LongLive;; / Comments

  • saintwithoutacause

    saintwithoutacause (100)

    United States
    thanks so much for the comment, i'm glad you like it so far and i hope you keep reading :)
    June 27th, 2011 at 06:47am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XD I know a to of people that are constantly on fb, so I can see how it could be distracting. Yeah, music distracts me even worse than the tv, unless it's an incredibly mellow song on repeat or something. I get too involved in the music to focus on whatever I'm writing XD

    Oh gosh, that sounds awful. I'm glad you didn't have to deal with it.

    Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes you just get too busy to do that sort of thing. I like laying out because it's the only time I get to really relax and do nothing, because there isn't much you can do while you're tanning.It's a nice chance for me to gather myself XD

    That sounds nice. I'd take ice cream over tv any day XD

    My day was pretty chill. I've been writing pretty much all day, so I feel super productive for once.
    June 27th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I actually don't get on Facebook that much anymore. I think I only check it around once a day XD Mibba and tv are my two biggest distractions. I can't really focus unless I have something to tune out, so I like to have the tv on for noise, but I tend to end up actually watching the show instead of writing. I've gotten in the habit of just having a DVD on over and over instead, and that works better.

    Yeah, I know what you mean XD

    Ugh, that sounds gross.I hate construction work on the road, especially when it involves sudden lane changes Facepalm I've been trying to keep my tanning up, though I didn't lay out today because I've been working on oneshots. I've pretty proud of all the writing I've gotten done today =3

    So how's your day been?
    June 27th, 2011 at 02:02am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    oh, i'm excited. that sounds (...i see what you mean) bad.
    it's just that the excitement has yet to kick in. like, i've been feeling a little hyped up, but it just feels like we're going to the park to hang out and play ultimate frisbee or something normal. but thank you (:

    and that's incredibly cool! i don't have an older brother to do that kind of nutty stuff with, and only a handful (or two) of my friends drive, so it's a rare occurrence anyway. but the bubbly feeling is so... indescribable, i guess. it just makes me happy- the trumpets, the crazy lyrics, everything :>
    June 26th, 2011 at 07:41am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    anytime, seƱorita! i can't wait until the next update! but i won't comment until, like, next weekend because i'm going on a road trip /:

    and yes! ska music is so great! i love all of it and the bubbly feeling it gives me (: a lot of my friends actually like ska, so i never have that problem.
    June 26th, 2011 at 07:14am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XD Nope, you aren't.

    Thanks, I definitely need all the luck I can get XD I can usually get more writing done over the weekend because my mom's home, and she usually hogs the tv when she's home, so I don't have that to distract me XD

    Dang, that's insane. My family's pretty small, my mom only has the one brother, and she had a sister that died when she was fifteen, and then I only have the one brother. My dad's not in the picture, so I don't have anything to do with his family XD My grandpa had like, thirteen brothers and sisters though, but that was waaay back in the day when people had a ton of kids. But that sounds really fun.

    Yesterday, I went out for lunch with a friend, then did some shopping. Today, I just pretty much laid out all day to work on my tan =3
    June 24th, 2011 at 09:25pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    I'm in the same boat, so don't feel bad XD

    XD XD Sleep always wins for me. I'll probably get some writing done this weekend, at least I hope so XD

    Oh gosh, I know what you mean. XD at least you get it down.

    So what have you been up to?
    June 24th, 2011 at 09:06pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XD I've only been driving for a couple years, but I'm still not very good with directions.

    I wish I could stay up, like, all day without getting tired, but I'm a huge napper XD

    Oh gosh, I know what you mean by too much caffeine. I'm the same way, I get most of my ideas right before I go to bed, but if I like, get up and get on my laptop to write or whatever, it won't end up going anywhere because my eyes are too tired to focus.
    June 24th, 2011 at 04:21am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yeah XD I get confused driving downtown in the city I live next to because all of the streets sort of look the same and go around in circles. It's confusing XD So I just avoid that area all together.

    Surprisingly, I'm more of a morning person than a night person, but I know what you mean. My sleep schedule gets so whacked over the summer. I try to wake up every morning around seven, but most of the time I just get up, eat breakfast, watch some tv and fall back asleep like, an hour later XD

    Yeah, I was like, in the zone a few days ago and writing pretty consistently, but I guess I just needed a break from it for a few days.
    June 23rd, 2011 at 10:31pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yup yup. Same here, I normally don't have to drive anywhere I don't know. Just to school, the store, that sort of thing XD Haha, I get killer road rage because stupid drivers frustrate the hell out of me.

    I get like, motivation in spurts. I guess I'm mostly just lazy XD I love going to the gym, it's just the crawling out of bed, getting dressed part that kills me XD I'd rather laze around in my pjs all day.

