pixiesticks650 / Comments

  • ...
    The classic can't hurt, right?
    THANK YOU OH SO MUCH FOR YOUR COMMENT ON What We Left Unsaid! And, sorry about the caps. (:

    But no, really; your comments always bring a smile to my face, and this time it was no exception. I can honestly tell you I can't wait to find out myself just how much destruction will occur because of Ava's first heat. I'm sure that'll be an entertaining as hell chapter, though! xD

    As always, the update is coming in a bit!
    May 7th, 2013 at 04:48am
  • Once again, thank you so very much for your lovely comment on What We Left Unsaid. <---- I feel like a broken record saying the same thing over and over again in thanks, but I really can't figure out a way to express just how thankful I really am for all of your comments. They truly do brighten my day.

    Your point about Brian needing to be looking for a mate as well was right on point -- perhaps he should have pointed that out himself. xD I'll say you're pretty much right on track with Ava's train of thought on her decision making process, but just remember that none of the characters are completely open about any of their intentions/motivations. And come on, love; you think Zacky won't retaliate? I wouldn't take that bet. xD

    Anyways, new chapter coming in just a little bit!
    May 1st, 2013 at 05:42am
  • Hey, love! Just me here once again to say thank you for commenting on What We Left Unsaid, like always! And to apologize for taking forever to thank you, and to post another update... but you're probably used to it by now.

    I'm glad your bloodlust isn't quite assuaged yet; someone needs to be rooting for him to get his ass kicked. xD Here's the guys' reactions for you, though! Just posted them in an update. (:
    April 27th, 2013 at 05:11am
  • Once again, thank you for commenting on my story, What We Left Unsaid! And, don't worry, I won't apologize for anything. xD

    Hopefully the chapter I'm just about to post will satisfy your bloodlust for Zacky, but if not, I promise he has not heard the last of it from any of the guys. (:

    Thank you for posting again, love. It really does mean the world. (:
    December 26th, 2012 at 10:58pm
  • Thank you again for the lovely comment you left on What We Left Unsaid, love! I know I'm super late on issuing this response, but hopefully you won't hate me too much for it? Life got a bit in the way, but I do have the next chapter ready and it will be posted as soon as I finish responding to all of the people that I left hanging. xD Keep on the look out. (:

    But seriously, thank you oh so much for leaving the lovely comment that you did! I know everyone was probably disappointed with how easily Zacky got off, but I promise you he still has a whole lot more coming for him, don't you worry! And I know, I feel bad for Brian as well. ):

    Thanks again, love!
    December 16th, 2012 at 04:20am
  • Most places a sight like that would seem a bit... odd. I'm not going to comment too much on that duo right now, your comment just made me remember that I meant to throw something in the chapter about how that was something you find a lot down there. Well, the women making baskets I mean. It's part of the Gullah culture (which was heavily prominent in Charleston's African American group I believe, don't quote me exactly on that I may be wrong. But there are heavy traces of Gullah down there). Anyways, you'll see a lot of women weaving these really fantastic baskets and little trinkets and such down around the market, various places across downtown, and even near some tourist sites. They're always really beautiful, it's a skill I think they pass down from generation to generation. Maggie's unfamiliar with it since she comes from the North, but since Cal lives there he's had more practice with it and just overlooks it. She was going to get an explanation from him about it but then I got sidetracked and dropped the James phone call. Oh well, I'll include an explanation for that stuff in a later chapter. But the woman and her child shall remain uncommented on. :)
    December 11th, 2012 at 05:53am
  • I just want to start by saying that your comment on What We Left Unsaid has literally made my night! Thank you so much for not just posting a comment, but actually commenting on what your reaction to the story is. Both your and SevenfoldGirl_'s commenting has inspired me with a bit of an idea for something a few chapters down the line, so, seriously: thank you! And I'm glad that you tuned in to the... irony?... of Ava asking Zacky to be mates, rather than choosing an alternative. All of that will eventually be explained, I think... I haven't gotten that far in the writing. xD But yeah, once again: Thank you so very much for commenting!
    October 26th, 2012 at 07:12am
  • Thank you for the comment. :) The whole Jimmy dying thing upsets me too. I was in denial for the longest, and I still manage to cry when I either listen to the Nightmare album or just get reminded of his death. But the fact that you said everything was realistic made me smile because I'm just kind of trying to make it that way since I've never been through it either, or what Brian's going through. So thank you again. :)
    October 8th, 2012 at 07:16pm
  • Sorry it took me forever to respond to your last story comment! I still dont have internet and my phone wont give me access to my stories. Hopefully i can get some updates and edits in asap. Miss you!
    August 15th, 2012 at 03:44am
  • as you know, breaking the rules of bat county is over. i went through all of the comments today, just re-reading the compliments & the opinions & everything everyone had to say about my story. i just wanted to take the time to say thank you for every comment you have ever posted. & hopefully you stick with me through breaking the pact of bat country. :)
    July 30th, 2012 at 04:27am
  • Had to stop in and say a special thank-you for the comment on "Road to Discovery." It made me smile. And I have a couple more anecdotes about Lynam after this weekend. Haha! :-)
    July 22nd, 2012 at 10:19am
  • She does. Unfortunately a bit of the fringe passed to all of Ruby’s children. :D
    June 13th, 2012 at 07:10am
  • Thank you for the comment on "The Road to Discovery." I'm glad you're enjoying it, and I'm glad you gave Lynam a chance (and liked them). ^__^
    June 6th, 2012 at 07:09am
  • Your comment made my day! I didn't realize my story was at all that touching. Thank you so much!
    May 7th, 2012 at 08:55pm
  • Oooh, theory? I'd love to hear it!! Send me a message if you'd like. I'm curious
    May 3rd, 2012 at 09:51pm
  • thank you for commenting on BTR. i probably will make it into 2 separate chapters. it's leading to other things. i mean, i can leave it out and still go with my original plans. but everyone seems to want me to include it, haha.
    April 23rd, 2012 at 09:54pm
  • Yeah, I'm pissed the site went down before I got the chance to read the comments! I hope you remember your other one! I'll have another chapter up later!
    April 17th, 2012 at 01:42am
  • your comment just made me smile so big! brian and zack are pissing me off, too, but it's got to happen. don't worry. their time will come. :)
    March 30th, 2012 at 09:28am
  • Your dedication to Annabel, Alex, the story, and my writing is amazing! I love you for taking the time and rereading. And thank you for understanding. I really hope I can get out of this funk I've been in and get to writing again.
    March 30th, 2012 at 06:59am
  • Yep. Felix’s dad was pretty much a dick. I kind of have a hard time writing him as a nice character in that story since I know he’s going to leave them. But at least when he’s older he tries to make amends with Felix. :/ But yay baby Ruby, Felix and Quinn!
    March 15th, 2012 at 06:20pm