    But I`m on winter holiday now, and I need some books, but I can`t decide, do you have anyone in mind?
    Take into account that I`m learning and I`m not really good at it. Very Happy:
    July 11th, 2013 at 05:19pm
  • OwlHooots

    OwlHooots (100)

    United States
    Oh my gosh you're such a sweetheart :')
    Hearing sweet things like that never gets old, I swear <3
    I'm so so sooo happy that my writing was able to help you with your English while also being enjoyable, that makes me beyond happy! And your English is great from what I can see :)
    Hahah yeah unfortunately you learn a lot of things in fanfiction that you can't actually use in school (specifically lots about gay sex :P) but I'm glad you could still take a lot from it <333
    July 11th, 2013 at 03:27am