    XD I've been staring, but I haven't really gotten anything done =/ I usually get up pretty early, watch tv and eat breakfast, then fall back asleep, which is basically getting nothing done XD
    June 23rd, 2011 at 02:38am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    It's just one huge headache. I had to drive the entire time we were on vacation, and the three-hour drive down there wasn't so bad, just driving around to restaurants and things was frustrating.

    Sounds fun. I know what you mean, I'm so out of shape. I've been trying to go to the gym consistently, but it's so hard to drag myself out of bed early enough XD

    Nothing much, just been hanging around the house, trying to get some writing done and watching some tv.
    June 22nd, 2011 at 10:48pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yeah, same here. I hate driving in bigger cities. It's a nightmare Facepalm

    Yeah, I guess so. Thanks. Actually, the dentist wasn't so bad. I do have a couple cavities, so I have to go back, but it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. That being said, I am glad that it's over and done with XD

    So what have you been up to?
    June 22nd, 2011 at 12:05am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yeah, I live in a small town myself, but luckily it's only twenty minutes away from everything basically. We used to have two dollar theaters, but one closed down cuz it was all ghetto and nasty.

    Aw, thanks. Me too, and like my mom was pestering me all day thinking I was worried about something so I couldn't get to sleep. No, I just couldn't get to sleep XD Yup, I'm not really looking forward to it because my gums always get sore and bleed everywhere when they clean my teeth, ugh.
    June 20th, 2011 at 04:01am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    That sucks. Mine's like, on the other side of town, so I only go there occasionally =/

    That's good =D I stayed up until like, 3 am this morning working on a oneshot, then after that, I couldn't get to sleep until 6, so i've pretty much felt like shit all day. ANd i have to go to the dentist tomorrow, which is also sucky =(
    June 20th, 2011 at 01:10am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    That sounds fun. I personally like to see movies when they're in the dollar theater, even though they only play movies that like, came out the month before and other theaters aren't playing, just because it's cheap and it's rarely crowded.

    So how did it go? I had so much trouble getting to sleep last night that it was crazy. I thought about writing because I was in that mood, but my eyes were too tired to focus on the screen Facepalm
    June 19th, 2011 at 12:05am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yeah, the other night it stormed really badly here, and the satellite went out and the power flickered off for a second, but it came back on, thankfully.

    Yup yup, gotta have my sleep XD

    That sounds fun. What movie did you go see?

    Nothing much, just trying to get a oneshot finished. Nothing too exciting XD
    June 18th, 2011 at 03:33am
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    XD XD There isn't much else to do in my small town, so I can't say that I blame him. My mom doesn't really drink often, so I don't really remember how she is drunk. My brother is just extremely loud and obnoxious to begin with, so the alcohol sort of intensifies that. I'm sort of the same way, when I drink, I don't get mad or like, trippy, I'm just an amplified version of how I usually am XD I am too. Like, a few weeks ago, the power was out the entire day and I was home alone and went a little crazy because I had nothing to do XD It's sad how dependent we are on technology.

    Yeah, that's a good idea, but I don't think it would work for me 'cuz then I'd never be able to get to sleep XD So what are you up to?
    June 17th, 2011 at 08:32pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Oh gosh, I know what you mean. My older brother drinks waaaay too much and gets so obnoxious when he's drunk XD XD XD We don't get many tornado warnings, we mostly just get the ones for severe thunderstorms and hail. We actually got one of those tonight, but it wasn't so bad. My power or satellite didn't go out this time XD

    Yeah, me too. Like, the thing is that I generally write most of my stories in my head the night before in that time while I'm trying to fall asleep, but I wake up the next morning and forget all that I had planned out Facepalm I get what you mean, I get lonely sometimes being home by myself all the time, but I'm generally really busy to begin with, so I don't notice it as much.
    June 16th, 2011 at 05:05am
  • drivingbackwards

    drivingbackwards (100)

    United States
    hey! it was noooo problem at all, trust me (:
    i totally love your stuff. honestly, it's super great & i'm glad to have made you laugh! i hope you keep writing! sometimes, super awesome writers just stop altogether and never write again and that totally sucks because they're not using the amazing talent they have.
    soooo yeah (: you're welcome!!
    June 15th, 2011 at 07:03pm
  • bellamy blake

    bellamy blake (3280)

    Class of 2015
    United States
    Yep XD

    That's good. I think we only have a pring fling festival thing in the city I live in, then a fall festival in October in the small town I live in. We don't have any summer things XD Oh gosh, at least nothing bad happened. I guess people jump at the chance for something to do.

    Yeah, I haven't really written anything worth anything since I've gotten out of school. I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing everyday while I still have the time to.It usually only takes me a couple hours to write something when I'm really focused and have it like, already written out in my head, but sometimes it takes all day to write a short oneshot because I get so distracted XD That's nice. It's just me and my mom here, and she's gone at work all day, so I have the house to myself.
    June 14th, 2011 at 03:02am