Gabe Says! / Comments

  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    me too! Plus my birthday is not too far off. When do you get out for summer break?
    March 29th, 2011 at 02:00am
  • hearthebells

    hearthebells (100)

    United States
    Next time we hang out you need to help me decorate my profile because I have NO CLUE what I'm doing. xD
    March 28th, 2011 at 10:30pm
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    Awesome! My boyfriend and I went to go see Battle:L.A. It was awesome!
    March 25th, 2011 at 02:10am
  • hearthebells

    hearthebells (100)

    United States
    Guess who's back? :)
    Well. I never even started in the first place. But who cares!
    March 25th, 2011 at 01:15am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    It's okay. (: there's really nothing to do without you on here. I would just sign on, check to see if you replied, then sign off. |: quite boring, if you ask me.
    Oooh those books sound loverly, love. <3 I'll have to check them out ASAP. It's all right to be a dork, I quite like it. :3
    Ehh, I wouldn't really call it a love pentagon. Normally, those involve being interested in more than one person all at once. But I don't like Hiram, Will, Andrew, or Allen. So it's whatevs. :P hahaha I sound like such a slut... but I'm really not! I promise! D: I've only ever kissed guys anyway. Nothing else.
    I haven't heard of that movie...what was it about? (:
    I LOVE CHEESECAKE OH MY. I'm never seen any of the Jackass movies, though. Sounds like you had a good time at her party, though. :D
    I know what you mean. My musical tastes change constantly. It all really depends on what I'm going through, the weather, and my environment.
    I've never actually used chatroulette. I know my friend met Justin Bieber on there once though. And it was like thirty minutes after I had left the room. So if I had stayed, I could've met Justin Bieber. Sorta. :P
    Speaking of meeting celebrities, have you met any? I've met two and they were both by complete accident. I met Moises Arias in a mall in Atlanta (where he proceeded to touch my ass during the picture we took together *shivers*) and I met Justin Timberlake when I was in NYC. We were just walking down a street in Manhattan and saw this massive crowd of people surrounding one person. The five of us couldn't get around it so we had to go through it. I actually bumped into him and I turned around and was like “sorry, bro” and he was like, “it's fine, pretty girl”. It dawned on me who it was and was like “OMG YOU'RE JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE” and he goes “yeah, I guess I am. Nice to meet ya.” :D
    Oh, and btdubs, you're gorgeous. Whoever called you ugly is mentally retarded.
    I totally understand what you mean about being the person that people only really talk to in school. I mean, sure I see them after school hours (considering we all live in the same vicinity) but it's just a passing wave or small talk. I really only hang out with a few select persons. :3
    And, also, I would be considered a loser to them too. No worries. I don't party, have sex, or any of that stuff. (:
    Why doesn't Giovanni talk to you? /:
    If you have talked to me about him/her, I don't remember. ):
    Awwh, I'm sorry. Do you wanna talk to me about your past issues?
    PLEASE WRITE BACK SOONER. <3 I love you too, sugar.

