Krista? / Comments

  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    Is that a kind and psychologically analytic way to call someone ugly with eloquence? If so, well done!
    November 17th, 2009 at 10:27pm
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    Really? What expression do you see in my picture? How did you know I would look like that?
    November 5th, 2009 at 03:49am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    Also, I decided to put up a more recent photograph of myself, to reflect how I actually look, instead of how I feel (represented by the younger me)

    So, in all my hideous glory. THERE
    November 1st, 2009 at 07:28am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    I wrote a novel between 2005-2007 called Songs of Galilee, as the main character (Roger) was from Golan Beach in Lebanon, and Golan Beach is right on the shore of Galilee. In Christian tradition, Galilee is where Christ was from, and where he walked on water. It's a mystical / surreal location to me, and there's a place not far from here, maybe 10 miles, called Galilee Church rd. At the end of that road is an abandoned church, and when I was still in my crazy-as-fuck mid teenage years (15-19) I used to go there by myself to shoot (morphine "problem") and I ended up spending a lot of time by myself in that church. And when you're in a quiet church at the end of a dirt road, and you're abusing drugs, the place begins to speak to you and eventually through you. That's my relationship with the usage, and the historical / informational element. It's just a surreal setting and name that carries a lot of weight with me, especially due to the novel Songs of Galilee. The name is an obsession of mine, I guess, since even my last novel (Nobody) contained references to it: the setting was Rose Hill in Union South Carolina, which is right down the road from the old church I used to go to, and the main character has a sister named Galilee, after the church, and then an autobiographical element comes into it when the main character is living in the church, drinking morphine and playing Russian roulette. It's hard to explain my attraction to the place and name, but I've always missed it ... even though I've never been there, to the real beach that is, but I've been there in fiction quite a bit. There's another element that is derived from the same place, a maze behind the Rose Hill mansion. I used to get lost in that maze when I was a child and I'd panic and lose my mind there. But yeah, along with Galilee, mazes, carousels, and candles, you have my most common references.
    November 1st, 2009 at 03:04am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    You're too kind. I am humbled, truly.
    October 30th, 2009 at 07:12pm
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    My new collection of poems is something I've been working on for the last couple of months, hoping to release it before Christmas, and I'd be happy to send it to you when I'm done. If you'd prefer some other type of work of mine, I could always mail you the last novel I published, Nobody. It's probably more poetic than my poems. But it's not for the impatient. It's a long, hallucinatory, character study on a slave, a slave named Neddy (from the Sanskrit word, 'Neti Atma' which means not self, not me, or the body is not me) and Neddy is a slave who works in a maze behind the colonial mansion behind Rose Hill in Union, SC. I went there when I was a kid. It's hard to explain the book, and if you were to read it, I'm sure you'd come to the conclusion that a paragraph to explain it is basically god damn impossible. If you like stories about people, you know, like the classic novels, then you might like it. For me, the characters are the story. They don't just react to elements controlled by the writer: they control the story from the beginning to the end. If you'd like a copy, just message me on here with your email address and I'll send it to you then.

    Warning: the novel deviates from my previous 18 in regards to style in one particular manner: about halfway into the book, I start breaking every rule of English composition there is. Normal sentences don't work when the story is taking place inside someone's mind. It's not that I don't know how to compose in classic English, indeed 18 of my novels are, stylistically, sound as a dollar pound, but Nobody is experimental and includes long, hallucinatory inner dialogue, alternates between voices inside the characters head, and, since I wanted to write an American tragedy, there are lots of segments of narrative poetry, soliloquies, and even a few dinners with the devil. It's psychological. And it's not an easy read.You see, a lot of people online like to pretend that they're some sort of genius or another and you, I'm sure, become hesitant to believe in such idle posturing, but, I'm not one of those guys. And if you make it through Nobody, you'll have no doubts.
    October 25th, 2009 at 12:32am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    I decided to put another one of my ... my more valued works from my upcoming collection on this site, another example of me in my element, you know, actually putting time into. It might be my favorite poem of mine: Apparitions of a Dying Dream, it's on my page. I decided to publish it on here because of the overwhelming response for my last post of a poem of mine I held any reverence for, The Death of Dawn. This is one, unlike most of the others I've published on this site, that I'd consider up to par. I was saving this one, dammit! Thanks for your time, on the last poem especially, since it was one I was really trying to avoid publishing without my book being already available. So, this might be the only thanks I can offer to the people who've inspired me on this site.
    October 23rd, 2009 at 12:45am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    It wouldn't be any great loss to me. Once the volume is published, I'll only make $0.25 of every dollar, so sending you a copy would cost me $2.50 out of $9.99. I've managed somehow to acquire enough of a "following" to keep myself sustained, and as I do not covet money, or things, outside of what I need to write and read, it'd be no loss to me. I'd rather have one more reader than one more quarter.

