jblover17 / Comments

  • all.time.aly

    all.time.aly (100)

    United States
    Amber darling - I am soooooooo sorry about not replying soooner.
    I been procrastinating about replying to all comments lately. There are just so many of them that they get overwhelming. You know?
    Seeming that it's been soooo long I have forgotten all about what we've talked about lately - I'm sorry about that. But I guess that means that we can start something new!
    Blehhh. I worked Friday -at my amusement park job- and I stood and cut out pictures all day. lol. It was cool though - the guy I work with is kinda cute and we talked when we weren't busy. Some of the pictures people taking on roller coasters are sooooo hilarimo.
    Have you heard the title to JB's new album? Lines, Vines, and Trying Times.
    Sounds interesting. I'm excited for it!
    How have you been?
    Thanks for the story comment on 'ASTOF' by the way. The sequal is up now! Oh, and have you checked out my story 'Finders Keepers'? It's a Joe story. :]
    April 20th, 2009 at 03:18am
  • Last.Time.Around.

    Last.Time.Around. (100)

    United States
    well im glad that its almost done for you lol

    and no im not in school. i was in community college but i decided that i didnt kno what i wanted to do(and unfortunatley i still dont) so i didnt want to waste money when i felt like i was gonna achieve anything....so for right now im working fulltime at dunkin and saving money so i can get a new car and also for when i decide to go back to college i will have money and stuff to get the stuff i need.

    what do u plan on doing after school?
    April 19th, 2009 at 03:44pm
  • Last.Time.Around.

    Last.Time.Around. (100)

    United States
    hahaha yea donuts r good...but after ur around them eight hours a day they get no so tasty looking lol

    yea ill deff plan a trip to cali JUST so i can go to in and out lol

    oh and AP class? thats cool i took that too well not AP lol but yea it does tend to get boring and makes u wanna fall asleep lol
    April 17th, 2009 at 07:08pm
  • Last.Time.Around.

    Last.Time.Around. (100)

    United States
    hahaha yea an indoor water park does sound fun =)
    well thats awesome about the whole best friends guys best friend thing lol
    it may sound like i dont kno what u mean but trust me i do lol
    and yea ive heard of in and out and that the place is awesome but unfortunately there isnt one anywhere but Cali so i guess ill jus have to take a trip out there jus to try it out and see what its like lol
    plus ive always wanted to go to cali so i may jus come out there in the summer.....one of my aunt lives out there up...in the north like in the mountains and she said i can come visit anytime so i might jus have to do that lol
    my spring break is alright jus workin alot i work at dunkin donuts so all ive been doing is serving coffee and donuts...not much fun but i love all my co-workers so it makes the job a blast.
    what else is new?
    April 17th, 2009 at 03:28am
  • Last.Time.Around.

    Last.Time.Around. (100)

    United States
    well thats sounds like a blast.....especially the baby grand piano a friend of mine plays and i love listening to him...i think its such a beautiful instrument
    lol yea palm springs does sound old people ish hahaha
    well on this side of the river i went to my grents for easter....but i only went like two streets up...we dont live that far from each other lol but my parents and two younger sibs went to pennsylvania to some indoor water park for easter weekend so i was all alone..i wouldve went but i had to work which was gay but also fun since i had an entire house to myself lol
    and yea im not a fan of miley i mean i like some of her songs like the lyrics of the songs but i dont like her that much if someone else had written the songs and sung them then i wouldnt like her at all but i put up with her for the sake of a few good songs. lol
    but right now i jus got home from work and decided to check out mibba and saw that u commented me so here i am commenting u back lol
    but in a few minutes i am going outside since its beauiful outside and it doesnt happen often
    so yup thats about it on this side of the river nothing to exciting.
    hows ur spring break going so far?
    April 16th, 2009 at 07:01pm
  • Last.Time.Around.

    Last.Time.Around. (100)

    United States
    heyy hun how have u been?
    I havent talked to u in a long time
    how r things going over there?
    April 14th, 2009 at 07:25pm
  • all.time.aly

    all.time.aly (100)

    United States
    Blehhh. SPRING BREAK!
    I'm soooo excited!
    But, it sucks. Tomorrow is my first day of break, and I have to get up at 6:30am to take the ACT test at 8. I'm going to fail it.

    I KNOW!
    I still have yet to see the stupid froggies. Of course, its been cold and snowy the past few days, and I haven't heard them.
    But, when they come back, I'll be there. Waiting for them.
    And I won't wear my converse.

    Home by yourself? That is pretttyyyy dang sweet!
    I have been home by myself numerous times, but I slept and danced to music most of the time. I couldn't even think of having parties because oddly enough, all my friends were doing stuff! Ugh... annoying.
    Ahhhh well.
    What did you do all by yoself?