    Oh, and guess what? My laptop crashed. Completely. The blue screen of death took over.
    All my papers, my writing, my pictures, my music. Gone.
    It's going to take months to get it back.
    And that's not even the worst part of it. I had to use the credit card to go into town and buy a laptop. That money could've gone to something important. Like, oh, I don't know...clothes? Food? But no. I had to spend 500 dollars on a laptop. Boo. |:<
    March 24th, 2011 at 03:38am
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    (: I agree. Nothing much. How about you?
    March 24th, 2011 at 02:49am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    Oh, and btdubs, Darren Criss makes me want to sin. That is all.
    And you're gorgeous.
    Now that is all.
    <3 <3 <3
    March 13th, 2011 at 12:43am
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States I wish. Maynbe go hang out with my boyfriend,I hope!
    March 13th, 2011 at 12:35am
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    haha. School work, but I'm off for spring break now. Whoop whoop.
    March 13th, 2011 at 12:14am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    Salutations, sweetums. (:
    Yeah, Grant's in town this week but there's no way I can see him. ): it makes me sad.
    Hahaha thanks. Our chorus is pretty good, really. We went to a competition open to people all over the east coast and came in second with a Superior rating. :D
    I promise I'll look it up the moment I have a chance to actually breathe. Things are crazy hectic here. And it's only a little taste of my Junior year. Fffffuuuuu.
    Dress codes really suck. Slowly, they're allowing us to bend a few rules but they won't budge on dress code. It's awful.
    Ohhh yeah that's what I was thinking! Dear goodness, I would die if I ever was in a family like the Duggars. No joke. I couldn't handle any part of it.
    I'm glad. (: I'm also happy that things are going somewhat better. He sounds like an absolute doll. I really wish someone would compliment me the way he does you. It seems like your anniversary went swimmingly. :3 Yay for happiness!
    I love faeries and creatures and fantasy books! Ohmahgawd. Narnia = <3 So I understand what you mean by adoring things like that. I have the entire collection of Narnia in one book, and it's leatherbound with golden pages. It's my favorite. <3 Here's a link to what it looks like: ( )
    Anyway, yeah. I saw Wicked with Hiram. I actually went to NYC with him and his brother and my best friend. My best friend's mom went too. The five of us wanted to go to a Broadway show and we were purchasing tickets like two months ahead of time so we could get good seats. They all wanted to see Phantom of the Opera and Hiram and I wanted to see Wicked. So we bought separate tickets and that was that. It was fun 'cause we felt so grown up, riding in a cab through Times Square while wearing expensive clothes. I remember it really well, actually. I wore a tight, black dress with a sweetheart neck line and it fell a few inches down my thigh. I also wore gorgeous high heels and my hair was curled. He wore black slacks and a button down. He smelled heavenly. I remember him opening every door for me and his hand on the small of my back. He put his hand on my knee during the play and kissed my neck and behind my ear (I practically MELTED). After the musical, we went to a small Italian restaurant called Patsy's and ate Pinkberry for dessert. He kissed me a good three or four times that night. Dear God, there are times I wish I could replay that night over and over again. No one has ever shown me that much affection or made me feel that good. But he just...he was lying. And it makes me sick.
    Anyway, yeah. Allen isn't talking to me and he and Olivia are officially over. I feel like shit. And Andrew is mad at me for not going out with him tonight because he would be lying to Kara. I felt worse about him lying than he did. I feel like shit (times two).
    You have no idea how good being bored sounds right now.
    I love you, puddin'tang.
    March 12th, 2011 at 10:27pm
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    Well, I just posted Ch. 1, 2, and 3. Check it for yourself!
    March 12th, 2011 at 03:42am
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    Nothing much... trying to see if I can finish a story...^-^
    March 12th, 2011 at 02:03am
  • Angel of Wolves

    Angel of Wolves (100)

