Lol yeah, I get what you mean. My brother, he was a few years older than me, we looked a lot alike, and even though we aren't twins, he was still the opposite of me, and people always said how much I looked like him. Lol.
I said "i have a tiger in my pants" XD<3 And de nada; I enjoy reading messages, especially the long ass entertaining ones :P AND THEY ALREADY DO O.O It's getting to be the end of the school year, so they're all rushing to give us a bunch of assignments/projects and shoving tests down our throats. I still have CBA and MSP to take o;< Fml. And I also have this huge ass orchestra concert coming up with this chick named Bridgette Bibbins? Hmm...Plus I'm going to a big, scary new school next year, and I have to sign up for classes D':
And OMFG O: Are you going to an MCR one???????? :DDDDDDDDDDD That's so cool(: You babysat though, right? o;
Yo tengo un tigre en mis pantalones(:!
LMFAO. I do that, too XDDD Like, I do projects the day before it's due, and I end up staying up until like 4 in the morning doing it when we have like, 8 weeks to do it. xDDDD I have a Washington State History project due June 6th &I am curious what it's going to be like in the next couple of weeks... xD But yes, I'm hyper too D': But at least i have my Mandarin Jasmin Green tea(:
He'safaggot. Why are random Mexican's IMing me on Facebook? And yeah, I changed mine again, because I thought yours looked special so I made mine look special >:D
OMFG I LOVE YOUR PROFILE ! O: AND I LOVE KINGS OF LEON! Oh, and nvm about Francis. xD I miss you, though, we need to talk more :l &I'm okay. What about you?
LMFAO I listen to all kinds of music o:< Oh, and I just went to random people's profile, and at the bottom it says shit like, "This layout was made by blah blah blah." I clicked on it, it took me to this website where this person does profiles, you pick the one you like (there's usually a selection of them) and you copy the code in the little boxy things here :P
Oh, it's cool :) Aww, you're sick??? Get better!!! :O ! <3 Yes, I started school again :) It's good, except my homeroom teacher, Ms. Cowley, acts like a cow to everyone -_- She's not very nice... How are you? :D