    As for the "...currently don't read poetry" comment, I've gotten similar comments in the past. I'd like to think that since it's not me just talking about how I feel about random things, it involves the reader more as a story, just a short story that rhymes. My best works of poetry are my novels. I'm 24 years old as of this moment and I've written 19 novels, published 7, and those 7 contain work far beyond what I've posted on this site. If you've seen what I can do with three pages, imagine what I can do with 600.

    October 22nd, 2009 at 10:49pm
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    I appreciate your appreciation. Though I'd be not in error if I was to tell you, quite honestly, that the poems I post on this site are the poems I believe to be sub-par in comparison to my better poems, but I usually don't post those until I've secured a date for my current collection's publication. So far there are 63 poems, 255 pages, 32,000 words. I'm wanting to release it before Christmas, but the last 10 poems are so scattered around my study that I have to dig through notebooks a lot to assemble what turns out to be my finished poems. So yeah, I try to save my best for my publications so someone will have the incentive to buy it. I'm not an internet hustler or out and whoring my poetry (when in reality I'm a far superior novelist) in order to drum up money. It's just how I make a living.

    The only of my great poems on this site (taken from the book The Wheatfield East of Eden) are The Glass Umbrella, Footprints of the Fall, The Death of Dawn, maybe One Summer in the Sun, but that's 4 out of a book containing 59 poems of the quality double of my poems on this site. Whenever I'm done with it, if you want, I could send you a digital copy of it for free. I feel bad enough as it is to make money off of people to begin with. It makes me feel shallow, greedy. I'm neither, but what can be construed as pandering to a specific demographic is erroneous and moot conjecture, as I'd really rather give all my books and collections of poems to everyone who wanted one. Again, don't think this is me spamming your page with the BUY MY BOOK PLZ shtick. Just saying that the collection I've been working on for the last 9 months contains poems much, much better than the ones I've leaked out to the internet.
    October 21st, 2009 at 07:05am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    This is a message I left in my poem, The Death of Dawn, and I wrote a message for everyone who took the time to read that long ass poem:

    All of you people, you're people, you're not a ghost behind a keyboard never known obscured by alias and anonymity, and that's why I write. For breathing, feeling, people who've taken to this sight as an island, some sort of Alexandria, and between the cracks so many of us fall into obscurity. The fact that I have not, that people seem to enjoy it, or lie about enjoying it just to make me feel better is just as touching, that's the only reason I haven't slipped through. You're the reason.
    October 20th, 2009 at 10:12am
  • Brandon Nobles

    Brandon Nobles (100)

    United States
    Given your positive response to a few of my lesser poems, poems I did not put much effort into at all, I thought you might enjoy reading a poem I've put real effort in. I usually don't publish my best work online and save them for my publications, but a friend has talked me into it and if you'd like to check it out, the title is The Death of Dawn. I figured you might like to see what I'm capable of when I try. It'd be my honor for your opinion on it.
    September 28th, 2009 at 03:36pm
  • I'mASuperZero!

    I'mASuperZero! (100)

    United States
    Oh no. I totally agree. I think that 3/4ths of the crap I write is waaaaaay too dramatic for my own good, and I'm going to definitely try to tone it down on the sequel (which I have yet to write...)

    Anyways, I hope you liked the last chapter, and if you didn't, I won't hold it against you. :)
    September 6th, 2009 at 06:40am
  • MaggAims2Live

    MaggAims2Live (865)

    United States
    No, it's alright!
    I actually have chapter(s)
    of all three stories up
    that were in that journal entry.
    sorry, I just saw that you had
    commented now. I forget
    to check that thing after a while
    August 30th, 2009 at 03:31am
  • MARE

    MARE (100)

    United States
    he did banned her 4 a month but she will still write the story as soon as shes unbanned
    August 28th, 2009 at 12:20am
  • dean o'gorman

    dean o'gorman (105)

    Thank-you and thanks for telling me.
    August 25th, 2009 at 04:34am
  • Violent Fetish

    Violent Fetish (100)

    New Zealand
    Hi, babe!
    Thanks for the photo comments!
    Tokyo is lovely, i've been here only a couple of months, and i've gotten two tattoos already.
    I'm Lux
    August 19th, 2009 at 08:01am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Oh. Now I can, now that I've commented myself >.>
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:50am
  • Krista?

    Krista? (100)

    United States
    Why can't I see my comments?? O_O
    August 19th, 2009 at 07:49am
  • I'mASuperZero!

    I'mASuperZero! (100)

    United States
    Thank you for your support. It has truly provided the upmost---aw, screw the vocab. THANKS FOR BEIN ME HUMAN BRA!!!! (I've used that too many times before, but it's such an awesome phrase, I can't help it. ;D)
    August 17th, 2009 at 09:21am
  • NimmiXX

    NimmiXX (100)

    United States
    i cant tell if its you or not.
    and im a busy women and do not have time to look at the bame..i can only look at the picture...
    so stop!!!!!
    in the name of BLINK 182!!!!
    August 8th, 2009 at 08:47pm