    United States
    Thank you! Haha. Nice name.
    March 10th, 2011 at 04:27am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    Hi there.
    Beautiful Kaelyn is beautiful. :D <3
    I love love love chamber singers. (: our conductor is wonderful and she's an incredible teacher. We luuuuurve her.
    Grant and I text daily. Since the beginning of our friendship (January '10), we've sent each other nearly 16,300 texts. His fancy cellular device keeps count of our conversations. :D Soooo yeah we keep in touch. :3
    Awwwh I'm sorry. ): Seasons of Love is beautiful. We have power house voices in our class so all ten of us each got a "diva" solo. The house was brought down. :P
    I've never heard of Blood+. This could be due to my lack of television, though. /: I'd love to watch it... is there a way I could without TV?
    Yeah boarding school isn't really suitable for everyone... all of us here have somewhat similar backgrounds and it makes it easier for us to deal with missing home. Not many people can afford our school so the ones who can "stick together" I suppose. It's hard to explain. Or maybe I'm just being a failboat today. Idk. :P
    The dress code is pretty strict. In the classroom, male students have to wear slacks/khakis and a polo or button up tucked in. Female students have to wear a dress, skirt, or dress pants with a "dressy" top (only twice a week during warm seasons and we can wear it whenever during cold seasons). Outside the classroom but on campus, we have to abide by any other school system dress code. You know, no hemlines past your fingertips, sleeves must be three fingers width, so on and so forth. In the town, we have to wear our in-classroom attire (no one follows this rule because it was created for a stupid reason and we all know it).
    Ahahaah xD yeah I laugh at random stuff like that all the time.
    I loooove those stickers though. <3 I've always thought what the Dugar family's would be like if they had them.
    Whoa, a year is a hell of a long time. Congrats. (:
    I'm sorry dear. ): you can't force yourself to feel a certain way. Maybe you should talk to him about the way you're feeling... explain to him your jealousy/trust issues and maybe he'll help you.
    I'm listening to Mumford & Sons, it's raining, I'm sitting in the common room with Abby while watching the fire in the fireplace and "writing a term paper". I think you're lovely. And hott. ;D I bet the dress looks spectacular, sugar.
    I'm reading again too. (: Currently, I'm reading Wicked. Yeah, like the musical but in its original book form. I feel bad because normally I read the book then see the movie (or musical in this case) but I'm reading it after I see it. I saw it on Broadway with Hiram in August (long story).
    What are you reading, deary?
    See, Allen goes to Christ School, the all-boy boarding school that's ten minutes away from my school. Olivia goes to public school also in my school's town. Allen told Olivia that it happened and guess what she did? SHE FORGAVE HIM. O.O I was like...really? Are you that desperate?
    But apparently she had sex with someone else while she and Allen were dating so he pulled out the "you cheated on me first" card. It's pretty intense.
    But sense that episode, they've began to tumble downhill. They're fighting over little things lately. I don't think it'll last too much longer.
    Allen and I were pretty good friends and we have been for a little over a year now. We vowed to act like it never happened. (: I'm just glad I didn't lose his friendship.

    March 6th, 2011 at 01:08am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    Ayyye sexii thang. ;D
    Yeah chamber singers is the audition chorus. It's soo much fun. (: I met Grant last year in this class but he's all up and graduated. I miss him way too much. Especially since I'm reminded of him daily in that class. /:
    Phantom is gorgeous. (: I absolutely loved it. Rent is good too. We watched it in chambers (I'm surprised they allowed it, actually. But I don't think we asked if we could watch it...we just did) since we were singing Seasons of Love for a concert.
    Quick question, what's your avatar? Random, I know, but I've been wondering for weeks now. :P
    Boarding school is great and all but you get *really* homesick. You start to miss things you didn't even think you would, like food from a really crappy diner or the town pumpkin festival or the way your house smells.
    But then again, the freedom is incredible. The town my school in is gorgeous and we're allowed to visit it between 4 and 7 on weekdays and all weekend, you just have to check in and out.
    The rules are weird. They're both strict and lenient at the same time.
    The school is picky about dress code but doesn't care about where you go (what you do there is a different story).
    But yeah, fire hazards are ridic. :P hahah god I rant so much.... sorry.
    It's okay. I'm just glad things didn't work out in the beginning. It would've been worse had it been a few months into the relationship.
    We told Andrew we were going to see a certain movie on Saturday, but not the time or where. He just...showed up. No one asked him to. He claimed it was coincidence. Idk.
    I understand about the whole Giovanni incident. He makes you feel important, I guess. And here you have Morgan, a guy that you really care about but...he isn't all there. I'm really sorry. ): Giovanni seems to be angry because Morgan means so much to you, so he'll poke at you for that and he'll probably try to make you second-guess yourself..
    I'm sorry, sugar. Just hang in there. It'll be okay. (:

    I've begun to take a new look at everything. Whereas I used to care about drama and pointless things, I'm just being mellow. I'm gonna let things happen and chill. Yeahhhhh, bruh. <3

    Anyway, I love you. I miss you. You're beautiful. It's freezing here. I like my new ringtone. I kissed someone this weekend out of my loneliness and anger at William and Andrew. This person has a bitch of a girlfriend but I don't care. I just wanted to feel important. And damn, it was a good kiss.
    ^^^ All above facts are true.
    March 3rd, 2011 at 11:45pm

