HeyThereMr.Brooks / Comments

  • Ah it's okay. I'm still going though. My tickets came in the mail today. But I have to go with my mom. Oh well. It doesn't bother me that much. My friend makes fun of it...but that's only cause he is jealous because he can't go.

    Yeah. I want that channel very badly...I have one more episode to catch up on and then hopefully I will be able to find out when the next one will be on tv.
    October 24th, 2008 at 11:54pm
  • hi! :] i'm lexie. haha yes, Travis is my avatar! NLT is one of my favorite boybands ever. lol. and Travis is my fav out of the group.. hbu?

    zomg I want to see them sooo bad too! they did that Bandemonium Tour but I wasn't able to go. :[
    October 18th, 2008 at 11:25pm
  • Sorry it's taken me so long to reply!
    I've seen YMA6 about 5 times? Maybe it's 6 lmaooo.
    I was meant to be seeing them again today :( but nopeee.
    It's got to the point where Josh knows my name ;)
    The new album is amaaaaazing. Have you heard it?
    October 18th, 2008 at 12:35pm
  • yea.. you could say that.. lol

    nawwwww... that sucks.. which one was it?

    PeAcE aNd LoVe
    October 18th, 2008 at 06:38am
  • Yes! I LOVE that video! It's so amazing! They never stop amazing me.

    Yeah Kevin is cute by V is SEXY! In my view JJ is the cutest. They are all super cute but have you seen JJ?! He looks like an angel! It should be illigal to be so..........heavenly? hahah V always catches my eye before anyone/thing for some reason though. and Travis has the best hair. but yes Kevin is drool worthy.................actully my sister did drool over Kevin. My bed still has a wet stain. hahaha

    I'm not sure. I've read about it on a fan page and a lot of people on another were talking about it but a lot of people havn't heard about it so I don't think its offical or suppose to be realeased just yet. I really hope there is and if not I really hope its NLT going on a 2nd tour.

    Do you know V's real name? Someone siad that if you ask at a concert and talk him into it he'll tell. I'm going to try if I ever do meet them.
    October 17th, 2008 at 12:13pm
  • well. i might have to work until like seven thirty. and it's almost useless to go when it starts at seven and i won't even get there until eight, or eight thirty.
    but hopefully, i won't have to work.
    October 16th, 2008 at 10:18pm
  • Omg me too :DDDD

    September 17th, I remember I ordered it on my birthday xDD

    October 16th, 2008 at 03:15am
  • Yeah but my name's really boring, and I know people with the same name as me. It gets annoying. So that's why I'm going to call my kids interesting names, like Juanita :D

    I think they'd be a hit in the US. If they got the publicity people would love them, but it's the publicity that's the problem. I 'spose people just need to keep like, requesting ymas on radios or emailing magazines telling them to put more ymas in. That shit works if it's done in the masses. I propose a street team!

    Yeah I've seen them live. Four times :crazy: & I'm seeing them again on the 28th and 30th. It's gonna be a hectic few days, 'cause on the 29th we're mant to be going to Yeovil to meet Bring Me The Horizon, but idk if I'll go or not.

    Yesh I own it :con: It's my pride and joy right now. Amazing. Take Off Your Colours (the song on the album) and Always Attact, along with Save It and Jealous Minds, are my favourites right now. I'ma take the artwork to one of the shows & get it signed :D it will be awesome. I might get something else signed, actually. Something I can frame :think:. I like ymas more than Paramore or We The Kings, who I have framed signed pictures of on my wall, so I believe ymas deserve a spot. I'd have to buy a new frame though as I have run out.
    ORDER ITTTTT. You won't be disappointed, I promise ;D (And the fact they're running v. low on money... they had to deny a trip to the states because they couldn't afford it. Plus 2 trips to europe, but they just played Paris w/ FOB so it's all exciting and starting to happen.)

    October 16th, 2008 at 01:50am
  • Tristan and Isolde is a beautiful movie. I mean, it was perfect! I adored it! I knew the ending already so I didn't cry but I thought something along the lines of "Oh, God! This is so sad..."

    They loved each other so much! But I guess Jane did the right thing, anyway. She was a good person in that sense, to prefer his family's wellness over her happiness. I loved Tom. And I think you mean the part when she stares at him through the carriage's window? =[

    You haven't read the book! It's so depressing! Ian McEwan is such a genius at writing... I always cry at the ending scene, when they're fooling around at the beach and it's like, what could've happened if Briony wasn't a bitch.
    October 16th, 2008 at 01:35am
  • Yeah. I'm supposed to go to an ATL concert next month, but my friend can't go and I'm not allowed to go alone.

    That would be pretty sick. I would love it if they toured together. I think it would be one of the best combo's of bands yet.

    nah. we don't get the CW in Canada. I wish we did though...
    October 16th, 2008 at 01:12am
  • hmmmm....I don't have a myspace, so I wouldn't know....
    But my best friend says they don't.

    It was sooooo much fun!!!
    But yeah, the skidding guys were scary.
    October 15th, 2008 at 04:17am
  • Yeah I have, but only once. I want to go again. :)
    Have you seen them?
    October 14th, 2008 at 10:51pm
  • Pffffffffffft.
    I'd even make some guys jealous. :P

    But yeah, he plays the guitar so I guess it's Chris, but the drummer looks good with his bangs down, not in that hat like he has it in some pics. Grrrr. I hate it when guys are hot then they change something really stupid and it makes them less hot. It's like KEEP YOUR NATURAL BEAUTY!
    October 13th, 2008 at 11:03pm
  • Wohoo :crazy: ymas :crazy:
    Hi Juanita. That's a cool name.
    Ymas are amazing, huh? I love them. A lot. Their album is amazing. In Love
    October 13th, 2008 at 07:12pm
  • Nothing much here. Just replying to comments and watching The strangers xD
    October 13th, 2008 at 06:05pm
  • Gahh that'd be SO FREAKIN AMAZING if they came to Warped. :D

    Yuss I did, and it's still not here D:
    October 13th, 2008 at 05:03pm
  • I wish. I can't go to their show, and it's in 3 days. :(
    I'm hoping they have some kind of spring tour so I can ask for tickets on my birthday.

    I know! I love Gossip Girl. But for some reason, it's never on. So I have to watch the episodes on some website.
    But yes. Mondays are the best for TV cause I have so many shows to watch.
    October 13th, 2008 at 04:47pm
  • Yeah. It depends on what sight though. They have blocks on most of the sights. Like Facebook, Myspace, Bebo, Fanfiction.net, a lot of pictures and stuff like that.

    Heartburn is amazing! Have you heard their version of Silent Night? THEY ARE ANGELS! Thats all I have to say about that song. hahaha

    I know! I wish they'd hurry up! I'm dieing here! hahaha. Do you know the dates for the Bandomatium Tour 2 *sp I know*? I really really really hope to see them then.
    October 13th, 2008 at 06:17am
  • awh. thanks. i felt clever coming up with it. haha.
    and yes. i have seen them live quite a few times, plus warped but that really doesn't count. i'm seeing them again next sunday, hopefully if all goes according to plan. but it probably won't.
    October 13th, 2008 at 05:21am
  • James Franco was gorgeous in Tristan & Isolde. I loved that movie. And James, well, I love almost all of James' movies... but I adored Becoming Jane and Atonement more than anything. You?
    October 13th, 2008 at 04:28am