I'm good, just saw Coraline in 3-D a few days ago. It was really cute!! *grins* I'll have to check out some of the anime you told me about, I always love finding new shows to watch. So you've been having lots of snow? I never get to see snow in FL. I would love to have a bit of snow so I can have a snowball fight with my mates. I hope the snow storms aren't too bad on you. How are ya?
The picture right above your comments kinda scares me though.
Sadly, my favorite pairing is Near and Matt, which no one writes about...
Ah well *goes back to playing MelloxNear doujinshi*
Lol, I know how you feel. My friends got mad at me for my theories on Raito's stupidity though >.> No one seems to understand he put himself in a lose-lose situation.