    The sophies are soooo dumb! I hate them!
    They don't know how to walk in the hallways, they pull fire alarms during lunch (making us miss out on our lunch, WE LIKE OUR LUNCH!), and are just stupid! They really need to grow up if they are going to survive.

    I really wish I could be at your school. You have sooo many food fights!
    If we even tried to throw a food fight, we would get in sooo much trouble, even before we did it. It's sooo annoying. We are monitered and crap.
    Ugh. So annoying.

    WHOA! That sure is an EPIC WAVE!
    Kick ass dude!
    Our school never has anything exciting - except for pulling the fire alarms on April Fools day. Haha.

    WOOOT. I'm watching the Labrynth. You know, with David Bowie. Friggen awesome movie. :D
    April 4th, 2009 at 03:26am
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    You cant die!

    Ok so no parties =]

    The test was fine.I got an A- So it was ok but I could have done better.

    I might cheak out that book.What would you give it on a scale of 1-10?

    Well I have seen Garrett. It's kinda akward though.

    So wish me luck!

    What are your plans for this lovely week?

    Today me and Kassy are going to work on construction hats for the people who donated to Children village.

    Well g2g,
    March 31st, 2009 at 05:52pm
  • JB.is.luv

    JB.is.luv (100)

    United States
    aww, thanks. i'm glad you like it. i love getting new readers, so if you could, like, tell any of your friends that use this site and read fanfics to check them out, that would be awesome!


    thanks again
    <3 Natalie

    o0o, and i also have another joe fic called [i]Worlds Keep Spinning Round[/i] that is already finished if you want to check that one out too ;)
    March 30th, 2009 at 11:33pm
  • all.time.aly

    all.time.aly (100)

    United States
    Never heard of it. I shall check it out though. I usually use ticketmaster.com mostly. I guess 'cause it's just easier. Idk.

    Not allowed to spend your own money?
    Psh! That is lame!
    I'm allowed to, but I don't.
    I never spend money.
    I just, can't! I like to save my money. All my friends are jealous because I have so much cash. One time, I had over $1000 in cash stashed around my room. Haha. Now it's all in the bank. :]

    'I'm On A Boat'? I don't think I've ever heard that song.
    lol. Who is it by?
    You made a video!? Haha that's soooo funny!
    That sounds like something I would do - but I haven't for some odd reason.

    Have you been on Spring Break yet?
    I still have another week of school before my break. Lame.
    I am sooooo ready for a break.

    Omg. We are supposed to get 8 inches of snow tonight. It's almost freaking April! Gah. It's so annoying. Sheesh.

    MY CONVERSE ARE ALL MUDDY! :[ There is this foundation of a house across the street from me, and it's all like filled with water, and there are a bunch of frogs over there. Well, they are like SO loud. So I went over there the other day and tried to spot the little froggies, but I stepped in mud! I was soooo sad. Now they are all dirty - and I didn't even get to see the froggies.
    March 28th, 2009 at 03:52am
  • JB.is.luv

    JB.is.luv (100)

    United States
    aww, thanks for commenting on my story :D

    i was just checking out your profile and i must say you were [i]very [b]lucky[/b][/i] that you got front row to their concert!! and you were on nick's side!!! i <3 him! and those pictures are so cool. i love the one of kevin. haha, he's so silly.

    and if you love joe fics so much, you should check out one of joe fics called [i]Maybe We're Friends Afterall[/i]. it seems to be a crowd favorite ;)

    and pretty please subscribe if you like it, and the nick one you commented on too!!

    thanks :D

    <3 Natalie
    March 26th, 2009 at 10:47pm
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    I've heard of that book! Doesn't she get raped by her neighbor or something?


    Well my mom isn't here to pick us up and me and my sisiter are stuck here.Plus, I have a test today! So we are not very happy.

    Well gotta cut this one short, super short, Bye!
    March 26th, 2009 at 04:09pm
  • shesaladyy

    shesaladyy (100)

    United States
    aw, wow, your favorite fanfic? thats awesome, i'm glad you like it so much. :)

    yeah, i had to choose somewhere for them to stay and thats where my family and i stayed when we went to maui a few years ago, so i was just like 'hey it was a cool hotel, and theres a chapel right there on the grounds...' and so i chose it. lol.
    March 23rd, 2009 at 04:24am
  • all.time.aly

    all.time.aly (100)

    United States
    -mouth hangs open in utter shock-
    Well, even if I didn't see the All American Rejects, I'm sure you still would have made out with Chace Crawford or the Jobros or whoever, because who wouldn't want to make out with them?

    Ew. You've been sick? Suprisingly, I haven't been sick in a longgggggggggg while. It's soooo weird. Usually I get sick all the time, but nothing.

    AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! That is soooo cute!
    Lovebug as her wedding song.
    And JB sang it to her.
    That is sad.
    Pooor kid.

    Life on my side of the fence is pretty great!
    I'm not as stressed as I was, and everything is going good!
    Well, beside the fact that the Jobros are stopping in my city for their world tour, but I am not going because the tickets are sooooo much money.
    It pisses me off. I am NOT spending $300 to see JB and Jordin Sparks for somewhat decent seats. Besides, I HATE Jordin Sparks.
    That, and I am the type of person who likes to be close to the stage. I don't like sitting around the seats and sitting in the nosebleed section (with my luck, those are the seats I would get)

    March 20th, 2009 at 04:23am
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    Weddings normally make me cry.

    But, at my cousins I didn't. I felt happy for her.

    Life's ok. I've been sick a lot this week. Thank goodness we already had half days because of student lead conferences.I hate those stupid conferences! My school thinks you can finish a whole conference in 15 minutes! Those people are freakin' crazy!

    Oh yea, I found a new book I think you should cheak out! It's called "8th grade bites" It's about vampires too! I am in love with the main charecter, Vladimir, Vlad for short.He's so mysterious and cute! And the author just came out with the next book " 9th grade slays" the books are humourus. But I have to admit, I cryed 3 times at the ending of the first one!
    March 14th, 2009 at 03:38am
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    Your a crazy Killer?.....................

    Well, as long as we are friends I'm in the safe xD Oh yea I forgot to ask, What part of California do you live in?

    Raising Rylee is hard but, I'm happy we have her around. It's always worth it in the end of the day. Her smile and her twinkling eyes make us all so happy to see her.

    Oooo Maybe we will see those. She's picking but I'll have to tell her.

    If we do end up going to prom I'll probely just wear the dress I wore to my Cousins wedding. She made me be flower girl even though I was 13! I felt really bad for the ring guy, He was like 16! But, I couldn't keep up with him! I had to run down the thing just to keep up. And then when I got to the end we had to go up carpeted stairs and me, heels, and stairs dont match. Luckily I didn't fall! My cousin would ave been so pissed xD

    So, How's life?
    March 10th, 2009 at 02:14am
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    Well she woodburns. She was supposed to teach me on my 13th birthday, but I'm the first grandchild. She doesn't want me to get burned, even though she has never gotten burned that bad. But anyways, she had a stroke about 3 years ago and it's hard fo her to get around. She still woodburns and her work is beautiful. But it's hard for her to get out and sell them. So a little craft boutique will sell them for her. They get 10% of all sales, and she donates 10% to childrens village. Childrens village is a place in yakima that helps the disabled (mentally and phisicly) get around and be like any other little kid. My little sister has ceveralpolsi (sp? sorry I never can remember) and she is 2 1/2 and she can not walk. Childrens village is helping her gain mobility and speech. Theyhave helped her so much. They are literally life savers.

    Yes I'm a cheater xD me and mt dad both do. But, we have it pretty much memorized now.

    Very eventful! I'm not going to prom....To drama-filled xD And all of the guys in Yakima are such Dork-knobs. I thought about going with friends, but we decided we would just hang out at Kassy's house and watch scary movies. We are so popular *Sarcasim* altough Nobody is popular at our school xD. Most of the people I know are in A.P classes and actually use there brains unlike most people in yakima. Everyone knows everyone and treats everyone the same practically. I know we are total werido's! xD
    March 8th, 2009 at 09:38am
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    I hate when that happens! Stupid comment thingy does that to me all the time!

    now i want beagels to!You just had to bring that up didn`t you? xD

    To tel you the truth, I cheated the first time I used a rubix cube >.< I used the internate help sites.

    Gotta cut this one short. Going to help my Grandma set up some craft booth today >.<

    March 7th, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • here in your arms.

    here in your arms. (250)

    United States
    Aw, thank you so much! (:
    March 6th, 2009 at 12:26pm
  • Vira

    Vira (100)

    United States
    Comedy movies I like:

    *Meet the Parents
    *Meet the Spartins (Sp?)
    *Step Brothers xD
    *There's lots more but those are the main ones xD

    Honk! was amazing! I talked to the cat! I got his autograph and everything.

    I might be able to get an Autograph from a guy named Noah before La Push.
    I was on the team kid bus and my little sisters friend was sitting on my lap and we were talking and all of a sudden I told her about the Noah thing. She was like "My Brother has a friend named Noah" and I was like "Oh yea, he has to be Native American" and she was like "You in Luck!" She said she would get his autogrpah for me.My cousin ,who goes to team kid as well, calls us Bella and Renesmee because we are so close xD

    P.S: I fixed my Rubix cube! My sister did switch the stickers xD
    March 6th, 2009 at 01:38am