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    Sorry about exploding on you with all my rants. Especially the one about Hiram (the dick). I just needed to vent... I probably won't tell my friends about our little encounter and I just... I dunno.
    Love you! <3
    February 25th, 2011 at 04:17am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    It's 10 PM and I've just returned to my dorm from a 5 hour chamber singers practice. I'm ready to explode. All of our pieces are long, difficult, and boring.
    Aww I'm happy things are going well for you. :D you deserve it, lovely.
    Sorry about your parents. ): one of the perks of boarding school is no stress about living so closely with your parents. I feel suffocated on the off chance I am home, so I can't imagine living with them constantly. My apologies, dear. /:
    I love moving my dorm furniture around. (: the DA gets mad, but she doesn't do anything about it. She'll just tell us it was pointless to move it and that it's "a fire hazard". Pssh, whatever.
    Ahh. William. Our date was a total flop. Not doing it again. We sat down, the previews for the movie began, and guess who comes to sit RIGHT beside me? Andrew. And Kara (his girlfriend). FML.
    But that's not the only reason...he just isn't right for me.
    My voice is dying. And the performance isn't until tomorrow. Christ School and Salem Academy are coming here and we're all gonna practice from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. The performance is at 7. Thank god. |:< I couldn't stand another week of this.
    I've realized that the more dramatic things get, the less I care.
    Like today. After practice, a (very attractive) guy I absolutely hate (he's been a dick to me in the past...and he's arrogant as hell) came up to me and asked if I wanted to get dinner with him. I'm not really popular in school and he is at the top of the totem pole. I was like "wtf? no, you freak" and he was like "Alston. I'm really sorry about all the things that I've done. Please let me make it up to you."
    You have no idea how difficult it was to say no to a person as attractive, funny, and intelligent as he. Then I remembered that he was a dick and said no. He followed me all the way back to the dorm.
    I'm kinda proud of myself. (:
    GROWL. I keep talking about myself. I'M SO SORRY.
    What's up with you, sugar?
    February 25th, 2011 at 04:11am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    He was like "hey, what are you doing this weekend?" and proceeded to ask me out. Hahaha yeah, that's it. Romantic, eh? (:
    February 19th, 2011 at 12:21am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    February 11th, 2011 at 03:15am

    TARDIS. (100)

    United States
    Hahah's different because he's one of the oldest in his class (fifth form) and I'm one of the youngest in my class (fourth form). Right now, he's 17 and I'm 15.
    ANYWAYZ. Giovanni sounds lovely. (: I sorta have a person like that in my life. His name is Grant. I think I talked about him once before... But yeah, I bet he's fantastical. :D
    I'm glad things with Morgan are getting better. I TOLD YOU THEY WOULD. <3
    Erm. Things are weird concerning the thing I'm about to say. I used to have a huge huge crush on Andrew. We almost dated, actually, but that was fourth form (he was a fifth form). Anyway, this chick named Kara said that she'd do something drastic if he didn't date her instead of me so he had to choose between us. He chose Kara. Things were odd because Kara's a possessive psychopath and wouldn't allow Andrew to talk to me for six months. We finally started talking again and now Andrew's acting oddly whenever I bring up the subject of Will and I. Kacie thinks Andrew still likes me. I don't know. He's super sweet and calls me "darlin" and sends me goodnight/good morning texts. But I like William so much... He's incredible. And different. Andrew just complicates things for me. And has impeccably awful timing.
    Life's a trip.
    I LOVE SHOPPING. It always makes me feel better too, so I know what you mean. (: on rare occasion, I hate it because it makes me feel fat. But summer shopping is without a doubt perfect. I've already started to browse. :3
    I have three tests tomorrow that desperately require studying and a chamber singers concert to practice for in 10 minutes.
    Sorry it's so long. I needed a venting session.
    I love you, dear. <3 sorry I talk about myself so much.
    February 9th, 2011 at 12:24am