astoryseldomtold / Comments

  • yay penguins are finally loved and cherished by humans. 11 FUCKUCKING! DAYS TIL XMAS (fuckucking was on purpose) i am so excited!
    i went into the classroom the other day and a girl just sed 2 me: "genni, always use a condom" so i sed i dont hav a penis . but she went on about how girls could hav condoms which was SO wrong and then in maths a girl kept talkin about a guys hard penis and i thought she sed she measured it. these ppl r SICK! and no, i dont mean awesome, i mean i want 2 puke on their graves. im a lovely person really. XD
    December 14th, 2009 at 07:28pm
  • whores.definate. they like it. and i bet they r already addicts. apparently this girl sed she would take cannabis with this boy just 2 b cool. i dunno wen. shes such a wanker. funny condom/contraception advert 2day while we were watching some latin movie. it was so funny! a girl i know made frends with a cannaball on facebook. i want 2 b his frend accept he could probably stalk me coz facebook is not that safe, apparently. 11 fucking days til xmas! O MY FUCKING WANKING PENGUIN BISCUIT! I CANT WAIT!
    December 14th, 2009 at 06:12pm
  • i 4got 2 mention.....i wish i could stab the wankers in my class coz they started 2 take the mickey out of us, asked alice if she slit her wrists and she said no. then they went 2 fuking far, by takin a compass outta their pencil case and pretending 2 slit. wot fuckin freaks! i hope 2 hell and back that they become heroine addicts and die a slow and painfull death b4 i stab them with my pen. :P xxx
    December 10th, 2009 at 08:56pm
  • yay! im a fellow mibbian. ha! i bet half the ppl i talk 2 on mibba, go 2 jags!now that would be embarrassing! ive already creeped out 1 of my frends sisters at jags. i saw her in the corridor and jumped out of my skin while waving an accusing finger at her, gasping wildly! and the thing is, ailsa wasnt even with me, so i bet she didnt recognise me, and thort i was some creepy perv, stalking her. she smiled and ran away. aaaah wel, howevr, i am going 2 ailsa's house 2moz, and her sister will b there... my life is sorta muckd up at the moment. so's my brain.... u? XD
    December 10th, 2009 at 08:51pm
  • the dog reminded me of cookies and cream icecream and i sed "mmmmm.....he'd taste gd" i bet it sounded sexual aswell! it suks.
    u shd giv alice mor hugs! its soo cute wen u 2 hug in corridor! HAHAHAHA! its gonna b so weird if i ever talk 2 u in person aftr these weird conversations.
    btw, at alices bday party, pls dont evesdrop outside her door coz u may hear some things that might cause scarring of the brain. just a warning :) xxxx
    November 29th, 2009 at 11:28am
  • yay! hugs! my m and d wont let me take the bus coz the busstop i'd hav to get is seriously dodgy and full of pedos and like, burgalars....?
    ive been told by 2 of my brothers frends on facebk (i was stalking them to see if this girl liked my bro) that its weird talking to their frends sister! is it weird talking to ur sisters frend coz if it is, dont worry, just tell me coz i'll feellike a right dik if u secretly wanted to strangle me! xxx
    November 29th, 2009 at 11:09am
  • ive just how rude i mustve sounded. i am sincerely sorry. or howeva u spell it.
    im officially h8ed by every1 on my stinkin coach. they all call me an emo wen im obviously not! (even tho emos r awesome) im not an emo, they dont even no wot emos r, i bet! and then i accidently told sum1 i wanted 2 eat their dog! im so fuked
    November 23rd, 2009 at 06:19pm
  • dusnt evry1 no who the hoosiers r?
    November 17th, 2009 at 08:54pm
  • hmmmm
    November 17th, 2009 at 02:19pm
  • lol, life is the same old shit. alice finally died her hair black! it suits her way better! she looks like u from the back so if i start randomly talking to u about nonsense, pls realise that i hav mistaken u 4 alice and id understand if u violently shoved me away and start shouting :"STOP TALKING TO ME U FUCKING PEDO!" at the top of ur lungs. that make any sense?
    November 14th, 2009 at 01:13pm
  • mine isnt openly lesbo, just winks at me. especially 2say wen i got 15/30 in verbs test, she sed i had a re~test then winked.
    im starting to think she has an eye irritation....i reallyreally hope....
    November 11th, 2009 at 06:00pm
  • Hey Darlin'! I updated Numb. Make sure to check your subscriptions. They've been acting weird lately and putting any story that has been updated as inactive! Hope you enjoy it!
    November 9th, 2009 at 06:21am
  • yello? u ded? or just v qiuiet! :)
    November 5th, 2009 at 05:44pm
  • lallalalala! i got onto mibba at skl! mwahahahahahahahaha! i will soon hav to face my stupid lezzy teacher again who is scary as hell !!!!!!!!
    btw i was told that u wore trousers 2 skl and i really wanna get trousers got the skirts are gay ( gay is not a synonym for shitty) so i wanted 2 ask if they are better...? im surrounded by creepy yr 7s, showing me their knickers by accident....not nice. :(
    November 4th, 2009 at 02:22pm
  • btw that was not ment 2 sound desperate...but it accidently did.... 0.0

    shit! it is a full moon 2night!!! i will b mysteriously visisted by jesus 2night who will tell me i am thye chosen one b4 gulging my eyes out with a hammer end......sorry...i am slightly freakish
    November 3rd, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • it is soo hot!!!! i hav it as my wallpaper on my phone(and alice is jelous coz her phone is 2 shit to hav it as her wallpaper which means she cant stare at it all day!) oh yeh, and i always use my exclamation marks 2 much!!!! oops, like just then! i swear my french teacher is a lesbian! she winked at me 3 times! and i was nearly driven to slitting my wrists in french coz stupid sluts behind me were giggling 4 30 minutes str8!!! and also, i was told that a girl who is ment 2 like me, told every1 in her class that i was a bitch with stupid music and weird frends!!!!!!!!!! she can go suck her dad coz she is a lonely twat!! i ramble 2 much.....cya xxx PS if u see me at skl wiv alice dont b embarased to say hi coz i need frends desperately!! i only hav 4!
    November 3rd, 2009 at 07:04pm
  • marylin manson and u like gay guys making out? if yes ask alice 4 the hottedt emo makeout in history!!!!! if not,u may believe i am a freak who goes around lonely and single and watching gay porny stuff becos i am not!!! (u no wot, i think ill keep talkin 2 u coz u sound kl and it duznt matter that ur one of my bestfrends i make sense??? 0.0 xxx
    November 2nd, 2009 at 05:48pm
  • btw...awesome music...well, most of it.... u seem nicer than alice describes u but i spose thats just sisters 4 u! oh and im bragging to everyone about this even if they dont care but im so proud so I MADE A GAY GUY FREND!!!ON MIBBA!!!HE'S AWESOME!!!YAY!!!!!
    October 31st, 2009 at 01:16pm
  • no its fine but ill stop talkin to u coz alice is gettin mad! lol, its funny to watch her scream in pain.....mwahahahaha
    October 31st, 2009 at 12:41pm
  • yeh,its genni and how the fuck do u know that?!
    i dont really want ppl knowing my real name on mibba....
    October 29th, 2009 at 09:46am